Blogs from Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin November 13th 2022

Bonjour à tous. Ce matin encore un timing parfait, avec même de l'avance. A 7H30 j'ai déjà fait 20km. Il est annoncé 4h de route pour 300km, et je voudrais voir certaines choses à Dunedin. Les mini pingouins, et les bleus, et avoir un peu de temps pour faire un tour de ville. C'est le premier matin où le ciel est nuageux, noir. Le 70 premiers km je les ai déjà faits en venant, c'est tout plat, et de rares virages mais très prononcés. et je vais constater que les 220 suivants sont les mêmes. Très peu de voitures, le peu que je rattrapent sont faciles à doubler. Conclusion les 300km avalés en 2H45, je pense avoir un peu dépassé la limite autorisée de 100kmh. Les 10km d'autoroute, appelés ici motorway sont comme les petites routes ... read more
mon hôtel
Otago péninsule
Otago péninsule

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin March 10th 2021

After a sunny, warmish day yesterday, today has been raining off and on all day and we're back in our winter clothes. However, that wasn't to be a worry as we had already determined that we'd visit some museums today. Our first visit was to the Otago Museum which was modern and very impressive. Our main area of interest was the Natural History section on the top floor which had everything from earth sciences, animal, insect and plant information and local human history. My main interest was the paleontology exhibits which were fantastic! There was a huge pleisiosaur, a mososaur, sharks, whales, penguins, seals, fish, bones, shells and plants remains. As well were rocks and some minerals. It was gratifying to see how much I already had in my home collection even if my samples weren't ... read more
Some specimens at the Museum
The Paleo display cabinets at the University
Some Jurassic fossils

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin March 9th 2021

The weather looks great for some outdoor activities today and it's not so cold. We set off to Larnach Castle which should be on everyone's list as it's a rare sight indeed in New Zealand. The drive with great views over the harbour took a winding and steep road across the hilltops many kilometres out of Dunedin. What a magnificent location! The original owner and builder of the castle was portrayed as a rich and powerful man involved in business, banking and politics during the later 1800s. The design and materials used were mostly imported and must have cost a fortune during those times. Obviously money did not buy happiness as he shot himself in pariliament as did his son some time later, but at home! The setting is fantastic with landscaped grounds setting off the ... read more
Looking down from the turret
Garden symmetry
From the castle top

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin March 8th 2021

After travelling from NP to Christchurch to Dunedin, we picked up our rental car with it's superb but difficult to set, GPS. Our destination was Port Chalmers where we wanted to visit the Maritime Museum. It was a cold 10 degrees! What happened to summer? Our destination was the Port Chalmers Maritime Museum which we'd seen on TV before. It was well worth the visit and a credit to the community in recording the maritime history going back to the time of original immigrants and refrigeration ships in the mid to later 1800s. There were many models of old sailing ships, the history of Port Chalmers, ship wrecks, port development, the hardship of early immigrants, and the original exploration ships to Antarctic by Scott, Shackleton and Byrd. Also there were the relics taken from the ships ... read more
Hole in the rock
Peninsula Heads
Mr Sealion having a nap

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin March 13th 2020

Dunedin is Gaelic for Edinburgh & was settled by Scots who started the Free Church of Scotland in the 1800s. It is a very pleasant and well off city with some beautiful buildings especially the churches but there are lots of old buildings which have been renovated to their former glory, a large university and a large hospital and med school. The hospital is soon to be rebuilt and loads of grotty modern buildings are being pulled down for the purpose. There are lots of little shops on the high street, which put English high streets to shame. It is a hilly place which slopes onto lots of bays so the houses have lovely views. We were driven along the winding coastal road ,which is being widened, to a Nature reserve where only birds and animals ... read more
Otago peninsula
Local transport
view from the buggy

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin February 19th 2020

Heading further south on the South Island East Coast, our goal for the day was the Otago Peninsula and the Royal Albatross Center. We had originally planned to also watch the small blue penguins come ashore, but that encounter takes place at sunset and at this latitude at this time of year sunset comes late. We decided instead to head on back to Dunedin and our evening lodging after visiting the Albatross Center. The albatross is famous in legend and literature. We are all familiar with "Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink" from Coleridge, and with the expression "albatross around your neck". Still, this literate familiarity does not prepare you for the majesty of seeing these magnificent birds aloft. The albatross spends most of its life at sea, and albatross pairs (they mate ... read more
Nesting albatross
View from Albatross Center viewing station
Scenic route from Taiaroa Head

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin February 5th 2020

Což takhle zajet na Nový Zéland a koupit tu skotské suvenýry? Myslíte si pravděpodobně, že jsem se úplně pomátla. Ale je tomu tak. Město Dunedin, které si zakládá na skotské historii, vlastní obchody prodávající kilty, některé nápisy tu najdete v gaelštině, dokonce samotný význam slova Dunedin je gaelsky Edinburgh (neboli hlavní město Skotska). Je to město, kde se našlo zlato a byla to nejrychleji se rozvíjející oblast Nového Zélandu, do té doby než vznikl Auckland. Dnes je 4. největším městem se zhruba 120 000 obyvateli. Z toho asi 20 000 jsou univerzitní studenti, jelikož Dunedin je místo s nejstarší univerzitou Zélandu. Nyní zde můžete studovat asi 100 různých oborů. Co se historických budov týče, nejvíce jich má opět toto město - nejstarší kostel, železniční budova apod. A ještě jednu zajímavost tu najdete - nejstrmější ulici. Skotsko ... read more
Baldwin street - nejstrmější ulice
Pohled na východní pobřeží Otaga s ovečkami
Moeraki Boulders

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin November 19th 2019

Dunedin is the old name for Edinburgh and explains why Robby Burns has a place of honour in the Octagon in front of St Paul’s cathedral and the town hall. However the railway station is the most impressive building and deservedly the most photographed. I normally stay well clear of churches but the organ being played in St. Paul’s was magnificent.... read more
Dunedin Railway station tower
Dunedin railway station
Dunedin railway station floor tile

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin June 9th 2018

One of the coolest things about this trip is how the destinations have been totally dictated by the homes of my friends around the world. I was telling people I was going to visit Dunedin before I could even pronounce it correctly. No seriously, I had to be corrected almost a half dozen times before it stuck. Duh-NEE-din. It's a university town waaaay south on the South Island and I visited in the middle of winter. The air was crisp, but compared to Wisconsin, Jenny and I had to have a good laugh about this 'winter' where everything is canceled if snow stays on the ground. The interesting thing is that we grew up a few minutes north of the 45 degree North Parallel and now we were reunited near the 45 degree South Parallel! Oh, ... read more
Sheep with an awesome office view
Our first beer together. Ever!
Katiki Historic Reserve

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin April 6th 2018

Blog 20 Dunedin (Port Chalmers), New Zealand, April 3 ,2018 – Weather forecast: sunny with scattered clouds; temperature 19°C, wind 22kts (5 Beaufort) This morning we docked in Port Chalmers at the bulk cargo pier and container port. The Noordam was joined by the Sun Princess as neither vessel, due to the fact that they are both weigh over 28,000 tons, could journey up the channel to the docks in Dunedin. Dunedin, which derives its name from Dun Eideann the Scottish Gaelic name for Edinburgh, was designed to mimic portions of the New Town district of Edinburgh. The strong Scottish heritage can be seen throughout the architecture of the city. Scottish migrants settled here in 1848 making Dunedin the oldest city in New Zealand and in 1861 it became the gateway to the gold fields in ... read more

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