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July 18th 2017
Published: July 19th 2017
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Got up early to try and get on the Jasper Sky Tram early. As soon as we left Hinton we were in the Jasper National Park! So remarkable! When we got to the tram there already was an hour and a half wait and they warned that the visibility was poor due to the smoke from the forest fires in BC. So we decided to not waste the money and enjoy the park. The smoke was so bad you could hardly see the mountains ?. Bummer. It was still awesome! Jasper National Park is connected to Banff National Park. We stopped and had a picnic. Ran into major road construction on our last leg. Delayed us about an hour. But so unbelievably beautiful we didn't mind. Arrived about 3 at the Two Ravens Yurt. A place I was so looking forward to and it didn't disappoint!!

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