Welf Herfurth


Welf Herfurth

Well, I am just a normal male who likes a bit of adventure. To get out of the day-to-day trot and have a bit of fun. Born in Germany and living in OZ since 1987, I am very interested and involved in international politics. I am politically neither left nor right, and generally against labeling a persons political beliefs. I like my life, have great kids, and some of the best friends a human can have.

And I like traveling, and that is what this blog is all about. Having stepped foot on all 7 continents, my goal is to have visited 100 countries before my body decides to pack it in........

So sit back in the comfort of your office chair and enjoy. I will try to update the blog as often as I can, but I will not be a slave to it. After all, this trip is escapism as well; escapism from this often selfish and materialistic western society where keeping up appearance is more important then the true values of humanity.

But this is reality and since I don’t like it I try to create my own.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney January 9th 2016

Ok, Ok, I know; 2 updates within a week is a bit much, especially considering that the other took ages to write and post after they actually happened. But I thought I put my fingers out and get up to date with the lot. Especially since I am back in Brasilia and all is ready for a fresh start. So here we go…… As I mentioned in my last update, Carla and I had different flights to Sydney and she took off a couple of days earlier as she wanted to visit some friends in Sao Paulo. It also broke her flight up a bit as she had a killer leg; Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Cordoba (Argentina), Santiago (Chile), Auckland (NZ) and finally Sydney. And all that with 2 x 32 kg bags. That is what you ... read more
Flight back to Sydney
Manly beach

South America » Brazil » Distrito Federal » Brasília January 5th 2016

Ok, here is another update. I have to admit that I am sitting here in Brasilia again, writing this update about my last time here in this place. About 6 months late, but better late than never as they say. I know I am tooooo bloody late with my updates, but a lot has happened, and I promise you not all was good. Got majorly screwed over by a so called friend. But the full juicy story will be made public in my next update about my time in Sydney. Anyway, here we go with my stay in Brasilia…. So after my 3 month enforced exile from Brazil (well, if you read the previous stories you should know the deal, but to explain in in short with a German passport you are only allowed to stay ... read more
Anti government demo in Brasilia
Graffiti in Brasilia

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito November 27th 2015

Well, here we go again. Another catch up update, this time from my time in Quito in Ecuador. Slowly but surely I am catching up…. Banos was a great little place to visit even if it was a bit of a tourist trap. But the landscapes and the atmosphere of the town was nice and I can only recommend to visit the place if you are in the area. But everything has to come to an end and so I caught a bus to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. After I arrived in Quito I took a taxi to the hostel area (every city and town has an area where most of the hostels are concentrated) and soon found a nice place. As it was Sunday most of the restaurants were closed and it was a ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca November 15th 2015

OK, here we are again catching up on my updates. Exactly a year ago I was down in Antarctica so one can see how time flies. So without wasting any more time here we go. After having had a fantastic time on the Galapagos Islands, and before the beaches in north Peru is was time for a change. Beach life is pretty cool, but there are so many cultural sights in Ecuador it was time to put my shorts away and get the cold weather gear out. On the morning of the flight from The Galapagos Islands back to the mainland my Aussie surfer friend and I took a taxi back to the airport and it was a bit sad to leave this wonderful location. But everything has and end and new adventures were waiting for ... read more
On the way to Cuenca
On the way to Cuenca
On the way to Cuenca

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island October 27th 2015

OK, I am back in Sydney and this blog update is about 3 months late, so my apologies for that. No excuse really except I was really busy and a lot of things have happened. Some good, some bad but one has to be positive. One door closes and others open up. But more to that later. Let’s get on with my adventures in Galapagos. After some relaxing times in Mancora it was time to move on and what better place to go than to the Galapagos Islands. The last time I was in South America I missed to go there as I was not in the financial situation to do so. But I didn’t want to miss out this time. So I purchased a plane ticket online for US$400 and took the night bus from ... read more
You don't see this sign at many places...
Lucky shot
Iguanas on Galapagos Islands

South America » Peru » La Libertad » Huanchaco August 13th 2015

Boy oh boy, am I behind with the blog. So I better get cracking and update it before I forget what has happened or I don’t have the time to write it down. After an amazing, and exhausting, time with Carla in Lima it was time for her to get back home to Brasilia and for me to continue my trip. Carla’s flight was early in the morning and I had booked an overnight bus to Huanchaco in the north of Peru. So I had a whole day to kill in Lima and as I really liked the centre I took a taxi there and just strolled around, had a great lunch and enjoyed the atmosphere. After all, who knows when, and if at all, I would come back to this wonderful city? At 19.00 I ... read more
Robbed on the way to Huanchaco

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca August 4th 2015

One of the tours Carla had organised was to go to Ballestas Islands and Ica. Now these places where a 5 hours’ drive from Lima and a driver picked us up at 4 in the morning. A rather early start but we slept most of the way down there. When we arrived at Paracas we had a short wait and a jetty took us to the Islands. Now these islands are pretty spectacular and have been eroded by the sea into caves and huge arches. And the islands are providing shelter for thousands of seabird and sea lions. Unfortunately you can’t get onto the island, but it is still an amazing sight to see the birds and the sea lions. After the visit to the island we stopped in Pisco to have a tour of a ... read more
Typical Peruvian Cross in Paracas
Pelican in Paracas
Ballestas Islands

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima July 25th 2015

Well, I am slowly catching up with my travel updates and it is about time too. I am not one that leaves things to the last minute, but travelling all the time leaves little time to write. There is so much to see and do here in South America that time is pressures. Sorry it took so long to publish this report, but such is life. Again, this report includes first my impressions and then Carla’s one. My one is pretty short as Carla is doing a better job in explaining the city. So I am just a side show here....... Enjoy... After Carla and I had a fantastic time in Cusco it was time to move on. Carla only had to the 21st of May to travel as she had to go back to Brasilia, ... read more
Church in Lima
Cathedral of Lima
Ossuary inside the Convent of San Francis

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu June 12th 2015

This update includes also the impressions of Cara that you can find at the end of my update. So this time you get a double treat. I hope you enjoy…. Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Incas. One of the new seven wonders of the world, a place where most people want to go but can only dream about. And I was lucky enough to have stepped foot into this amazing place for the second time after my first visit in 1982. And it is a place that still has a magic that I cannot explain. So here is what happened at this trip. Ever since I have visited Machu Picchu in 1982 I was dreaming to come back to this place. It was the place I mentioned first when people asked me what the ... read more
On the way to Machu Picchu in style
On the way to Machu Picchu
On the way to Machu Picchu in style

South America » Peru » Cusco June 7th 2015

Cusco, the Inca city of gold, gateway to Machu Picchu and the dream destination of many. Well, for me it was the second time but what a big difference it was from when I was in Cusco 33 years ago. I know time changes much, but that it would be so different I would have never guessed in my wildest dreams. Anyway more to that later and lets start where I finished my last report, After an amazing time (I know most of the time I spend here in South America is amazing, but it just is such a place) I took the night bus to Cusco. The busses here in Peru are fantastic and dirt cheap. For about A$30 you get a sleeper seat and they have in-bus service, just like in an airplane. And ... read more
Carla at Cusco

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