Blogs from Jerash, North, Jordan, Middle East


Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash June 16th 2023

Let's start tonight with a little comment on Touring Etiquette, shall we? Touring is very different from vacationing. With a vacation, you are in charge. You can do what you want when you want and for how long. You travel how you want and, basically, you are in total control. Not so in touring. When you are on a tour you are part of a whole, meaning if you are late, or you get lost or you want to stay longer someplace, you are disrupting everyone else on the tour. Your actions have consequences not only for you but for everyone else. If you are part of a tour, LISTEN to your tour guide. BE PUNCTUAL (meaning showing up at the bus or for a meal 5 minutes before time. PAY ATTENTION to directions from your ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash March 1st 2020

Following hot in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia a chance go to Jordan was too good to turn down. We were enticed, as Lawrence was, by cheap flights with Ryanair from Paphos in Cyprus; £20 return for four nights, a hop of less than an hour. So, after six splendid days chilling on the beach in all-inclusive luxury we headed off on a little adventure. We landed in Amman and were whisked down south to Wadi Rum and Petra for the first few nights. If you click on the links there, you can read my accounts of those superb experiences. Jordan was so ‘full on’ I decided to keep the blogs separate or else this would have gone on too long. I’m picking up the journey here after our visits to the two mentioned above. ... read more
An actor in Gerasa Theatre
Mud bath...
Temple of Aphrodite

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash June 29th 2019

Today we have arranged to visit the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Jerash, which is about 50 kilometres north of Amman. Our driver’s name is Haitham. He tells us that as recently as the 1980s Amman was a relatively small city, but it has experienced enormous growth in recent decades. We ask whether a lot of this is due to the influx of refugees. He says that some of it is, particularly Iraqis, and more recently Syrians, many of whom are currently living in two large refugee camps near the border. He says that it has recently become a lot safer in Syria and a lot of the refugees are now returning home. I think that the standard applying to the word “safer” might be a bit different here to that back in Australia. ... read more
The Cardo Maximus, Jerash
Temple of Artemis, Jerash
Arch of Hadrian, Jerash

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash April 18th 2018

Our last day of the tour, we left the hotel around 8am and got to Jerash around 9am. Jerash is a very large ancient Roman site on par with Ephesus in Turkey. I didn’t even know about it until we had booked this tour. They even have a chariot race and gladiators show in the Hippodrome, but we didn’t have time for that. Lana took us all the way through the complex which took over 2 hours. Lana showed us a spot in the amphitheatre in the centre where you stand and your voice comes back amplified. This explained why we saw the group of youths singing in that spot in the Amman amphitheatre. We left Jerash around 11:30 and drove through Amman again to get to the Dead Sea around 1pm. All the resorts here ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash October 17th 2016

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain I'm writing this in the Cairo airport, waiting for our flight to Sharm el Sheikh. There's no wifi in the airport (at least no wifi that we can get to work) and there's no shops or anything in the area we are in, so it's good I have yesterday's blog entry to do. I'll post it when we get to the hotel in Dahab. Yesterday we left our hotel at 8:30 am for the drive to Jerash, about an hour away from Amman. The scenery from Amman to Jerash was ... read more
Jerash - Hadrian's Gate
Hadrian's Gate

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash September 26th 2015

26 septembre 2015 - Jour 3 Aujourd'hui, direction le nord, une région beaucoup plus verte que ce que nous avons vu hier. Nous faisons une première halte à Umm Qais, une ancienne cité romaine construite avec un mélange de pierres blanches et noires qui lui donne un style très particulier. Comme d'habitude la ville est située à un endroit très stratégique, d'où l'on a une vue imprenable sur la vallée du Yarmouk, un affluent du Jourdain. C'est aussi ici qu'eut lieu le miracle des cochons réalisé par le Christ mais j'ai pas compris en quoi ça consistait. Puis direction la ville d'Ajlun et sa forteresse quasi-imprenable. L'édifice est très bien conservé et les techniques de défense sont extrêmement bien pensées en dépit de leur simplicité. C'est Saladin qui a fait construire ce fort pour arrêter les ... read more
Château d'Ajlun
Cardo maximus

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash April 12th 2014

Geo: 32.3985, 35.9253Jerash is located about 50 minutes north of Amman, well beyond the sprawl and set atop the higher -- and forested -- plateau of northern Jordan, that leads into Syria. Change in this area is much less pronounced, and I found myself remembering landmarks during the drive. Jerash is a now small city, which has grown up around the ancient Roman city from which the name is derived. It is famous for being the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world, as well as the largest. We purchased tickets and decided to tour the city on our own, rather than hire a guide. Unlike during any of my previous visits, there were small crowds of tourists. Most were locals, including several school groups, but there were also pockets of foreign tourists. I think we were ... read more
Victory Arch in Jerash
K and Anna in Jerash, at Entrance to Hippodrome
Anna in Jerash

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash December 16th 2013

Greetings all happy travellers! This day started off kind off shaky as our private driver was delayed due to blocked roads. They are, for natural reasons, not very used to snow here and it has created quite some difficulties for their infrastructure to the point where their military is involved now. This of course meant that we had to strike the desert castles from our itinerary which is a shame. With our driver delayed we decided to postpone our trip to Gerasa for a few hours and we started with the historical monuments in Amman instead. First we went to the theatres but they were still closed so we decided to take our chances and went to the citadel instead and luckily it was open! And I do mean luckily because it's a bit of a ... read more
Umayyad Palace Gate
Arch of Hadrian
Temple of Artemis

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash October 20th 2013

Kiss one to the left cheek, 3 to the right, embrace with both arms for a 2 to 10 second hug, back pat then release in one swift high five to seal the deal. If you so desire, try to hold hands with your male companion and swing them as you meander along the street in joy that you have been reunited at last. This is the authentic traditional Jordanian greeting amongst heterosexual males when they have not seen each other for quite some time. I wonder if this would catch on in NZ? Yeah, nah, too casual! And they call us kiwis friendly…… Day two of the G Adventures tour began early. Being that my lovely room mate Sally and I were both on skewed body clocks, we were awake before the first call to ... read more
2 kitschy hearts
My favourite, figs

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash October 15th 2013

October 15, 2013 Having wrapped up our hang in Aqaba it was time to get back to Amman, we still had Jerash and the Dead Sea to check out before we left for Greece in a couple of days...hopped the local bus and made it back mid-afternoon, enough time to organize the next day's travels... Settled with a driver who would take us first to Jerash, let us explore for the morning and then drive us through the Jordan Valley to see the Dead Sea in the afternoon...we had chatted with a couple of tour companies who were reluctant to combine these two destinations, telling us that the driver would have to backtrack through Amman to get to the Dead Sea from Jerash and that it would take too long...this is nonsense, if you go and ... read more
Hadrian's Arch II
All the world's a stage...
Outside the Hippodrome

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