Blogs from Jasper, Alberta, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper April 12th 2021

The Columbia Icefield is located in the Canadian Rockies. It sits on the continental divide along the border of British Columbia and Alberta. Part of the icefield sits on the northwestern edge of Banff National Park the southern edge of Jasper National Park. It is 125 square miles (325 square kilometres) and the glaciers can reach up to 1,198ft (365 metres) deep. There are six major glaciers that make up the icefield – Athabasca, Castleguard, Columbia, Dome, Stutfield, and Saskatchewan. The Columbia Icefield is the largest icefield in North America south of the Arctic. Having visited these ice fields a few years back it was nice to be able to virtually return with read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper September 6th 2019

The train leaves from Jasper at 9:30am and we plan on being at the station by 8:00am to get the bikes on the train and get our seat allocation. Things get a little tense when Jeff can't find his passport, but eventually it's found - in his pannier. I'm feeling a little better now because I "lost" my Garmin yesterday and it took Graeme to find it where I'd already looked four times! At the station we book the bikes in and we help the porters insert our bikes into plastic bags and tape them up, and then lift them on to carts for them to be loaded as baggage. At 8:45am the four of us get called for pre-allocation. Effectively they put us on a golf cart and drive us up to the carriage we'll ... read more
In the Dome Car
Passing a Goods Train
Lake Views from the Dome

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper September 4th 2019

Two days to relax in Jasper before we head back to Vancouver and move on to the next chapter of our trip. We rise late and have a leisurely breakfast. Eventually we head into town and head to the Information Centre to see what sort of activities we can enjoy. Lots of things to do, lots of maybe's, and nothing booked. One thing we find at the Information Centre is the location of a Farmers Market that is open today - so off we head. Although not too big there is a great assortment of food and a few crafts - we concentrate on the food picking up some fresh veggies and bread for meals as well as a generous assorment of cakes, pies, brownies and slices - it was just too hard to pick one ... read more
Old Steam Train from the Canadian Pacific Rail Line
The Sky Tram departing
View of Jasper from above

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper September 3rd 2019

An uneasy sleep in the bunks at the Beauty Creek Hostel and a slightly late start to the day. Packet oats with hot water and a cup of tea for breakfast was not up to what we have become accustomed to. And it was cold - very cold. No mucking around this time, we all put on multiple layers before we took off. It was a beautiful blue sky that greeted us but the highway was still in shadow because the mountains were so high around us. It took a good 30 minutes for us to warm up. The highway presented the same smorgasbord of mountains topped with snow caps and forests running up to the snow line. The occasional lake to break things up. It never gets "old". We came to our first stop today ... read more
Sunwapta Falls
Classic View
Classic View

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper February 23rd 2018

7/20 It was a sunny and fairly clear morning when our ride to the train station was at the Mount Robson for our 6:40 am pickup to take us to town to the Rocky Mountaineer train trip to Kamloops and then Vancouver. Luckily the mountains were mostly visible on our last morning in Jasper. The Rocky Mountaineer was on the tracks being readied for our big excursion. Beautiful flower boxes filled with white spotted purple petunias, blue lobelias and yellow potato vines made a cheery entrance on this chilly morning. We made a bit of a spectacle as we arrived in our white Calgary Stampede cowboy hats in the Jasper Train Station. We were greeted with coffee and fresh fruit and a friendly welcoming committee that included a gentleman from Newfoundland who told us that in ... read more
Matricia and daughter, Cree Nation at the Jasper Train Station
Inside our Silverleaf Coach
Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies at 12,972'

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper October 1st 2017

Woke up in Unity, Saskatchewan - mountain time zone, surrounded by prairies with white wheat fields bordered by yellow/orange leaved poplar trees. The tracks south of Unity are lined with silos, grain elevators. Train is now six hours behind schedule. We had stopped often during the night to let freight trains pass; evidently many freight trains have moved north to our tracks due to flooding in the south. Mid-morning we are slowly climbing in elevation, beginning to see more cattle, a few oil pumps, hills, clouds with light rain, more stops for freight trains. Brunch in Alberta, still stopping for freight trains, then speeding down the tracks. Hard to drink coffee at times. Rode all morning through prairie with some hills, rivers, getting to Edmonton a little after 2:00 pm. The capital of Edmonton with a ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper July 18th 2017

Got up early to try and get on the Jasper Sky Tram early. As soon as we left Hinton we were in the Jasper National Park! So remarkable! When we got to the tram there already was an hour and a half wait and they warned that the visibility was poor due to the smoke from the forest fires in BC. So we decided to not waste the money and enjoy the park. The smoke was so bad you could hardly see the mountains ?. Bummer. It was still awesome! Jasper National Park is connected to Banff National Park. We stopped and had a picnic. Ran into major road construction on our last leg. Delayed us about an hour. But so unbelievably beautiful we didn't mind. Arrived about 3 at the Two Ravens Yurt. A place ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper May 21st 2017

Last day with the car today!! Taking of cars, and skip this if you're bored, we saw one enormous motor home today. But instead of towing a small mini for use when parked up, this was towing an enormous twin cab the size of most camper vans in UK. The world is going mad!! The exception being these new reversing cameras, which I've found very useful on our, so called, small sized car!! We went up Whistler Mt in a cable car. For this you want blue sky and no wind. The weather gods prevailed!! A tad chilly at 7500ft, but breath taking views. We walked part way to the summit from top station, but the last half needed snow boots and it was getting steep!! We did, though, take lots of pics, so beware Colin ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper May 20th 2017

Last night after a gorgeous meal overlooking the lake in Kate's best ever hotel, I treated myself to Canadian real ale. An IPA from the cornily named Grizzly Paw brewery , it was very hoppy indeed!! This ensured an extremely good night's sleep. Today was a long drive to Jasper, with a break at the Icefields at Columbia on the way. Now the Icefields are high and high means chilly, and by golly it was. The experience entailed our riding on an ice explorer, an enormous moon buggy type vehicle with tyres about 15ft high, like you get in mines in Oz. This took us down a 1:3 slope and we were turfed out into the ice wrapped up like Eskimos, and wise we were too as it was not warm!! Afterwards we made a dash ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper October 4th 2016

Even before I arrived at the steps of the Palliser Hotel, a greeter from Jasper Park Lodge called out, "Hello!', and asked if I were going to Jasper. She took my suitcase and directed me indoors to register and to have muffins and coffee. As we drove along the TransCanada I enjoyed again the sight of rolled hay in the fields. The overcast sky dulled the colours, but heading west into the mountains is always uplifting. Turning onto the Banff-Jasper highway, I noticed the deciduous trees were bare, fading into the grey-green of the vegetation that cloaked the lower reaches of the massive rock faces of the mountains. Occasional bursts of sun decorated the peaks. Our arrival at the Jasper Park Lodge came at the best part of the day, mild yet invigora... read more
Farewell Calgary!
Icefields Parkway
Spectacular clouds near Jasper

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