Gondolas, Rodelbahns and Ski Bikes

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March 11th 2024
Published: March 12th 2024
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Gondolas, Rodelbahns and Ski Bikes

March 11 & 12, 2024

We both woke up looking at each other, what time is it. We both slept hard after yesterday.

Kirsten fixes breakfast while I’m checking emails and texts we received over night. With today’s technology you can run, but you can’t hide.

After breakfast, Kirsten has picked out two mountains with Gondolas we can ride and walk to restaurants. My eyes get as big as silver dollars, and she says it’s ok, it won’t be like yesterday... I promise.

So, we’re heading back to the mountain pass, and we drive up this narrow road; up and up we go. Finally, we get to the restaurant, and it’s closed. We get out, walk around and I slip and almost fall on the ice. I bounced like a rubber ball and was standing looking around making sure no one saw me. No one did ... there was no one around.

It scared Kirsten so bad she squealed are you alright? I’m checking myself and said yeah, I think so.

We both start laughing so hard I almost fell again. So, we got back into the car and did a 15 point turn around “Narrow Road with deep Ditches” and started driving back down the mountain.

We passed the first restaurant coming up, so coming down we stopped and had coffee. Checking all my pieces making sure they were all still connected. While having coffee Kirsten checks out the next gondola. This gondola was running, and skiers were riding up and skiing down.

I could see this restaurant as the gondola approached the top of the mountain. So, we walked around looking for Ski Bikes.

I tried to ski many years ago...I failed miserably. We were at Beaver Creek Colorado with the Jarrett’s. As we were leaving, I saw a bike with skis. It’s called a Ski Bike. Now, every time I’m near snow, which is not often, I look for Ski Bikes. None were to be found. Kirsten is even on the hunt for them. None to be had they said. Sad!

Ok, enough on ski bikes, Kirsten and I had a great lunch. We decided to walk down the mountain, the sun was shining, and it was only a couple of miles downhill. So off we go and we’re watching the skiers and snow boarders. It was a very peaceful walk.

We get to the bottom of the mountain, and we found a rodelbahn. Now this is the next best thing to a ski bike. Kirsten and I were in line and rode the rodelbahn. It was AWESOME!

We then went to Oberstdorf to walk around a bit, and we found a place with Glühwein. It was delicious. Then it started raining and our day was coming to end.

We came back to our apt, warmed up our leftovers, ate and read our books. What a great day.

Kirsten has us setup for a cheese factory tour tomorrow morning, I can’t wait “eyes rolling”.

My book is great, The Three Body Problem. It’s a sci-fi if you were wondering.

Gute Nacht

I wake up and again Kirsten has breakfast setup. I believe she hears the fresh rolls being delivered and grabs them. It’s a German thing about fresh bread every morning.

We eat breakfast and our cheese factory tour is at 10:30 am. It’s now 8 am, so I sit down and start catching up on my blogs. Time rolls by and Kirsten says it’s time to go, I pull together my myself and we head down to the car. Down the driveway we go, Google maps is telling us where and when to turn.

We arrive at the cheese factory, there are about 30 people waiting for the tour. I’m thinking this cheese must have crack in it. The factory is the size of a two-car garage, ...I’m not kidding. How is everyone going to fit inside this place? And on top of that I have to wear a hairnet and pay 2 Euros.

I then get the look; ...you know the look. Yes, dear I’m so excited to see how cheese is made. Kirsten turns and says I thought so.

We all parade into the small factory, it’s full of equipment. It’s all been hosed down from this morning’s production. Our guide begins explaining what he does and the process of making cheese. Kirsten translates and/or summarizes what he is saying. Of course, all the folks are looking at the funny American with a hairnet covering his bald head.

Ok, it actually was a good tour, and we tasted his cheese and then made our way to the area where you buy cheese.

So as were getting into the car, I’m thinking lunch. I mention it to Kirsten, and she says I have a surprise for you.

Ok, I’m game, so where are we going? You’ll see. So off we go, heading into Oberstdorf.

Kirsten pulls up to a sports plex, it has ice skating, skiing, and all kinds of winter sports stuff.

We get our gondola tickets and I’m told we’re having lunch up on the mountain.

I’m good, once we arrive Kirsten grabs me and walks me over to the ski rental building and as I enter, I’m blinded by a bright light that is shining in my eyes. I squint and look closer, I hear angels singing, I feel drawn to the light, I can’t seem to resist it pulling me towards it. What is this thing?


I’m shaking with joy, the messiah has come, I’m on my knees and I hear the lady behind the counter say that’ll be 10 euros please. I throw my wallet toward her; I embrace the ski bike.

I then hear Kirsten say “not until you eaten you lunch Stevie”. I walk to the restaurant with my head hanging down, Kirsten orders us lunch I can’t take my eyes off the ski rental building.

Just like a kid, I’m trying to hurry lunch and Kirsten is dragging it out longer and longer.

Finally, we’re renting me a ski bike, I have one hour of riding.

I throw my leg over the seat, I grab the handle grips, I’m a kid on Christmas morning with a new bicycle. I push off and down the slope I go. I’m grinning from ear to ear; it’s everything I dreamed it would be. For the next hour, Kirsten watched this kid ride down the slope and come back up and ride down again.

I love this woman; she found me a ski bike. I’d follow her anywhere... including to any cheese factory she wants to visit.

This fantastic day is coming to an end and tomorrow us gypsies will be heading out for more adventures.

Gute Nacht

Steve & Kirsten

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