New Years Eve in Sydney

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December 31st 2013
Published: January 1st 2014
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So it is the day - yes it is NYE and we have been to the Pony for lunch which was a really nice present from Mike's daughters for Christmas. We are now sat outside the entrance for Lawn with the View to open. We seem to have quite a good vantage point where we are as loads of people are now sitting next to us. I think this is their vantage point for the whole night. We have been trying to think where we were at this time last year and I think Alzheimers has hit us both as we cannot remember and have come to the conclusion that we must have been at home, ha ha.

I am looking forward to getting our picnic as I am getting real hungry now.

So we queued up and got to the most fantastic spot in Sydney to see the new year in. All I can say is it will definitely be a new year eve to remember Sydney you did yourselves proud in fireworks.

This is the first year that they have let fireworks off from the Opera House. It seems there

So woke up and rang Chris my son whose birthday it is and wow even got through - this does not normally happen as the networks are normally too busy.

We are going to get up now and get some breakfast as I am ravenous - what will my new years resolution be ummmmmmm now let me think about this one!!!!!

Next year I think it has to be London


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