Australia Zoo

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December 1st 2011
Published: December 25th 2011
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Australia Zoo

On the Steve Irwin Way, no less.

Photos speak louder than words at Australia Zoo, home to the celebrity cult of the Irwin family, and numerous wild animals. Father Steve (deceased 2006), aka Crocodile Hunter, built up the zoo he took over from his father.

His apparently maniacal widow, Terri, holds the reins now, and it's 'one helluva ride', with son and daughter in tow.

The Zoo provides an exciting and educational day out for families and cynics alike, "crikey".

We saw koalas, which had evaded us on our antipodean adventure so far, Tasmanian devils, which had remained hidden. Plus a whole host of other creatures with which we now had a greater level of familarity: enormous saltwater crocodiles, plus freshwater cousins; kangaroos that we could feed; wallabies; imported komodo dragons and alligators and hundreds of birds whose names we cannot entirely recall.

Have a happy Christmas checking out the photos!

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 22


Irwin widow Terri and children, Bindi and Robert.Irwin widow Terri and children, Bindi and Robert.
Irwin widow Terri and children, Bindi and Robert.

It was Robert's 8th birthday and a big show for the zoo's guests.
Give me food!Give me food!
Give me food!

Croc being fed

25th December 2011

Once again wonderful photographs! Love the green python (only the photo of it!), and the cuddly koala, oh, and mustn't forget the rain dance! Take it that's an Oz custom?
28th December 2011

such stunning photography!
You have really good shots here. One thing I love about TravelBlog is I can browse through blogs starting with the awesome photos. That's how I got here. Will be working "backwards" now to check your other blogs. Neat writing too! Liliram
4th January 2012

travel zoo
The photos are very thrilling and appropriate. The travel zoo blog also uploads such pictures which I would really like to see.

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