Blogs from Barranco, Lima, Lima, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco April 21st 2024

It is very hard country. Dry country. Stony country. Arid country. Barren country. A barely hospitable landscape. Sand and grit, rock and pebble. Desert mountains and empty seaward lowlands. Not semi-arid. For vast tracts there is no vegetation. A single very hardy thistle of spiky grass, or rare cactus, startles. It is so ugly it is almost beautiful. The Peruvian desert, that includes most of the nation's western flank between the Andes Mountains and Pacific Ocean, is not of any exceptional width, between 100km and 200km. But it is a long land of nigh nothing, a moonscape, running near the length of the country, 3,000km, 10 percent of the nation. A few tatty towns dot the local base of the raised spine along the entire continent: from heavy snow and 'Swiss lakes' in deep-south Patagonia northwards ... read more
1,500-year-old Nazca aqueduct system
3 boats and no men
3 men in a boat, Chala

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco September 6th 2019

For the last full day of our holiday, we decided to wander around Barranco, the funkiest and most attractive part of Lima we have found. Like St Kilda, it was once a seaside resort when the city was contained in what is now the centre, buy today its old buildings have been converted into restaurants, bars and galleries and in the streets are filled with street art, bougainvillea and bohemian young people. There are several small museums and galleries. We visited MATE, the gallery of photographer Mario Testino. He is best known for his glamorous celebrity shoots and fashion photography, including the last portraits of Princess Diana, and those works are certainly impressive. But our favourites were his stylised colourful images of traditional Andean costume - which makes anything b the modern fashion world invents seen ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco March 18th 2019

In hindsight we could have spent less time here and found another place in Peru for a week or so. We found Lima too big, busy and crowded for our liking, particularly after the charm of Cuenca. Traffic in and around Lima is brutal so we avoided taxis and Uber and walked, 75km last week. The apartment was excellent and of all the districts we felt Barranco was the most genuine and the best bet for us. There are 6 panoramas in the section above. They change every 5 seconds. 1. Barranco beach on a hot weekend. Too crowded for us. Reminded us of Sauble Beach on a long weekend in summer. 2. An Incan inspired wall mural in Barranco. 3. Plaza de Armas in central Lima. 4. From Miraflores, looking south to Barranco. 5.Huaca Pucllana. ... read more
Colourful streets of Barranco
High above the Pacific

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco January 3rd 2017

Hello everyone!!! We finally made it! - we had an awful journey here with a very long stop over in São Paulo! Celebrated new year three times but slept through two of them. Finally landed to discover- my boots have got lost in transit! We really aren't having the best of starts lol! I can laugh about it now but obviously wasn't amused at the time! They'd also stolen my cable ties from my bag too! We got a taxi from the airport into Lima- that was an experience in itself!!! They make the m25 look tame, cars nearly crashing into each other with about 15 people in 1 car- mental! We arrived at the hostel in 1 piece thankfully, our hotelier took pitty on us and let us have our room early. I swear to ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco September 10th 2015

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco October 28th 2014

Geo: -12.143, -77.0186For those of you reading this in "real time," there is a gap for the days we were out on the Inca Trail. Good news: we made it! Obviously we didn't have the time or internet connection to blog while hiking 26+ miles over and around mountains, so I'll have to go back and fill in the blanks when I return. I think the common reaction of everyone in our hiking group was that it was an epic experience, well worth doing and we never want to do it again.We got up around 7:30 this morning, still incredibly grateful for having had a shower and a night in a bed. I never really got fully acclimated to the altitude and my chest still felt a little tight so I was ... read more
Melty cheese appetizer
You can't truly appreciate how large this plate is
I used to live in Texas

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco October 21st 2014

Geo: -12.1428, -77.0195Our plane was scheduled for 2pm and the front desk recommended that we get a taxi at 11am so we had a little time this morning before flying to Cusco. We packed up and left our luggage at the front desk and took a taxi over to the Inca Market area in Miraflores. Both Silvias said it is a very good place to get souvenirs. We got there a little before 10 and the shops were just starting to open. A few vendors were enthusiastic about having business, others decidedly not. I wanted to buy a stack of hats from one place, but the guy there seemed to just be a place holder for the woman who owned the shop. If I wanted to negotiate, I would have to come back after 1:30. Mike ... read more
Genuine plastic crystal chandelier
View from our room
Hokie cup

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco October 20th 2014

Geo: -12.143, -77.0186We started our day at the "self your serve" coffee and tea station. Mike reported that the coffee was strong but lacked flavor. I was pleased that the tea water was piping hot. The selection of teas included "uña de gato" which means "cat's claw." The ingredient list included both that and "horse tail." A brief check of an promising web site revealed that cat's claw is the friendly term for a South American vine that is good for digestive complaints and arthritis. I stuck with "te puro." It was a short night and I needed caffeine, not surprises. The hotel has five breakfast options: all include freshly squeezed OJ. I had a mixed fruit bowl that included a lot of papaya, some melon, strawberries and a small yellow, round fruit that we had ... read more
Rebar bird
Trumpet flowers
Ceviche at La Bonbonnaire

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco June 24th 2014

The guy who took us from Lima airport to our hotel only conned us by an extra £20 or so which was fine and acceptable after the journey we'd had. I'm never flying Air Europa again. No booze and no on-demand in-flight entertainment, rather one average sized screen at the front of the plane playing the new Muppets movie. Which I actually quite enjoyed. Donna and I also didn't appreciate the intense rattling of the plane during the frequent periods of turbulence. It was quite thrilling to fly over the amazon though which seemed to take forever as it's so vast. And approaching Peru and seeing the Andes through the aeroplane at sunrise was quite cool. Our hotel, Second Home Peru, is 100% beautiful. A Peruvian artist's residence covered in his artwork with lovely gardens featuring ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco September 3rd 2013

Heute werde ich wohl mein letztes Update schreiben. Die Busfahrt von Arequipa nach Cabanaconde zum Colca Canyon war schlaflos, eng und unangenehm. In Cabanaconde habe ich mich deshalb mit einem ausgiebigien Fruehstueck in einem Hostal belohnt, in dem ich auch gleich den Grossteil meines Gepaecks zurueckgelassen habe. Danach gings los auf eine dreitaegigie Tour durch den Colca Canyon. Die wunderbar warmen Thermalpools, die ich nachts bei klarem Sternenhimmel besucht habe, die supernetten Leute, die ich kennengelernt habe und die Landschaft waren genial. Leider hatte ich am zweiten Abend wieder eine schreckliche Magenverstimmung, sodass ich nach einem langen Wandertag weder Essen noch was Trinken konnte und total entkraeftet schlafen gehen musste. Da ich nicht wusste, ob es mir am naechsten Tag besser gehen wuerde, habe ich sicherheitshalber fuer den meist 3h dauernden schweren Aufstieg... read more

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