Blogs from Australia Zoo, Queensland, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo June 21st 2016

Staying 2 nights at Beerwah Sports grounds. Lots of other caravans here. Off to Australia zoo tomorrow... read more
aust zoo2
aust zoo3

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo November 15th 2015

Around Brisbane there are plenty of National Parks, and most of which we will have visited by the time we leave, but I think South D'Aguilar is my favourite. It has variation in forest type, stunning viewpoints, lakes and small little villages to visit all within 30 minutes drive of the city. Out day began at the lower end of the National Park at the Enoggerra Reservoir. Here is a small wildlife centre (which we skipped) and an Information Centre which were very helpful in showing us a few walks we could do and providing maps. Out first walk started from the centre, the Araucaria Track winded down to and part way round the Enoggerra Reservoir and at 5km long takes a little over 90 minutes to complete. As we got down to the reservoir we ... read more
D'Aguilar National Park (4)
D'Aguilar National Park (5)
D'Aguilar National Park (16)

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo October 31st 2014

Milé děti. Dnes tu máme spoustu krásných fotek a videí, takže i pokud nemáte čas na čtení textu, fotky a videa si nenechte ujít. Australská Zoo byla založena v roce 1970 rodiči slavného Steva Irwina. Malý Steve si rád hrál se zvířátky, ve svých šesti letech poprvé chytil jedovatého hada do ruky. Když vyrostl (a potkal svou lásku, která mu s vedením zoo pomáhala a která ji teď, po nešťastné smrti Steva v roce 2006 vlastní), rozhodl se zpopularizovat místní zvířata v televizní sérii Krokodýl Dundee (v angličtině Crocodile Hunter). Mise této zoo je chránit zvířata, některá dokonce pomoct zachránit před vyhynutím (jako třeba tygry-viz videa) a vzdělávat. Na ploše 40 hektarů se nachází rozličná zvířena, mezi jinými krokodýli, nádherní cvičení ptáci, obligátní koaly a klokani, již zmínění tygři, červené pandy (Číňanky*:)), zebry, nosorožci a žirafy!! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo June 2nd 2014

Lundi 2 juin Journée consacrée au grand Australia Zoo qui est réputé car c'est le zoo de Steve Irwin, célèbre présentateur télé amoureux des crocos et autres reptiles. Le zoo est à 1h30 de Brisbane donc j'ai pris un bus tôt pour pouvoir profiter toute la journée. Ce que j'ai bien aime avec ce zoo c'est qu'il y avait principalement des animaux que d'Australie (sauf la partie Africaine que je n'ai pas trop fait car les giraffes et autres ne m'interessait guere.) J'ai assiste au nourrisage des tortues, des louttres, un spectacle dans un grand gradin avec des perroquets et autres rapaces et bien sur comme attraction principale: les crocos ! C'etait vraiment sympa. Pour seulement 2$, je suis aussi aller visiter l'hopital qui recueille tous les animaux sauvages heurtes par les voitures par exemple ou ... read more
Australia Zoo, Juin  (1)
Australia Zoo, Juin  (6)
Australia Zoo, Juin  (19)

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo March 14th 2013

The Way down 2 Nachdem wir ein paar wunderschöne Tage auf Fraser Island verbracht haben, ging es auch schon weiter gen Süden. Unsere erste Nacht auf dem Festland haben wir in der Camp Area „Elanda Point Canoe Company“ in der Nähe von Noosa Heads verbracht. Es war wirklich günstig, aber wie ihr auf dem Foto sehen könnt, sehr „anders“, um es noch nett auszudrücken. So sah es da wirklich fast überall aus, richtiges Wildwest Camping, aber einen WC/Duschen-Bereich haben sie renoviert, weshalb man trotz allem noch schön duschen konnte. Am nächsten Tag ging es dann ein kurzes Stück weiter an der Sunshine Coast bis nach Caloundra, wo der Australia Zoo auf uns gewartet hat. Australia Zoo and the Australian Animals Der Australia Zoo ist der Zoo vom Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, von dem ihr mit Sicherheit ... read more
2 Australia Zoo
2 Australia Zoo - Crocodile Hunter
2 Australia Zoo - der gefährlichste Löwe!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo July 11th 2012

Australia Zoo, the home of (cut-outs and pictures of) Steve Irwin. There isn't too much to say really. It's a zoo, although not many zoos have people tormenting croc's from only a few feet away, or Tasmanian Devils, Koalas or Kangaroos you can pet.... read more
The Irwin Family
American Alligator

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo December 21st 2011

One of the places we were absolutely going to visit on our travels was Australia Zoo. Both Charlie and I grew up watching the charismatic Steve Irwin present the Crocodile Hunter and display his passion for wildlife and Australia Zoo. The zoo is located about an hour North of Brisbane along the Steve Irwin Way. The road was named after Steve just before his death and runs for about 30 kilometres. We got to the zoo at about 10am, just after the zoo had opened, we still had to queue! We knew the zoo was a home to Crocodiles, Koalas and Kangaroos, but didn't expect to find the amount of wildlife we did. As we walked through the gate, we were greeted by a lady holding a lizard and wanting to tell everyone about it. She ... read more
Steve's memorial
One of Many!
HUGE Tortoise!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo December 13th 2011

It transpires that one of the girls in my room got the wrong day for her trip to Fraser Island. She woke up (the dorm) at 5.30am and was a day too early for her trip, so is now going to Australia Zoo for the day. So is Anna, another girl in my dorm. And so am I - although I'm the only one with the car, I'm driving one way and then onwards to Brisbane, so the girls will be getting the coach. Still it will be nice to have company on the way round the zoo. I'm really excited to go - last time, it was cagoule weather (and I didn't own one). Today is glorious sunshine - can't wait to see what the zoo looks like when you're not having to scuttle around ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo December 7th 2011

Another Blog Guys!! After Rainbow, we headed to Noosa to stay at the YHA. We were met by a mini-bus to take us to our hostel which was a lovely old (for Australia) building. It reminded me of a butlins or pontins with a big wooden house and rooms along a corridor; we had a nice double room and shared bathroom. Our first day was spent doing shopping and a lot of washing from Fraser Island! and that evening we had a welcome meeting at the hostel, explaining what we could do. We only had one more day, so chose to do the National Park Coastal Walk the next morning, followed by an afternoon on the beach. We slept well that night, although I woke up not feeling great. However, we went on our walk and ... read more
View from National Park Walk
Beautiful View
Kate and Anton at Boiling Pot

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Australia Zoo December 1st 2011

Photos speak louder than words at Australia Zoo, home to the celebrity cult of the Irwin family, and numerous wild animals. Father Steve (deceased 2006), aka Crocodile Hunter, built up the zoo he took over from his father. His apparently maniacal widow, Terri, holds the reins now, and it's 'one helluva ride', with son and daughter in tow. The Zoo provides an exciting and educational day out for families and cynics alike, "crikey". We saw koalas, which had evaded us on our antipodean adventure so far, Tasmanian devils, which had remained hidden. Plus a whole host of other creatures with which we now had a greater level of familarity: enormous saltwater crocodiles, plus freshwater cousins; kangaroos that we could feed; wallabies; imported komodo dragons and alligators and hundreds of birds whose names we cannot entirely recall. ... read more
Blue tongue lizard
Iguana family
Colourful parrot

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