Blogs from Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Armstrong September 23rd 2020

Hi from Canada. Covid. Well THAT was a year wasn't it? I hope this blog finds you all healthy & safe. With the kind of job I have, I spent most of the 2020 pandemic just trying to stay sane. Optimistic me faithfully followed protocol & restrictions with the hopes of some normal future after the vaccine. Pessimistic me ran apocalyptical scenarios while stockpiling canned goods & toilet paper. I didn't dare dream of any future international travels. It just didn't feel right. Sequestered mainly to work and home, I was still able to sneak off and do day hikes around my hometown of Chilliwack on a rare day off. When late April approached, I knew I had to start preparing the family farm for the season. I quickly realized that my little “hobby” would become ... read more
Social Distancing like a Pro
Harvest Time
2020 Starts

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Armstrong October 10th 2013

Autumn is by far my favourite time of year in British Columbia, especially in the Spallumcheen, a township that teeters precariously on the most Northerly point of the sunny Okanagan. My family's vineyard is located in this wine growing region, and come late September, a certain crispness lingers in the air. While trees throw out handfuls of painted leaves to be twirled by the afternoon gusts, the urgency of our impending harvest is signified by the cast of longer sun shadows. One of the hardest things is the wait, the wait for optimum ripeness. We eagerly check our Brix level while we do battle with a multitude of critters…all whom want to eat said grapes. Hitchcock-like flocks of birds swoop in, while swarms of drunken wasps buzz haphazardly around your person. Black bears sashay by as ... read more
The Final Product
Okanagan lake
Fooling around in the Vineyard

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Armstrong June 20th 2010

Well, we've left the city of Edmonton, long time home (for one of us; tears were shed). We left a little later than planned (1700hrs instead of 1200hrs); but neither of us wanted to wimp out so we headed to BC anyways. After hours of night driving (intermittent snoozing, extended by Nap Sac's (thanks Pratt & Co.)) and a stop at Tim Hortons for iced caps we showed up in Armstrong in the wee hours of the morning (0600hrs) to visit family. Welcomed by the only awake occupants, the bernese mountain dogs, we crept into the house to get ready for bed. Low and behold who should awake but little Cindy-Lou Who (or a close approximation). Ashley's little cousin was the first to wake up and welcome us with hugs and smiles (must have been a ... read more
Welcome Party

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