And they're off!!

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North America » Canada » British Columbia » Armstrong
June 20th 2010
Published: June 27th 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

In Canada

Left EdmontonWent to Armstrong & Vernon to visit family

Something about them flowersSomething about them flowersSomething about them flowers

Tree shopping Ashley just can't keep away.
Well, we've left the city of Edmonton, long time home (for one of us; tears were shed). We left a little later than planned (1700hrs instead of 1200hrs); but neither of us wanted to wimp out so we headed to BC anyways.

After hours of night driving (intermittent snoozing, extended by Nap Sac's (thanks Pratt & Co.)) and a stop at Tim Hortons for iced caps we showed up in Armstrong in the wee hours of the morning (0600hrs) to visit family. Welcomed by the only awake occupants, the bernese mountain dogs, we crept into the house to get ready for bed. Low and behold who should awake but little Cindy-Lou Who (or a close approximation). Ashley's little cousin was the first to wake up and welcome us with hugs and smiles (must have been a good night sleep; jealous). She quietly (so as not to wake up mommy and daddy) highjacked us from our nap and we played in her room for a while. Her little sister woke up shortly there after and shyly observed for a while. That morning we went tree shopping at a few local nursaries and the girls picked flowers (but only the 'not-to-floopy' ones
Welcome PartyWelcome PartyWelcome Party

Not really when we arrived, but really could have been.
from the ground).

The rest of the day was spent playing, napping (woops, 4 hour nap), and visiting. It was capped off with a delicious evening Bar-B-Q of ribs (apparently a BC interior Sunday night staple; we had multiple invitations for ribs).


One Plane Two Plane Three Plane more


30th June 2010

Thanks for sharing
Dan, Thanks for sharing, I am going to enjoy your updates on your travels, stay safe and have lots of fun!!
30th June 2010

You picked the wrong job Dan!
You should have been a journalist....but they don't pay as much as accounting! See I figured out how to read your blog. Have a super time! Karen
6th July 2010

All right guys, this is NOT up to date. I expect mucho updatos from you two. Erm... your computer is fine. Really, no need to worry about it at all. Eee...
6th July 2010

Happy travels
Hey guys! Glad you arrived safely in Europe. Hope you are enjoying family. happy post-canada day.
6th July 2010

I am jealous!
Hey Dan! I see you have started the blog! Keep it up so we can all hear about your crazy european adventures - you never know, this blog could be great source material for the future book/movie that is sure to come out of this trip! Hope you and Ashley are doing well and you are enjoying your time together. All the Best
7th July 2010

Like ready a short story
Hey Dan glad to hear the first part of your trip is going great. I loved reading the blog it was like reading a short story very enjoyable:-). Cant wait to hear more. Have a blast!!!

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