Buddy Medbery


Buddy Medbery

I work to dive and travel

North America » United States » Oregon » Astoria July 30th 2024

(Full disclosure: we actually went to Ft Clatsop on the 29th and the Columbia River Gorge on the 30th. I am reversing those for story-telling purposes) When we left Mt. Rainier, we did not return to Olympia, but went on south to Longview to be further along our path. The next morning we got up hoping to see Mt. St. Helens, but when we arrived at the visitor center indicated in maps and brochures, the mountain was not visible, and it was a 200 mile round trip to get to the other side of it to view the mountain. We decided against that excursion. We proceeded south to the Columbia River. The Columbia arises in the Rocky Mountains of Canada, and after an initial northwest trek, it heads south and then about due west to form ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 973 Crater Lake National Park OR 073123
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 977 Crater Lake National Park OR 073123
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 978 Crater Lake National Park OR 073123

North America » United States » Washington » Mt Rainier July 28th 2023

Okay, I get it. This is not exactly timely. But it is what it is. Our reason for overnighting in Olympia was that we had planned to take my aunt to dinner. She is our only remaining relative from my parents' generation. But it was not to be. Shortly before arriving, we found out that she had just been diagnosed with covid, and so we abandoned that plan. However, we did go to her favorite restaurant in Olympia that evening. We also needed to have a part day in a town large enough to have a Honda dealership that could service my Honda Accord Hybrid. We had put 5000 miles on it since leaving Charleston. We knew this would happen, so had scheduled early morning service at the dealership in Olympia. Departing that thrilling adventure, we ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 916 Mt Rainier National Park WA 072823
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 917 Mt Rainier National Park WA 072823
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 919 Mt Rainier National Park WA 072823

North America » United States » Washington » Mt Rainier July 26th 2023

Today was occupied by a visit to the Hoh Rain Forest and then the drive to Olympia, which was mostly uninteresting (the drive, that is). The rain forest is the finest remaining example of the vast temperate rainforest that once stretched from southeastern Alaska to the central coast of California. From the Kalaloch Lodge, we had to backtrack somewhat to reach the visitor center. If you decide to go, go early in the morning. Otherwise, prepare yourself for a prolonged sojourn in your car waiting for admission as others leave. The origin of the name "Hoh" is lost. Some think it comes from a Native American word meaning"fast flowing river". Since the broad and fast-flowing river divides the land, some think the name comes from a Native American word meaning boundary. A third explanation is that ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 851 Jennie Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park WA 072723
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 859 Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park WA 072723
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 869 Hoh Rain Forest Olympic National Park WA 072723

When we left Missoula, we abandoned the Lewis and Clark expedition trail temporarily. From this point they had a relatively easy journey down the Columbia River to the Oregon coast, and we shall cover that later. For now, we left their path and made our own. First we went to Spokane to pick up Jennie and have dinner with her niece, then across the Snoqualmie Pass to the Seattle area, and on through onto the Olympic Peninsula. There was little of interest between Missoula and Spokane, unless you consider it interesting to be traveling through country you know is inhabited by 3 foot long earthworms. Seattle is just a big sprawl for the traveler passing through. Its charms require an actual visit. Eventually, at the end of two days of driving, we found ourselves at the ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 804 Jennie Hurricane Ridge Olympic National Park WA 072623
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 805 Hurricane Ridge Olympic National Park WA 072623
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 808 Hurricane Ridge Olympic National Park WA 072623

North America » United States » Montana » Missoula July 23rd 2023

As previously noted, Lewis and Clark were pessimistic about their ability to continue the Jefferson River as a transportation route for very long after leaving the Missouri Headwaters Confluence. They started looking for alternatives, splitting up to make the exploration shorter. By now it was late August and they were afraid of getting caught in the mountains in winter storms. Clark went up the larger Salmon River, even though the Native Americans had told them it was not navigable. Clark ultimately had to admit the wisdom of that analysis. Lewis went up the Big Hole, where one canoe capsized and two others were swamped, forcing them to stop and dry out their gear. Leaving the Big Hole, Lewis then tried going up the Beaverhead. This turned out to be non-navigable as well, but they finally managed ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 777 Lemhi Pass 072323
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 779 Lemhi Pass 072323
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 796 Buddy astride headwater of Missouri River Lemhi Pass 072323

