Jeff C

el Jefe

Jeff C

Canuck who was bitten by the travel bug, enjoy the pics/stories...

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor September 13th 2022

Day 2 in Luxor, with this morning's first stop being the Temple of Karnak... Construction began in the Middle Kingdom (around 2000-1700 BCE) and continued all the way up to the Ptolemaic Kingdom (305-30 BCE) with most of the buildings dating from the New Kingdom (16th-11th century BCE). The temple is huge and is believed to be the second most visited site in Egypt after the Giza Pyramid complex......... Okay, this has been sitting in Saved since March, historical research holding it up for the most part, and I have since travelled to several other places and things are getting backed to move on... So the condensed version of this is: Karnak is cool, probably my favourite temple visited on the trip...the site itself is a maze of temples, statues, carvings and frescoes, with the ... read more
Ankh and Bee Carvings in Karnak Temple
Lovely K and I at the Entrance to Karnak
Avenue of the Sphinxes

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Valley of the Kings September 12th 2022

Our time on the Nile had now come to an end as we arrived in Luxor...we disembarked, jumped in our van and were off and running to visit one of the sites I was most looking forward to: Valley of the Kings...the name conjures up all sorts of magical visions; the various tombs, archaeological digs spanning centuries, King Tutankhamun (of course!) and the mysteries surrounding them all, what more could you ask for?? Our first stop en route was the Colossi of Memnon, a site with two massive stone statues of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III...having stood since 1350 BCE, the twin statues stand guard at the entrance to Amenhotep's memorial temple, which in its day was the largest and most opulent temple complex in Ancient Egypt. The statues contain Roman-era inscriptions in Greek and Latin, dated ... read more
Lovely K and I
KV11-Ramesses III
Entrance/Exit to KV9-Ramesses V & VI

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Kom Ombo September 9th 2022

Made it back safe and sound from Abu Simbel and boarded the boat that would be our home for the next few days as we made our way up the Nile to our final destination of Luxor. Lazy first afternoon, followed by an equally lazy morning before we finally set sail, and after all the idleness of the previous 24 hours I was looking forward to the days only stop: Kom Ombo. The boat itself was pretty cool with four or five levels of rooms, a dining hall, bar/dance room and a rooftop patio complete with bar and small pool. Our room felt more like a hotel room than a cruise boat room which was nice, and with only 150 or so folks on board it never really felt all that was good, entertainment was ... read more
Carvings at Edfu VII
Lovely K and I

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel September 9th 2022

Early start today, in the van at the tender hour of 4:30am and off to today's destination: Abu Simbel...must say I really had no idea what to expect, it seemed excessive to drive four hours to a site with a two hour hang and then four hours back to Aswan, boy was I wrong! The journey started by crossing over the Old (Low) Aswan Dam, arguably one of the most famous dams in the world...built around the turn of the 20th century by the British, it was designed to provide storage of annual floodwater and increase dry season flows for greater irrigation development in the lower Nile...not much to see in the dark but still cool to say I have seen it... As mentioned the drive took about four hours, and while long it was nice ... read more
Ramesses II kicking ass...
Ramesses II statues at the Great Temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt September 8th 2022

After another uneventful drive from Alexandria we were back in Cairo and headed to the train station for the overnight train to! Was looking forward to this, trains are one of my favourite modes of transportation, an easy and relaxing way to both cover ground and see the most of the trip was at night we wouldn't see a whole lot but did have the morning fortunately to catch our first glimpses of the Nile and some greenery after all the desert and sand of the previous couple of days...a good laugh as well, our cabin opened to the one beside us with Bruno and Allan, some funny times...and lo and behold there was my bag waiting for me at the station! With clothing options starting to get a little thin it was a ... read more
Lazing down the river in our felucca...
Ahmed and I

Africa » Egypt » Mediterranean » Alexandria September 6th 2022

After the great start the previous day at Giza and the museum it was time to hit the road, next stop Alexandria...a quick one day/night visit where we would take in three sites: the Citadel, Catacombs and Library... Left bright and early, and were introduced to the concept of Tourist Police, where we had an armed plain-clothes policeman join us for the drive to Alexandria...wondered if it was to keep an eye on us but turns out it was for our protection: these tourist police would randomly join guided tours in transit to ensure their safety, very cool...the drive itself took about three uneventful hours before we arrived at our first stop in Alexandria: the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa... Some history for y'all: Built in the 2nd century AD, the necropolis consists of a series ... read more
Islamic Manuscript
Carving in the Funeral Chamber

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo September 4th 2022

Cairo-nothing more needs to be added, one of those places in this world that conjures up visions of ancient civilizations and cultures...the magical home of Pharaohs, Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and the Nile, could not wait to get exploring... Funny, Egypt was never really on our radar for some reason, it had come up in conversations over the years but never really stuck strangely enough...with international travel opening up we started chatting about where we should/could go, and unexpectedly we stumbled across an Intrepid tour that seemed to check all our boxes: majority of the major sites covered, small group, all sorts of modes of transportation (Planes, Trains and Automobiles! And buses, feluccas, Ubers, and about twelve days which is a decent length. Tacking on some beach time on the Sinai Peninsula after the tour seemed ... read more
In front of the Great Pyramid
Pyramid of Khafre
Statue of Khafre

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam June 18th 2022

Wow, writing a blog post for the first time in almost three years, feels a bit weird I must say...those African adventures of our last excursion seem a lifetime away, and the ability/means to freely wander this planet having been paused for this long has been an eye-opener for me, having taken for granted the ability to go anywhere I wanted whenever I pleased...the pause has given me the opportunity to reflect on previous travels in a different light, and to realize how fortunate it is to be able to resume travelling again going forward, whatever that will mean in the near does however feel great to be thinking/planning again! This getaway started as all good adventures do: with wine and vinyl on a Friday evening! We are always keeping an eye on where our ... read more
What it's all about...
Social Distortion
I forget, cool though

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar October 26th 2019

After three weeks of constant moving, activities and being on someone else's clock we were certainly looking forward to some R&R on Zanzibar...starting with four days on the beach in Jambiani, we couldn't have picked a more perfect spot to give our poor muscles some down time after the Kili adventure we had just finished...and no more camping! Lol...while I really enjoyed the tenting experience the thought of a proper bed and ensuite for the remainder of our time in East Africa was more than appealing... Half the climb group were heading to Zanzibar as well, so we hung out together for a bit at the airport before saying our final goodbyes...flight was interesting in the fact that the cruising altitude was actually less than the summit of Kili, that brought some serious perspective to the ... read more
Low Tide
A-frame at Belvedere
Collecting seaweed...

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro October 20th 2019

So our first "what the h*ll were we thinking?" moment came on our cab ride from Arusha to Moshi, when our driver pointed out the mountain in first I thought he was referring to this gradually sloping hill covered in trees, but was soon corrected as the clouds (yes clouds) parted and the peak revealed itself...Kilimanjaro! The ice-capped, tallest free-standing mountain in the world was now before us, and with the realization that we would be starting to climb this beast the following day some doubts began to creep in... It was a shame we had to bolt so quickly from the safari gang in Arusha, but with only two hours to spare to get to the kickoff meeting for our climb it was certainly urgent to get to Moshi asap, and fortunately our driver ... read more
Lovely K Leading the Way
Top of the World!
Shira Camp Sunset

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