Blogs from Västerbotten County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå July 11th 2023

Nukuin hyvin. Aamupalan jälkeen tein pienen kävelykierroksen. Hotellista piti lähteä klo 11 ja kitaramuseo aukesi klo 12. Kun ryhdyttiin siirtämään autoa halvemmalle paikalle, auto ei käynnistynytkään lainkaan. Netistä ei löytynyt puhelinnumeroa, josta olisi saanut apua siihen hätään. Jukalla oli onneksi mukana kaapelit, ja saatiin virtaa toisesta autosta. Olin ehtinyt googlata akkukaupan. Ajettiin sinne, jätettiin auto käymään vapaalla käsijarru päällä ja mentiin ostamaan uusi akku. Liikkeestä olisi saanut lainaan työkalut, mutta Jukka totesi että hänellä on omat työkalut ja hän vaihtaa uuden akun myöhemmin. Ajettiin sitten keskustaan kitaramuseon lähelle. Siellä vierähti tunti, ja poikettiin sen jälkeen kahvilla ja System Bolagetissa ostamassa viinipurkkeja. Auto ei käynnistynyt taaskaan. Jukka yritti ottaa virtaa uudesta akusta vanhaan akkuun, mutta se ei onnistunut. Hän yritti irr... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå July 18th 2021

Much art, one prison and a surprise visit by John Rambo This blog entry has not been intended as a theme blog. But you may be excused if you think that it is because it looks like that we deliberately filled it with pictures of sculptures and art. But we promise that there are some other things in it as well. You just have to look closely to find it. Umedalen sculpture park When we were in the city Umeå we visited Umedalen sculpture park, which supposedly is the largest sculpture park in Sweden. There are maybe around 40 different sculptures and installations in the park. They are all very different in style. Some are quite interesting whereas some are less so. We have seen similar sculpture parks before and generally find them worth visiting. Even ... read more
Umedalen sculpture park
Umedalen sculpture park
Umedalen sculpture park

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County May 22nd 2019

Ethiad Airlines were our carrier to Amsterdam, stopping in Abu Dhabi on the way. They we nothing impressive.  Food was very average and there were only toilets at the centre which was very difficult for us seated at the front when the food trolley blocked the isle. For the SAS flight from Amsterdam to Stockholm Tomas and I sat separately. He thought he had reserved a front seat with legroom but it ended up being like any other seat. I sat next to an animated 62 year old Dutch man who was heading to Vilnius with a friend for the week. We shared travel and booking tips the entire way. Apparently there is a "last minute" desk at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam that you can just turn up with your luggage and be heading on a ... read more
Lake House Sunsets: Long days with low sun
Father's Birthday Cake
Walking along the Icy Lake. Within the week all the ice disappeared.

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County August 2nd 2017

Monday 31 July......packed our bags and off to the north. We went into the city on the Tunnelbana then took a direct train to Harnosand - about half way up Sweden on the Baltic Coast. At the start it reached speeds of 180 kph but later on didn't go faster then 80 kph. The landscape was pretty flat all the way..... birch and conifer trees as well as cropping - wheat, barley and rye etc - and the red farm buildings made a colourful picture. The red is a by-product of copper mining and is cheaper than usual paint, and no doubt just as good. The crops soon ran out and also the birch trees and up here it's all conifers. We arrived in Harnosand about 5pm and our hotel was just across the road. It's ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå July 19th 2016

Vorgestern habe ich wieder gut gefrühstückt (mit Corn Flakes aber ohne Butter) und bin danach von Lulea ins nahegelegene alte Kirchdorf Gammelstad gefahren. Das ist Weltkulturerbe und sehr sehenswert. Danach bin ich zurueck und habe im schon erwähnten Kulturzentrum meine Internetdinge erledigt. Dann habe ich den Expressbus nach Umea genommen. Diesen Zwischenstopp habe ich eingefuegt, weil es mit der Bahn keine Tagesverbindung nach Uppsala gibt und nach dem Nachtzug habe ich mich gar nicht erkundigt, weil er mir diesmal zu unbequem erschien. Also habe ich Umea in meine Reiseplanung aufgenommen. Dort bin ich abends angekommen und habe in meinem Hotel problemlos eingecheckt und abends noch auf einem Boot gegessen.... read more
Fahrt entlang der schwedischen Küste.

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå March 4th 2016

En tre veckors lång paus från det vardagliga livet i Sverige för att göra en resa till USA. Vi börjar i Houston, Texas hos några vänner och fortsätter sedan med en roadtrip till San Diego tillsammans med våra vänner från Sverige. Mycket under resan kommer att handla om geocaching då vi fyra som följs åt är trogna anhängare av den hobbyn!... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County July 11th 2015

The cheapest way to fly to Skellefteå was from London with Ryan Air. There are very few airlines travelling to the north of Sweden and amazingly, we found a budget airline that did. This was a main reason why most of our travels were based from London. The last time I had visited Skellefteå it had involved a flight to Stockholm and then a 10 hour bus ride north overnight, so this was still much more convenient and economical. On arrival at Stansted, in London, we were greeted by 2 very young police officers standing together holding machine guns. They were surrounded by excited children wanting to look at their guns and the officers were proudly obliging. Stupid me, took a photo because I wanted an example of how sick this society has become and carelessly ... read more
Bonnstan Church Village
The little cabin
View From Cabin Window

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County July 27th 2014

Hoga Kusten 25 & 26 July 2014 One of the most beautiful coast lines in Sweden is the Hoga Kusten or High Coast in English. No where along the coast do you see such mountainous landscape with sheer rocky cliffs plunging straight down into the peninsular of the Baltic Sea. This area is sprinkled with dozens of lakes, fjords, and tranquil islands covered in dense pine forests or paddocks of crops. After leaving Sundsvall we headed north to see the high cliffs. We first drove across a bridge that looked like the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco and spotted a tourist information centre just across the bridge. He was incredibly helpful, advising us the best way to see the special features of the area. With maps in hand, we followed the tourist route which was ... read more
Bonhamn beach in Hoga Kusten Central Coast Sweden (1)
Skulebergets mountain in Hoga Kusten Central Coast Sweden (24)
Skulebergets mountain in Hoga Kusten Central Coast Sweden (21)

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå July 9th 2014

Lägger ut en bild på hur turen ska se ut. Åker som sagt från LA och slutar upp i NY där jag flyger hem ifrån sen.... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå June 17th 2014

Startade en reseblogg inför min resa till USA nu i juli-augusti. Blir borta i ca 40 dagar och reser från LA till New York. Ska försöka uppdatera så mycket jag kan. La upp ett par bilder på mitt kära Umeå!... read more

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