Blogs from Biobío, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Biobío » Los Ángeles April 6th 2017

Los Angeles is more or less in the middle of Chile. Climate heading into Autumn is moderate and vey comfortable, the population approximately 160,000. A car trip of the external, showed public hospital, two German colleges, three cemeteries, military base, industrial area, resturant strip, company houses, government housing, airport, University, wood mills, shopping centers (Lider, similar to Walmart and Jumbo). In the centro, I walked past the Police station, many retail outlets, malls, banks, government agencies and a big plaza area, where people gather and enjoy timeout from the CBD. It's easy to navigate as City is in grid formation. People and structurs are compressed together, rich and poor. Social code is evident. Only a few blocks appart. Two interesting sounding towns also visited were Saltos del Laja (beautiful waterfall) and Mulchen where timber (blue gums ... read more

South America » Chile » Biobío » Concepción October 15th 2016

Il était grand temps d'aller chez le coiffeur. La coupe de la plupart des Chiliens me donnait l'impression qu'ils s'étaient coupé les cheveux eux-mêmes, au couteau et à la lueur d'une chandelle, et le fait que je n'avais trouvé aucun salon de coiffure en plus d'un mois me confortait dans cette idée. C'est en allant chercher ma carte d'identité - qui arriverait "dans deux semaines grand maximum", mais en fait quatre, mais en fait six - que je le vis. Enfin, je vis l'enseigne du salon de coiffure. L'affiche du karaoké juste à côté lui volait un peu la vedette, mais peu importait. Je décidai donc de m'engager dans ce qui ressemblait au garage de mon voisin, puis dans des couloirs de plus en plus sombres. J'entendais des bruits de scies circulaires, de perceuse, des voix. ... read more
Sans titre

South America » Chile » Biobío » Concepción September 22nd 2016

Il est 3h34 quand Marisol est réveillée par un bruit sourd. Les rideaux qui tremblent et les vases qui se brisent ne laissent aucune place au doute, elle court chercher les enfants et se met à l'abri. Ce jour-là, la ville de Concepción connaîtra un des séismes les plus importants jamais enregistrés avec une amplitude de 8,8 sur l'échelle de Richter et un épicentre à seulement 6 kilomètres des côtes. Six ans plus tard, les conséquences de ce terrible évènemenent se lisent encore sur les visages des Chiliens et sur les plaques commémoratives qui rendent hommage aux 525 victimes. Terremoto - tremblement de terre - un mot qui ferait encore tressaillir le plus vaillant d'entre eux. Alors quelqu'un peut-il m'expliquer quel genre de siphonné irait baptiser sa boisson nationale en l'honneur d'une catastrophe qui a affecté ... read more
Le skater communiste
Playa de je ne sais pas

South America » Chile » Biobío » Concepción September 10th 2016

Après deux semaines passées à Concepción, je peux enfin dire que j'ai une vision parfaitement subjective et incomplète du Chili. Néanmoins je suis sur que mon avis t'intéressera, toi, cher lecteur. Beaucoup des autochtones vont diront qu'il y a mille choses à faire à Concepción, et ils auront probablement raison. Mais la notion de ville ici est très large. Ainsi, on m'a assuré qu'il y avait un superbe volcan à voir "à deux pas d'ici". En effet, le volcan d'Antuco ne se trouve qu'à 182km à vol d'oiseau de la ville. Un "pas chilien" vaut donc 91km, je note. Quand un Chilien viendra en Belgique, je pourrai lui dire que le plus beau en Belgique, c'est le Manneken pis de Namur ou encore les fameux canaux de Charleroi, la Venise belge. Ce qui frappe en premier ... read more

South America » Chile » Biobío September 20th 2014

So here I sit in Antuco in a hostel that has 15 rooms, a bar and a restaurant. And guess what? I have it all to myself. There is nobody, not even the owner, here. The guy just signed me in, I paid my $32 for two night, showed me my room and left. The town is dead as well. But let’s start where I left of in Conception….. After my last entry I spend one more day in Conception and Sebastian took me out of the town to the coast to show me around. It wasn't a long bus trip and it only took about an hour. The town (the name I can’t remember) was built by the Spanish around 1680 and was an important harbor. Even the pirate Sir Francis Drake showed up one ... read more
What's left of the fort
No respect of history
Old Spanish graffiti, bit more style than the modern ones

