Blogs from São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, South America - page 30


South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 31st 2005

so i left off on thursday but didn't go into much detail about what had gone on that day specifically. i feel like i'm summarizing the last several days each time i write, but i don't write about the present. so here's the last couple days, again! i went to the GYAN office on thursday and met barbara and jefferson, two people who work there. barbara is my age and jefferson is a little older, i think mid-20s. they were telling me all about GYAN/TakingITGlobal TakingITGlobal and some of the projects and events they have sponsored/hosted. jefferson is also working on ICFC. then i got a brief analysis of brazilian political history from the dictatorship until now. basically, every time there's been a president, something happens and the second in command gains power. so now theres ... read more
flowers at the market
flowers at the market2
sao paulo

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 28th 2005

I am really bad with keeping up with this journal. Although I havent gotten home until midnight the past three nights and had to get up around 7 so i guess its excusable, no? Lets see...Sao Paulo itself is huge, a bit overwhelming, but in a good way. Im not really sure how to describe it because there are so many different areas. one good thing about having to cruise around in taxis is that i get to see all these neighborhoods that i wouldnt otherwise see. like all these offices are in business-y areas, not touristy areas. there isnt really one ´touristy´area from what i can tell, although there arent many tourists here now so i guess im not sure. but i havent done anything touristy like museums just because ive been soo busy! portuguese ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 26th 2005

check out the photos on the previous entry. those from liberdade are from after-sushi tonight. liberdade is the japantown of sao paulo. its full of good japanese restaurants, homeless people, cops, and trash flooding into the streets. check out the moon - its a half moon but by half i mean the bottom half. weird. earlier today i got to meet laurent, the chef involved in botanique and also one of (if not THE) best chef in brazil. he is to brazilian cuisine what bobby flay is to american southwestern, except more, because he's the only chef in brazil that places value and refinement on traditional brazilian food and ingredients. and i get to read his cookbooks tomorrow!!!! more on that later. i think there was just a bombing in sao paulo. just kidding. some big ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 24th 2005

so: i'm going to see if the photos upload. finally. also note: i deleted previous entries since i inadvertently included some things that shouldn't be public information. and there's no way to limit my blog to only my subscribers (people on my email list). my bad. mom, i'm getting some sleep! hopefully the punto tim store will be open tomorrow so i can get a sim card. i want to see dollhouse when i come back, will it still be playing? will you send me an email about whats new at home? gotta go study my portugese.... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo July 24th 2005

long entry made short - im exhausted. sao paulo is exhausting. i took the metro all over today and had fun walking around the paulista, where all the banks and shopping malls are. then i tried to go to the huge central park which i cant remember how to spell, got about halfway there and decided it was too difficult, so i took the bus up to praca da se, which is a piazza with a huge cathedral and a bunch of homeless people laying around, so then i jumped on the metro back to vila madalena, where joes house is, and walked back. so i'll write more also when im on my own computer. its charging right now. bye.... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo June 5th 2005

Vilken underbar 1:a dag!! 24 grader, sol, klar himmel och frisk bergsluft! Tradgarden ar fantastisk med banantrad, mango, cashew (cajú) , orkidé. Tog det forsta doppet i Brasilien…i poolen, drack Guarana. Hushallerskan lagade traditionell brasiliansk mat idag, ris, svarta bonor, korv, torkat kott, gronsaker, pommes, svartrotter. Vi at 3 stora portioner var! Muito Bem! Man blir hungrig av den exotiska omstallningen… Bastade i Hans fina vedeldade bastu..den basta i Penedo! Torrborstning med vaxter fran tradgarden och dopp i den kalla poolen mellan varven. Helt underbart. Potatissoppa till middag, sen bar det ivag till “Pequena Suecia” ett pittoreskt och vackert hotel i vildvuxen natur som drivs av syster till Hans (Hans ar en familevan till Jennys familj). Ett band som spelade Brasiliansk folkmusik med samba och bossanova upptradde och det var harlig varm atmosfar. Provade var forsta ... read more
Casa de Hans em Penedo
Jenny solhalsning
Lisa i Paradiset

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo June 4th 2005

Nu ar klockan halv 4 lokal tid och vi ar framme i Penedo..bland banantrad, kokospalmer och faglar. Hans, the host, har en gastvanlighet over alla granser och vi kanner oss sa valkomna till han och hans familjs sommarhus..Vilken exotisk idyll! Resan till Amsterdam i morse kl 6:50 gick supersnabbt. Tiden pa flygplatsen i Amsterdam fram till planet gick vid 14 agnade vi att ligga i varsin soffa och lyssna pa musik och prata relationer och livet! hi! Lika bra att ta det med en gang, sen blir det sa mycket annat att prata om och smalta:) Flygresan mellan Holland och Sao Paolo tog 11,5 timmar. Vi skalade med vin in resan och skrattade at varat kommande aventyr - vi ar pa vag till Sydamerika! och Brasilien! Hur gick det egentligen med Portugisiskan vi skulle lara oss? ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo June 2nd 2005

Greetings to my family, friends, and colleagues. This is my/our last night in Sao Paulo before flying to Salvador, Bahia in the morning. I am exhausted mentally and physically but so exhilirated at the same time. I love Brazil and the Brazilians as I knew that I would, despite the glaring social inequalities and wealth inequalities of its social and political systems. Despite these things, I have been in love with the idea of Brazil since I was a teenager and now I am here! Sao Paulo is very much like New York City in the U.S. except on a much vaster scale in terms of population (10 million in the city - 16 in the metro area!). Sao Paulo is bustling, with all kinds and colors of people scurrying everywhere accomplishing things. It is a ... read more

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo November 6th 2004

Depois de uma viagem extremamente cansativa e estressante, aterrizei em Sampa pela primeira vez depois da minha mudança para a Ogrolandia......em férias.... muito estranho. Mas devo dizer que curti a minha cidade em um modo completamente diverso, como "guia turistico". Sempre amei São Paulo e a vida que levava ali, mas me surpreendi ao constatar o quanto. Pensei na paranoia em que vivia, o medo da "violencia"... Mas se eu nunca nem fui assaltada!!! Os problemas de segurança de São Paulo não são diferentes de Paris, Roma, Londres... bah!!!!! Não so' me senti mais segura, como so' vi sorrisos. Tive a mesma sensação de qualquer turista depois do primeiro dia no Brasil, quando passa o terrorismo psicologico que os proprios brasileiros fazem sobre o assunto: livre, leve e solta! Somos muuuuito exagerados e paranoicos com essa ... read more
Feijoada no Dinho's
Bienal Internacional de Arte
Bienal Internacional de Arte

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