Kirsten & Steve Vaughan


Kirsten & Steve Vaughan

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Bernkastel-Kues March 16th 2024

Driving in the Rain.... We’re Driving in the Rain...... March 16 ,17 & 18, 2024 We wake up to the rooster crowing, well that’s what Kirsten says. I had my ears out, LOL. I roll out of bed and stumble into the shower; I hear Kirsten say hurry up I have today’s agenda planned. WHAT! I thought we were going to lay around and rest today? We were until the sun came out, now I have things for us to do. So, hurry up, breakfast is ready. I’m showered and dressed, eating my breakfast as Kirsten tells me about our day. First, were going to Brauhaus Kloster Machern. Where there is a museum that has Tour de France bicycle exhibit. OK, you’ve got my attention. Second, we’re going to the village Cochem wher... read more

Driving, Riding eBikes & Driving Some More March 13, 14 & 15, 2024 After a great breakfast, we’re checking out of Oberstdorf and beginning our journey towards home. Well, it’s not over yet. However, we’re beginning our trip back towards Frankfurt. So, we make a picnic lunch from all the stuff we haven’t eaten for breakfast and unless we find something better, we’ll eat our picnic lunch. Also, it a good day to be heading toward Frankfurt, it’s raining and will be raining for the next two days. We set our Google Map to Karlsruhe, and off we go. Along the way, I’m surfing the internet for attractions. I find this Kloster that was formed by the St Francis order. You know the guys that wear the cool brown robes with a hood and sandals. I’ve ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Oberstdorf March 11th 2024

Gondolas, Rodelbahns and Ski Bikes March 11 & 12, 2024 We both woke up looking at each other, what time is it. We both slept hard after yesterday. Kirsten fixes breakfast while I’m checking emails and texts we received over night. With today’s technology you can run, but you can’t hide. After breakfast, Kirsten has picked out two mountains with Gondolas we can ride and walk to restaurants. My eyes get as big as silver dollars, and she says it’s ok, it won’t be like yesterday... I promise. So, we’re heading back to the mountain pass, and we drive up this narrow road; up and up we go. Finally, we get to the restaurant, and it’s closed. We get out, walk around and I slip and almost fall on the ice. I bounced like a rubber ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Oberstdorf March 9th 2024

Heading East to Oberstdorf..... March 9 & 10, 2024 Last night we went to bed not knowing where tomorrow would lead us. As we sat and ate our breakfast, we discussed where do we go, France, Switzerland, Austria or Italy. We checked the Weather and MyRadar apps to see if we could predict where the rain was heading. We decided to head east toward Oberstdorf. this is in the bottom of Germany between Zurich and Innsbruck. This means, we must cut through Switzerland and Austria, along the southern end of the Bodensee. While we finished eating breakfast, Kirsten found us a Gast Haus in Obermaiselstein. Can you say that three times...? Ok, the car is loaded and us Gypsies are on the road. As I’m scouring over Google maps, I find this place called Rhein Falls. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Bodenseekreis March 7th 2024

Cruising around the Bodensee...... March 7 & 8, 2024 Kirsten is up before me, as always. She come in the room making noise to no avail. Finally, she gives me a shove and I come out of bed like something just grabbed me. WHAT!!!!!! Good morning my love, I made you a German breakfast, as she hurries back into the kitchen. I get up and dress, head into the kitchen and yes, awaiting me is the perfect breakfast, rolls, cheese, meats, and soft-boiled eggs. After filling my face, we are out the door heading toward the Bodensee, big lake, where the Rhine River begins. That’s what the WiKi says. Did I mention it’s raining.... Our first stop is Insel Mainau. A botanical island located on the Bodensee, imagine Bok Tower being an island. Kirsten parks and ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Black Forest March 6th 2024

I Do, I Will, Forever....... March 6, 2024 Well, I know where I was on March 6, 2004, and after a few more lines you will too.... I woke up to Kirsten squealing as she is looking out the window... “IT’S SNOWING ...WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!” After a great night sleep, I rollout out of bed and looked out the window, yes, it’s snowing but it’s not sticking to the ground YET! After showering and dressing we head downstairs for our first German breakfast, as always it was fantastic. Yes, we made our lunch sandwiches and grabbed some fruit for lunch. We planned our day while eating breakfast. First were going to Ravenna gorge. Second, we visit RotHaus brewery. Third, we visit St Blasien cathedral. Then we will arrive at our Air BnB Kirsten rented for ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt March 5th 2024

Touchdown in Frankfurt March 5, 2024 Kirsten and I scanned all the European flights leaving JFK and the best option was Frankfurt. So, as I’m finishing my second glass of Rioja, I’ll type out a few lines. I watched a great romcom, “She Came to Me” while eating dinner. I read a few chapters in my new book “The 3 Body Problem”. Now I’m going to put this seat into sleep mode and try to get some sleep. Kirsten is already out and I’m going to be asleep soon. Wake up Mr. Vaughan, woah... that was a rough flight and I only got about 2 hrs of sleep. I felt like we were riding on brick roads in downtown Orlando. Kirsten slept like a baby. We had breakfast and as they were taking away my tray, ... read more
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North America » United States » New York » New York March 4th 2024

Traveling like Gypsies March 4, 2024 For the last 120 days Kirsten and I have remodeled 4 bathrooms along with one complete house. Yes, we had help from Luis and Antonio. So now that everything is back on autopilot, we are going on Wacation. This trip is going to be slightly different, yes, we’re going to Europe. However, we bought tickets to New York (JFK). As you know, we travel using Bea’s buddy passes, and as always, we only get on if there is an empty seat. Yikes! So, this time we really don’t know where we’re flying into, could be Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, or Switzerland. So, as you’re reading this blog Kirsten, and I will be running between gates at JFK with an adult beverage in our hands looking for the best seats into ... read more
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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 27th 2023

July 27, 2023 – Happy Birthday Kisty!!!!!! You read it correctly, it’s Kirsten’s birthday! Woo Hoo! Caroline went to the bakery across the street from our apartment, both Kirsten and Bea were leaning out the window watching. Why were they watching? I have no idea; except they were both proud aunties watching their niece fly solo. Ok, back to Kirsten’s birthday. When Caroline returned with the goodies, Bea had everything set out and we all sat down for a birthday breakfast. Breakfast was over, birthday wishes said, and the celebration was just beginning. However, it was time to get on the road. Today will be an easy road trip to Munich. We’re all packed and carrying all our suitcases to the car. We wave goodbye to our lovely apartment and off we go. We arrive in ... read more
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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Garmisch-Partenkirchen July 26th 2023

July 26, 2023 – Top of the World We’re all sitting around the breakfast table enjoying another great German breakfast. It’s raining hard outside, I’m thinking AWESOME! Rest day, kicking back reading my book, updating the BLOG, it’s going to be a perfect rest day. As I’m taking a bite from my breakfast sandwich, Kirsten informs us were going up on the Zugspitze, I choke and spit out part of my sandwich while trying to say “I thought this was going to be a rest day” with a mouth full of food. Everyone looked at me like I was some crazed man, and in sync all say, “but it’s snowing on top of the mountain!!”. After breakfast and putting on multiple layers of clothes, we loaded ourselves into the car and off we went. On the ... read more
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