Blogs from Opera House, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House March 29th 2024

It was a lazy, slow start to the day today, as the check out is not until 11am. I have sorted my case, it’s all ready for my next move. Bernard is meeting me at the hotel at around 10am-ish. I have arranged to meet with Angelika at 9am for breakfast today. I wash up, showered and ready to go by 8:30. I hung back a while to catch up on Facebook and instagram, which I don’t seem to have a lot of time to do these days! I went down in good time to meet with Angelika. Timo was already seated at a table, I took a seat, then was closely followed by Angelika. I’m happy to take scrambled eggs this morning, with sourdough on the side. I had a cup of black Earl Grey. ... read more
Wow, double decker trains!!!
Who said chivalry died!
Arriving in Petersham

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House August 7th 2018

We were there when the Opera House was opened in 1973 and had walked around it, passed it on a ferry or two to Manly, or Watsons's bay, or Taronga Zoo or even on the Queen Mary (as seen in extra picture), but had never been inside. This is a bit of an insight as what is inside. I am sure we could have covered a lot more space, but a one hour tour hardly does the place justice.... read more
One performance hall
The expansiveness is overwhelming
Hard to grasp the size

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House April 6th 2018

Even though we were full of excitement and nervous energy, we actually managed to get a decent night's sleep ahead of our 30+ hour commute around the globe from Canada to Australia. One of the disadvantages of taking a year to research for a trip is that you end up over preparing, as well as imagining for all the things that could go wrong, so I was filled with intermittent bouts of travel anxiety. However, it all went according to plan: we got up like a shot at 5 am, Stu (Kevin's dad) was kind enough to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive us to the airport, the check-in was speedy and our first flight from Edmonton to L.A went off without a hitch. We had a 12 hour layover in Los Angeles ... read more
View of Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge from the Botanic Gardens.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House April 11th 2016

Took a train to Circular Quay and wandered around the Opera House and Royal Botanic Gardens. Then a tasty lunch in Woolloomooloo where the Australian Navy are stationed.... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House April 1st 2014

Today is “April Fool’s Day”, but this is no joke – we went to tour the Sydney Opera House today. After today we have a fairly energetic schedule remaining, so we chose to sleep in to keep our agenda today fairly straight forward without too many extra side-trips. So we did not get up until about 8:30. We then went down to the Concierge and found out how to use the local transit services to get around town. There is a subway station directly across the street which would take us where we wanted to go, but there is also a free shuttle service along George Street (from 9:30-3:30) which also went where we wanted to go. We caught the 9:30 shuttle immediately behind the hotel and rode down to Circular Quay. This is the area ... read more
People on Bridge Climb over Harbor
Janet outside Opera House
One of Main Theaters from Walkway outside Opera House

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House March 13th 2014

Thursday 13th and Friday14th March, 2014. Return to Sydney and Sydney Opera House Show After breakfast we said our goodbyes to Geoff, Elizabeth and Bella. Then we set off in the car back towards Hobart. We arrived in good time for our flight and returned the car which passed inspection without any problems. This good luck was not to last however! When we entered the terminal we sorted ourselves out and went air-side after clearing security. Once on the other side it became clear that our flight was delayed. As a gesture of good will each passenger was given $8 voucher to spend in the cafe so we had two snacks and a beer.. As we ate our lunch the plane arrived and we got on it only some 45 minutes late. Once at the other ... read more
2. M and D at the Opera House Bar
10. La Soirée Stage
11. M and Rach Waiting for the Show to Start

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House December 31st 2013

So it is the day - yes it is NYE and we have been to the Pony for lunch which was a really nice present from Mike's daughters for Christmas. We are now sat outside the entrance for Lawn with the View to open. We seem to have quite a good vantage point where we are as loads of people are now sitting next to us. I think this is their vantage point for the whole night. We have been trying to think where we were at this time last year and I think Alzheimers has hit us both as we cannot remember and have come to the conclusion that we must have been at home, ha ha. I am looking forward to getting our picnic as I am getting real hungry now. So we queued ... read more
Sydney NYE fireworks

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House September 23rd 2013

Arrived in Sydney yesterday on the train from Woy Woy. We checked into the hostel and left our stuff so that we could explore the city. We went to see the opera house and the harbour bridge and it was amazing! we sat and had a late lunch at this lovely cafe on the waters edge over looking both the bridge and the opera house. Then we continued walking round to the opera house to get a close up and have a peak inside the gift shop and foyer and to take more pictures. Then we had a beer at the bar on the edge of the opera house with the sunset almost behind the bridge. We walked back to the hostel watched movies and went to bed. Woke up this morning and had a hungry ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House March 9th 2013

Dear Grace and Mag, Didn't really have the best start in Sydney to be honest...nothing really went wrong but I was jet lagged (took me 3 days to get over that), it was raining a lot for the first couple of days and the people in my hostel were not my cuppa tea. A lot of them were there long term and had jobs so weren't interested in involving new people that much - just interested in smoking weed! On the 3rd day in I did meet some nice girls though which was great and I met them for dinner that night. I got asked for I.D as I went to go in this restaurant and it was a big surprise considering in Thailand you don't think about anything like that. There are lots of rules ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House March 20th 2012

Hey everybody so we are in our last few hours in Sydney and defiantly going to miss Australia...after spending an hour talking to Joanna we have finally booked our hostel for Thailand which was running a tad late but my head has been in some funny places recently so am organised-sort of for at least 2 days into Bangkok. So to fill you all in.... after we left Brisbane we headed to Surfers Paradise which we had been told is pretty similar to we were ready and waiting for some wonderful sights ha! Our hostel was called backpackers in paradise and it was very paradise like should have been renamed Backpackers in Benidorm as we agreed it was quite similar! We met a very mad irish man called Willy who followed us around for a ... read more

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