Raewyn Dakers


Raewyn Dakers

We are about to travel to Stockholm to visit our son, who is living there.

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County September 27th 2017

Tuesday 22nd August Our train didn’t leave until 1.30pm so we spent the morning relaxing in our hotel room until we had to leave. We had aisle seats next to an Iranian/American father and daughter who were on a whistle-stop tour of Scandinavian capitals. We had an interesting conversation about the USA and its current political situation. The scenery was the same all the way – trees, lakes, farms, villages and towns – all fairly flat. The train went north-east to Kongsvinger and crossed the border into Sweden around 3pm. The rest of the journey was uneventful and we arrived in Stockholm at 18.54, found our way to the T-bana (underground) and arrived at the apartment at 19.30. I enjoyed 3 cups of tea !!! Wednesday 23rd August Up at 8.30, breakfast and then to the ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo August 22nd 2017

Two Days in Oslo... Sunday 20 th August... another lovely sunny day, so we decided to walk to Vigeland Sculpture Park - about 45 mins away, although we stopped on the way to look at the Houses of Parliament and the Royal Palace from the outside.The sculpture park is the life-time's work of Gustav Vigeland (1869 - 1943) with more than 200 sculptures in bronze, granite and forged iron. The sculptures are all of people, showing all the human emotions. The most well-known is the angry little boy, stamping his foot at something or someone. Being a Sunday, the park was full of families as well as tourists - 6 buses lined up outside. We walked back to the hotel to charge the camera battery and ours too, then walked to the Opera House on the ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway August 20th 2017

Friday 18th August - Sunny Bergen !!! We decided to make the most of the outdoors and go up Mt Floyen, in the funicular. It took us an hour in the queue, as everyone else had the same idea, and a 6 minute ride to the top. The view was over the city was amazing - 2 cruise ships in port. We had a bite of lunch, then walked around in the forest at the top, to the lake and back in time to see the Hurtigruten ship arrive in port (2.30pm). We enjoyed just sitting in the sun people-watching for a while, then went down and walked to Bergenhus Fortress - one of the oldest and best preserved in Norway. From there we walked along the foreshore - the old area of Bryggen - and ... read more

Europe August 19th 2017

Thursday 17th August - Bergen to Flam and back... We left on the 09.59 local train to Myrdal - stopping at 10 stations and going through tunnels between each town. The train went fast enough in the tunnels for my ears to pop, but it was a fairly slow trip around the edge of the fjord. The scenery was fantastic wth sheer cliffs down to the water and houses built on the mountain sides... some with a small farm - no animals outside, but paddocks cut for hay, stored in wrapped bales. Some parts reminded me of Queenstown - lake and mountains. It was very cold at Myrdal, and we had lunch in the cafe while waiting for the excursion train down to Flam. This train goes from 866 m above sea level to 2 m ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway August 18th 2017

Sat 12 August...A Very Looong Day in Tromso... We slept in a bit as yesterday was a busy day and a late night, with interrupted sleep the night before. After breakfast we packed up and left our bags at the hotel, then walked to the Hurtigruten Terminal to check it out. Well there isn't one at Tromso - only a cargo shed. From there it was a short walk to Polaria, where we watched bearded and harbur seals being fed and doing their tricks, as well as a slideshow about Svalbard. The polar ice melting is of concern to people in this part of the world. We found a shopping centre and had a big lunch, before walking over the bridge again. This time we went up in the cablecar to a peak (Fjellheisen) above the ... read more

Europe » Norway August 12th 2017

Thursday 10 August - Abisko to Narvik, Norway. Had another slow start today as our train didn't leave until 2.30pm, and we were quite tired after all our walking yesterday. We walked back to the Turist Station (3km) and saw 2 slideshows - one about the 8 National Parks in the Norbotten region (north part of Sweden), and the other about a year in the life of Sami reindeer herding... both very interesting. The train was on time and quite full again. The scenery was mountains and birch trees, and snow shelters over the railway line in many places all the way to Narvik. The road runs beside the railway while in Sweden, but takes a different route in Norway. There were a few isolated villages on the way, and when we reached Norway, the steep ... read more

Europe » Sweden August 9th 2017

On to Abisko....a slower start today as our train didn't leave until 1.25pm. We caught up with emails and blog then left the hotel at 11am. We walked up to the Information Centre (Folkets Hus) and waited around until 12.30. It was warm inside and there were plenty of displays of the mine and town to look at as well as information boards to read. A bus took us to the railway station (no longer in the centre of town because of the mine subsidence) and our train arrived on time. The ride to Abisko was just over an hour and the train (night one from Stockholm) was full of hikers with large backpacks, all going to the same place as us... Abisko National Park. The scenery was mainly birch trees, later mountains with snow on ... read more

Europe » Sweden August 9th 2017

Kiruna - Monday 7th August. We left the Tourist Office in a full bus for the tour of the iron ore mine. This is the largest underground iron ore mine in the world and produces the most pure iron ore. The mine started about 1888 with open cast mining, but they started tunnelling when they realised the ore seam was continuing deep into the ground. The seam is at a 60 degree angle and with continued mining, they will end up under the present town centre...... so they are moving 30 % of the town 3 kms to the east, away from the mine. This includes the Town Hall and Council Offices, historic church, hospital, most shops, hotels etc, etc. Some houses have already been moved or demolished as the ground subsides. The new Town Hall ... read more

Europe » Sweden August 7th 2017

Saturday 5th August. ... a day in Jokkmokk. Cloudy and a bit cooler today. We bought apples and nectarines from the supermarket before setting off on a walk up a nearby hill. It was not well signposted and we ended up on the wrong track. A man out walking his dog put us right. He was from South Germany and had moved to Sweden for a quieter life. He loved being in Lapland and was very interested in the Sami people. We chatted to him for about half an hour and learned a lot about living in this area and the difficulties of winter with temperatures of -40 degrees. Even his dog didn't want to go out for a walk then !!! The view from the top was a bit disappointing as the tall fir trees ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County August 6th 2017

Friday 4 August - Lulea to Jokkmokk.... another day of travelling - this time train and bus..... also another fine day with a clear blue sky. The train left at 10am and was fairly empty until we arrived in Boden. Crowds of hikers with large backpacks got off the overnight train from Gothenburg - same train we arrived on yesterday - and got on the train we were on - going as far as Kiruna. We got off at the next stop, a small village called Murjek, where we had a 2 hour wait for the bus to Jokkmokk. There was a restaurant in a no-longer-used Teachers' Training College building just up the road, and we headed there to see what we could find for lunch. Friday's menu was curried chicken and rice or potatoes, and ... read more

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