Happy Birthday Kisty!!!!!!

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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich
July 27th 2023
Published: August 18th 2023
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July 27, 2023 – Happy Birthday Kisty!!!!!!

You read it correctly, it’s Kirsten’s birthday! Woo Hoo!

Caroline went to the bakery across the street from our apartment, both Kirsten and Bea were leaning out the window watching. Why were they watching? I have no idea; except they were both proud aunties watching their niece fly solo.

Ok, back to Kirsten’s birthday. When Caroline returned with the goodies, Bea had everything set out and we all sat down for a birthday breakfast.

Breakfast was over, birthday wishes said, and the celebration was just beginning. However, it was time to get on the road. Today will be an easy road trip to Munich. We’re all packed and carrying all our suitcases to the car. We wave goodbye to our lovely apartment and off we go.

We arrive in Munich in about an hour or so. Kirsten is whipping it through all the narrow streets and Bea is navigating from the back seat. Me, I’m white knuckled making sure Kirsten doesn’t run over any bicyclist or pedestrians. We finally make it to some place deep inside Munich and Kirsten whips the car into the only empty parking spot within 10 miles.

Bea says I told you I’d get you to the center of Munich. As I’m prying my fingers from the dash and crawling out of the car Kirsten, Caroline and Bea are already halfway down the street. I hear Kirsten say don’t worry I can always find him. I double time it and catch up, I’m not being left behind.

Ok, after walking less than a city block, we turn the corner and we’re standing in the main square of Munich.

WOW! it’s a beautiful day and everyone is staring up toward the sky, the Glockenspiel has just begun to ring, and the characters were dancing. Bea turns and says .... how’s that for On Time Arrival.

So, just like all the other tourist we stand there, watching in amazement.

After the final bell, Bea grabs us and off we go in tow. Now, we’re heading to the Viktualienmarkt; it’s lunch time and we need to beat the tourists.

After a brisk 3-minute walk we arrive at Munich’s open market, It’s like your Publix Supermarket but outside. I remember this place; I’m heading directly toward the beer garden.

I’m in the self-serve line, I grab three beers, a pretzel and after paying I plop down at the first open table. Kirsten, Caroline, and Bea are right behind me. Bea gets up and orders us some brats and we have a wonderful lunch watching all the tourist and locals.

After lunch Kirsten, Caroline and Bea take off shopping through the market, me I order another beer. I love Germany.

As I’m finishing my beer, everyone is back and it’s time to explore Munich.

First, we head toward the main cathedral. This cathedral, the one with the devil’s footprint, yea pretty cool. So, the story goes, just click on the link, it’s a great story. Hmmm, it’s eerie how close it is to my foot size.

Next, we’re off the English Garden. Bea says it’s a medium hike and everyone is good with it, so off we go.

Ok, I have always wanted to visit the English Garden because of the surfing. What you say, you read it correctly. A river flows through the gardens and at one section the water is turbulent, and a continuous wave is created and people surf here year around.

Bea has seen it and took us to the spot; it was amazing. The surfers were jumping in and surfing. When they get tired or just fall, they would just float down the river, climb out and get back in line.

Bea announces its time for birthday cake, follow me. Off we go, where I have no idea, Bea leads us back to the center of Munich to a very fancy and old store. Ok, I believe I read it was opened before Jesus was born, I might have missed the date, but it was opened around that time. Dallmayr.

We arrived and walked upstairs, the maître d’ recognized Bea immediately, he reached out and embraced her hand and walked all of us to a table in the center of the dining room. Along the way he was whispering in her ear. Hmmm, who is this guy....

We all ordered cake and coffee and celebrated Kirsten’s birthday. While we were celebrating, we discussed where we would have dinner.

We decided upon the Hofbräuhaus,. We arrived after walking around for an hour and it was a zoo, tourists everywhere!! So, I grabbed a table across the street from the Hofbräuhaus and we sat and had an excellent German dinner and watched all the tourist coming and going.

After dinner everyone was tired, so we trekked back to our car and off we went to our hotel.

Kirsten booked us two rooms at Prizeotel at the Munich airport. It was a Barbie Hotel, you laugh ... check out the photos.

Ok, I’m exhausted, Kirsten is helping Bea and Caroline cram two weeks of clothes into their suitcases and get them ready for their flight home tomorrow morning.

Me I’m having a beer and checking out the Barbie hotel that Kirsten booked.

Good night.....

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