Lauren Johnson


Lauren Johnson

So I decided to put my job on hold and take the world by storm for 9months with the girl I got kicked out of girl guides with, what could go wrong!!!

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 24th 2017

We arrived in Arusha later than expected. We had stopped off for a 40 min lunch break that turned out to be 2 hours because it food took that long to come! It wasn’t as if we had anything extravagant- it was chicken salad!!! Anyway we finally arrived to camp- which also happened to be a snake park. Home to some of the worlds deadliest and most poisonous snakes- and we were sleeping with them!!! Thankfully they were in tanks and kept away from camp. The reason they had them here is because this place is one of the only places in Africa that treats snake bites for free. Tents up and showered up, we packed our over night bags ready for our adventure into the Serengeti in the morning. We got into our new vehicles- ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Nungwi September 2nd 2017

The next day was spent mainly on the bus with a long drive to the Tanzanian boarder. We kept ourselves entertained with games such as charades and singing along to music on mass. We even managed to watch some of the new game of thrones! Once at the border we got our visas and headed to camp. We got to camp really late and the light had already gone as we pitched the tents and cooked dinner. We would be up early the next day so we were keen to get dinner and go to bed. In a tired stupor I sat down on a bench next to a few of the guys with my food and as I did the whole bench collapsed onto us!! I ended up with spaghetti bolognese all in my lap ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Kandi Beach September 1st 2017

We were overjoyed to finally reach lake Malawi- after a long day on the road, this place looked like heaven. If I'm honest I didn't see the lake until the next morning as I was to preoccupied with pitching the tent and having a much needed shower. That evening we were dinner guests to our hosts at Kande beach. We had a lovely dinner in a local home before we were treated to the local children singing and dancing for us- we of course ended up joining in! If it wasn't illegal I think I may have stolen one to bring home! The next morning we were up and ready for our walk around the local village. As soon as we left the compound we were staying in we were literally run at by local guys- ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Lusaka » Kabulonga August 30th 2017

We arrived at Victoria falls late afternoon and our camp was less than 1km to the actual falls. It was to be the last few nights we would spend with our current group and there was lots to see and do. We pitched our tents- this time there wasn't a speck of dust to be seen and there was even grass (a rare luxury). After a much needed shower we headed out for dinner. It was a buffet and we were able to try crocodile, warthog, buffalo, grubs and tripe! We decided to leave the tripe but got stuck into everything else. Our favourite was by far the warthog (sorry pumba!) we were also treated to local music and dance. Back at the camp it was early to bed as we had planned to go to ... read more

Africa » Botswana August 19th 2017

Windhoek was 500 kilometres away from Etosha so it made for a very long drive. Unfortunately our bus got a flat tyre so we had to stop for lunch early whilst the guys changed it for the spare. Spirits we really high for some reason and singing on the bus spread out onto the side of the road for dancing and singing whilst the tyre was being changed by the boys and lunch being made by the girls! We were a well oiled machine and thankfully didn't lose much time because of it. When we got into Windhoek we had to make a detour to get a new tyre before heading to our camp. We had to wait on the bus whilst this happened, so what better to do than play some music. Before we knew ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park August 18th 2017

We stopped off in the morning to have some photos at the Tropic of Capricorn before arriving into swakopmund- home for the next few days. Dinner that night would be our first experience of eating local meat- me and Jo rather enjoyed our Oryx meatballs. The boys on the tour tucked into zebra, oryx and kudo amongst other things. Oryx is super lean and no fat to it at all- really tasty! A totally different experience to the one eating local meat in peru!!! My birthday celebrations started early that evening with drinks after dinner, that turned into shots, that turned into dancing the night away to Whitney Huston in a Namibian nightclub. All in all it resulted in me being pushed home in a shopping trolley from the club- as you can tell, I was ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cederberg August 5th 2017

Delhi airport is just like any other! Check in desk staff baffled by how you are traveling onto the next destination and unsure of what to do with your bags- queue the panic of not getting your bags at the other end! Security as ever has all its own quirks- this time all electrical items to be removed, even wires. Cue the chaos that is Lauren and Jo with huge bags full of wires, trying to find them all. Finally we got through to departures and thought we would indulge in some last minute Indian cuisine- the final frontier- the Mc chicken maharajah! Now I had mine without chilli's and it was crazy spicy, so god only knows how spicy it was with chilli's- jo tells me bloody spicy! A short plane ride and we arrived ... read more

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra August 1st 2017

The train to Agra was an early one and we had been upgraded to first class! We were totally spoilt with a surprisingly yummy breakfast included. When we got to Agra our hotel was right next to a Pizza Hut and a costa coffee. Now your probably thinking what is the significance of this!? Well when you have been travelling as long as we have and having eaten as much Asian/ Indian/ Chinese food as we have over the past few months, this was a revolutionary. Not to mention the fact we hadn't had a decent cup of coffee in what felt like years. Once unpacked and settled in, we headed out to do some sight seeing. The weather was over cast so we tried to get as much done as possible. We headed to Itimad-ud-dualah ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaisalmer July 23rd 2017

At 6am in the morning you can understand why Jaisalmer is called the Golden city! It looked beautiful with the sun just rising over it- it made up for an early start. Once on the bus it was off to sleep, however nature always inevitably calls. When the bus stopped I mentally prepared myself to brave the squat toilet- only problem was I couldn't get off the bus. A cow had decided to walk straight in front of the exit and wouldn't move! Cows are so sacred in India, they can literally do what they want; lie in the middle of the road, trot through the traffic, hold up a market, stop people getting off buses to pee!!! Not sure what to do I was dancing on the spot until someone else shooed it along- only ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi July 23rd 2017

We arrived at Bali airport in good time. The guy we had at check in didn't exactly fill us with confidence as he nearly sent my bag to Phuket! Also my flip flops had been on their way out for some time and had officially died whilst lugging our backpacks from the taxi. Nearly stacking it on the escalator with bags in hand, it was time to shop for a new pair. When we got through security we were faced with a delay already- although relatively short. It seemed like no time at all before we arrived in Kuala Lumpur again. It still remains our least favourite airport, where it seems like no one wants to help you and it's bloody expensive. Still I did manage to get some new flip flops here! Another delay had ... read more

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