Blogs from Norte de Santander, Colombia, South America


South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander February 28th 2024

Hey, you...I'm inviting you to embark on an enchanting journey through the pages of "Elina, Dreams of Romance: A Journey of Love through the North," a captivating tale that unfolds in a spiral mode, spanning three generations in the picturesque settings of Pamplona, Cúcuta, and Salazar de las Palmas. Let the magic of this literary adventure transcend time, weaving a tapestry of dreams, hope, and triumph against the backdrop of Colombia. In the heart of Colombia, where the echoes of the 60s and 80s resonate, the story of Elina unfolds—a girl with a spirit as boundless as the Colombian landscapes. Written with the finesse of a passionate storyteller, this novel is a testament to the resilient human spirit and the indomitable power of dreams. Picture a time when technology was on the cusp of transformation, where ... read more
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Salazar de las Palmas back in time
Nuestra Señora de Belén Chapel

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander November 18th 2022

Sport is much better than war, Indeed, therefore, I intend to say it loudly and clearly, the football world cup is a mega event that brings glory to each participating team. For the host country, it means the arrival of thousands of tourists flocking to their busy streets, sharing festive feelings of unity and resilience. For us, televiewers, the world at this time, comes to a standstill, as we cheer our favourite team and watch the most skillful players become big worldwide stars. It's such a worldwide test for them, ¡God bless them! I have cherished so many memories from this tournament: stadiums, sticker collections, players, national anthems, and the like, that’s why, today, I want to combine some facts of the past world cups with another passion, and that is TRAVEL. El deporte es mucho ... read more
Supporting the Colombian team with my family in the last World Cup
Santamarta, Colombia
Budapest, a museum on the streets

A visit to a school –thanks to a partnership agreement between the Ministry of Education and the British Council– allowed me to delve into the extraordinary story of Gramalote, a town that defied the odds and continues to captivate hearts. Picture this: It was the year 2010, and Gramalote faced a devastating natural disaster that left me speechless. Torrential rains unleashed a powerful mudslide, reducing this once tranquil and serene community to a chilling scene of ruins. But amidst the debris, something magical emerged: a story of resilience and rebirth that touched my soul. Una pasada visita a un colegio –gracias a un contrato de un convenio entre el Ministerio de Educación y el Consejo Británico– me permitió adentrarme en el extraordinario relato de Gramalote, un pueblo que desafió las probabilidades y sigue cautivando corazones. Imagina ... read more
De relax,  y me conseguí unos acompañantes caninos, luego de una visita a una institución
El diario vivir

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander June 14th 2020

Hello, my dearest travelblog readers, after so long, here I am again on a new unexpected entry, hoping you haven't forgotten me just yet...This one won´t have stories of hotels and planes, it would consist of a very specific account of some away time that I have taken to myself, not voluntary though, as we all know. It was after conversing with my inner self that these lines were written to describe what I have learned during the current pandemic. You might see photos of my abode in Chinácota, a tiny village in Colombia, where I'm feeling as if I were back at high school, taking care of my parents in this hidden paradise. All in all, I feel I am paying a humble homage to nature, by offering some personal images of pets, flowers and ... read more
Nature asking for a new opportunity
Favourite of favourites, the Colombian orchid
Be it in quarantine or not, he's always stretching

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander July 20th 2018

Long time, not writing, my dear friends, well…sorry, but here I am with great passion and zeal, for the first time taking part in the fair and fiestas in Cucuta, a social event with a topical symbolic identity featuring ancient traditions and the like. Indeed, the big event kicked off on July 18th with a setlist of concerts that revitalised the city by adding fun to the holiday and having lots of people dance on the streets. The onset of the festival was followed by four days of festivities, which was a proven way to make sure that Cucuteños know how to have fun, something they did beautifully on this eclectic festival. Llevo tiempo sin escribir, bien…lo siento, pero heme aquí con gran pasión, celebrando por primera vez las ferias y fiestas en Cúcuta, un evento ... read more
Desfile de Colonias: Colonia Salazareña (Cortesía de Consuelo Cárdenas)
Seres traviesos y criaturas mitológicas
Colourful parade

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander December 1st 2017

Half way through December is always a wonderful time to write and cherish great memories of times passed; indeed, what is for many, the so-beautifully-called favourite time of the year comes together with a great deal of happiness and a desire to fulfill good wishes for a better upcoming year. In my book, these days customarily revolved around a very personal list of life changes... but as we cannot be caught off-guard in this ephemeral life of ours, this time, I additionally wish to be thankful for everything I have received during 2017: First and foremost, I am experiencing a great deal of spiritual growth that I hope will never abandon me; next on my list, comes excellent health together with the great chance of once again sharing life with the best family ever... and yet, ... read more
Brought from Nazareth
made of tawua wood, made in Boyacá, Colombia
Who fancies a Christmas-y pizza?

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander July 22nd 2017

Towards a more autochthonous Independence Day I used to see the celebrations for the Day of the Independence mainly as a march of primary and secondary students and their teachers attending an improvised stage show in front of the main church of the village; this will be customarily followed by some readings, some recitation of pledges for how proud we feel of being Colombian and... that was it, to be honest. This year, by contrast, I was able to see a more interesting show which reunited more communities coming together to celebrate our country in the name of folk. Indeed, now, and for the seventh year, the celebration has become something more of a display of talent, which I enjoyed very much; portraying some of our multicultural values while allowing us to still feel very proud ... read more
Que se prenda el baile
De todo un poco
En la panadería con artistas

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander April 9th 2016

Folklore, tourism and relaxation, that´s Chinácota, the place to be off line for a few days, only if you want! Folclor, turismo y relajación, eso es lo que es Chinácota, el lugar para desconectarse de todo por algunos días, bueno... sólo si lo desea. Indeed, going to Chinácota is like thinking of escaping from stress, anxiety and hard work. Don´t we all need that? On the way from Cucuta (Only 38 kms, translated into a 45-minute drive from the capital, or one hour by bus, at only 7,000 pesos, that is 2 dollars) and driving through a landscape of huts and lots of green, you will soon enjoy a pleasant climate and beautiful sights. Once you get into the village, you can taste some of the great snacks, like fresas con crema: Strawberries and Cream, or ... read more
fancy staying here? I do
that´s relaxing, isn´t it?
Different styles of huts

South America » Colombia » Norte de Santander August 14th 2015

Como escribir una novela: Los sueños de Elina. How to Write a novel: Elina´s Dreams. En las siguientes líneas, les cuento como surgió la idea de la novela que estoy finalizando, In the following lines, I will tell you how the idea of writing a book, which I am finishing, came up. It had never occurred to me to write a novel; in the past, I had only submitted works concerning the pedagogy of language teaching -on which I won a national writing competition- and the adventures of my travels in this travelblog; but I owe the idea of sitting down and write to a national short story contest, some years ago; this was a proposal I received, as an excellent opportunity to jot down some ideas, in order to write a three-page story. After some ... read more
Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Belén, Salazar
Otras generaciones
Desfile de candidatas, Reinado Sta Salazar

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