North America » United States » Montana » Butte July 22nd 2023

Today's route took us to Tower Rock, site of a Lewis and Clark camp on August 21 1805. From here they investigated the Salmon River but realized that it was not usable as a way west because of steep surrounding cliffs and dangerous rapids. They proceeded on up the Missouri's main channel. Near present day Three Forks MT they came to what they called the headwaters of the Missouri, where the river was formed by the junction of two rivers with a third coming in less than a mile downstream. They named the rivers the Jefferson, the Madison, and the Gallatin, after members of the president's cabinet. The ascertainment of a river's source or headwaters is not a particularly exact science. In common usage, the river's source is that point most distant upstream from the river's ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 734 Missouri Headwaters State Park MT 072223
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 738 Jefferson River at confluence with Madison River to form Missouri River Missouri Headwaters State Park MT 072223
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 742 Confluence of Jefferson and Madison to form Missouri River Missouri Headwaters State Park MT 072223

North America » United States » Montana » Great Falls July 21st 2023

Leaving the little town of Winifred, we headed for Great Falls. There we planned to see what could be seen of the multiple falls, and visit the C.M. Russell Museum. The drive was a little over two and a half hours through unremarkable Montana countryside. We were not traveling along the Missouri River at this point, because the landscape of the area does not allow that very easily. Part of this area is Métis country, particularly around Lewistown. The Métis are a distinct ethnic group, mostly located in Canada, whose roots are in the union of white settlers (principally Scottish, French, and English) with indigenous peoples. Most commonly this was between a male trapper or trader and an indigenous woman. Over time, these formed a distinct ethnic group, although some Métis decided to identify as indigenous. ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 721 Great Falls MT 072123
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 722 Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center Great Falls MT 072123
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 723 C M Russell Museum Great Falls MT 072223

North America » United States » Montana » Fort Benton July 20th 2023

Anyone with two neurons to rub together must be asking themselves "Why did they spend 3 nights in Winifred?" A good question. We were aware before beginning the trip that seeing any of the Missouri that looked anything like it did in 1804-1806 was going to require getting off the grid a little. Or in this case, a lot. Much of the river is now impounded by dams, encased in levees, or otherwise altered in ways that make it quite different from its earlier self. One stretch that has remained untouched is the White Cliffs area, which also has some of the most iconic scenery, often painted by Charles M. Russell and others. In 1977 Bill Clinton proclaimed the formation of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, not without some opposition from local ranchers who ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 515 Buddy, Chuck, Lucie Ft Benton MT 071923
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 526 Ft Benton MT 071923
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 536 Upper Missouri River Breaks Interpretive Center MT 071923

Arising early, we soon got to see the most glorious view - Williston in our rear view mirror. When we temporarily let the story of Lewis and Clark, they had built a log fort just downstream of the Mandan villages. It was a cold winter, and they subsisted on what game they could shoot and corn shared with them by the Mandans. As soon as river conditions allowed, they sent the keelboat back down the Missouri carrying maps , notes, and biological specimens obtained up to that point. The keelboat had been invaluable in carrying large amounts of equipment, trade goods, and foodstuffs, but they knew all along that they would have to abandon it at the Mandan villages. River conditions beyond that point simply would not allow for use of such a large, heavy, and ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 444 Missouri River-Yellowstone River confluence ND 071823
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 447 Ft Union ND 071823
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 451 Ft Union ND 071823

Today's travels took place with a single focus: seeing the South and North units of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We had originally planned to include Lewis and Clark State Park (ND) but time precluded that visit. In 1883 a young Theodore Roosevelt, wealthy, educated, scientifically keen, and already a published ornithologist, came to North Dakota and established a cattle ranching operation there. Partners ran the ranch for him. Following the postpartum death of his wife and the death of his mother the same day, he came back out to North Dakota and spent considerable time. He became a fervent believer in the cause of conservation. When he became the 26th POTUS following the assassination of William McKinley, he used the legislative process and an unprecedented number of executive orders to create 5 new national parks, establish ... read more
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 366 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit ND 071723
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 367 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit ND 071723
2023 Lewis and Clark trip 373 Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit ND 071723

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