South America » Chile » Biobío January 20th 2014

Amanecimos en Chillán en el Hostal Canadá, desayunamos y nos pusimos en marcha. La jornada empezaba tranquila, la zona más calurosa empezaba a quedar atrás, el día anterior habíamos entrado en la región Bio Bio, la octava y la Patagonia cada vez quedaba más cerca. La bicicleta seguía dando problemas, la rueda trasera tenía sólo 24 radios cuando la llanta era de 36. Esto, sumado al peso que cargaba sobre la rueda trasera hacía que se rompieran radios fácilmente con cualquier pequeño bache o golpe. Esto además provocaba una reacción en cadena y se rompían más radios cada vez con más facilidad, de forma que cada noche más o menos había que realizar la laboriosa tarea de reparar los radios rotos, o incluso a veces durante el camino. Suerte que teníamos de repuesto! Al poco de ... read more

South America » Chile » Biobío » Salto del Laja December 12th 2013

Wednesday 11th December (Odyssey Day 33) We departed Pucon this morning, heading northward again. The plan is a couple of one night camps before reaching Santiago for the weekend. We made a stop today at a small waterfall just after lunch. Well, actually not really all that small. The Salto del Laja waterfall was quite beautiful although put me in mind a bit of a really poorly built dam, as the water fell over a fairly smooth and flat rock wall that almost looked man made. A few of the guys went swimming while the girls opted for just cooling their feet on the edge, though Emma also dunked her head in. It soon a little too hot though and we gathered together to get on our way. Our camp today was just a few kilometres ... read more
Salto del Laja
Salto del Laja Camp
Salto del Laja Camp

South America » Chile » Biobío » Chillan December 11th 2012

The morning had finnally arrived were we had to get up, pack up the car and leave the san martin and then Argentina for good, i supose we might not ever return again but i was thinking about coming here on my honeymoon, and that says everything about how lovely it has been. We were woken by mum at about 8:00am and then did the usual final bits of packing and piled it all into the car to leave around 9:30am also fitting some breakfast in there. The border with Chile was only about an hours drive away from where we were staying but because of the previous border crossing issues nerves were starting to rise as we came nearer but there was an upside as we drove along we came across this big volcano covered ... read more
loading up
view from our room
one last look

South America » Chile » Biobío » Chillan October 9th 2012

After 48 hrs of sitting in airports and on airplanes Luke and I were stoked to see Joe at the airport with our home for three months a small Suzuki Van. We were skeptical that the three of us and all of our gear would fit in the van comfortably but after loading up our gear we were surprised at the roominess of our van. Our original plan was to head to the coast for a couple days to surf and relax but after 48 hrs of traveling we were itching to get into the mountains and onto some rock so we decided to head to Reserva Nacional del Rio Cipreses to climb at Cordon Granito. We arrived at the park late that night and the gates were already closed, we found a side road and ... read more
Joe Climb
Nevados Chillan
Rest time

South America » Chile » Biobío » Chillan May 22nd 2012

You Get What You Need I came to little-visited Chillan in Chile's south-central, rainy Bio Bio Region to visit the Saltos del Laja, billed as a little Iguazu (very little), Mexican murals (being restored), and Chillan's ski resort (hostel closed). I was a bit disappointed, but as the philosopher Mick Jagger sings, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need." Right on, Mick! And lucky me, I was there for vived fall colors and half of my days were sunny--not bad at all! After a 7-hour journey from Pucon, I rolled into Chillan, finally tearing myself away from Patagonia. How could anything ever match glaciers, snow-capped mountains and quaint alpine lake villages? Well, the mountains around Chillan and then Talca did have their charms, but now I ... read more
a Mexican Escuela mural, 1942
fanciful dancing cloud in this rainy land
Los Saltos del Laja--billed as a little Iguazu

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