Blogs from Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Amesbury September 7th 2023

Faversham was a brilliant place to catsit as we were close to many villages to explore on foot and luckily for us all had old historic pubs for us to quench our thirst at the end of the trail! We are now settled in our last catsit in Amesbury just north of Salisbury and within walking distance of Stonehenge. We have been there previously but will go again before we leave as the site just has this amazing feeling of mystery and intrigue. At the moment the UK is having yet another mini heatwave and far too hot to walk out in the midday sun! We played lawn bowls at the local club today and it was stopped at 12.30pm because of the heat. It reminds me of when we lived in Darwin! Rugby World cup ... read more
Replica Sarsen stone actual size
Winchester city

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Warminster July 9th 2023

What a day, it had everything! Including a complimentary breakfast which meant there were no excuses for not being fully carbo loaded before we started out. It took 5kms of suburban roads, and a number of hills before we hit the Bristol-Bath Railtrail. What a great way to get to Bath, It's paved the whole way, runs slightly down hill and is lined with foliage the whole way. There were riders, runners and walkers out on it enjoying their Sunday. And it was a cracker of a day too, temperature wise. We got to Bath at about 10am and started to look around. One of the first things we did was stop to watch a Dutch band play in a square. The band was great, the drawing pin I rode over to get there wasn't. I ... read more
Narrow Boat on the Avon at Bath
Tunnel Entrance
Cathedral at Bath

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Cricklade July 7th 2023

Day 7 - The Loch Weir Keeper We headed off about 8:30 this morning towards Cricklade. Google Maps said it was 56kms away. The forecast was for a top of 28C, it's starting to feel a bit like summer. I was navigating today and started following the route which was anything but inspiring. We were on an "A" road with lots of traffic and very little to enjoy in the way of scenery. We stopped a short way out of Oxford to look at options and decided to go down a small lane and reach Crickdale via some minor roads. It would be longer but hopefully more enjoyable. We were instantly rewarded. Hiding just off the main road was a Toll Bridge over the Thames (bicycles were free) and as we glanced right we caught sight ... read more
The Narrow Boat in the Loch
Opening the Loch
Not much imagination for naming the street

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Warminster April 16th 2023

"Saoirses first holiday!" Day 1. Monday All packed on Sunday and ready for today's travel day from Sussex to Wiltshire, the road trip looks clear and we made pretty good time with only one stop off at a very retro service's called the Hillside Cafe, if you ever want to feel like you've gone back in time to a simpler time, let's say the 1980's, then this is the time warp you have been looking for! On arrival, it's a pretty painless check in queue to get into the mighty Center Parc's woodland retreat and to kick off our week of rejuvenation, we get a Starbucks ginger shot and a coffee to wake us up in the Plaza before we do get on the hunt for some food. It’s a transition day here at Center Parcs ... read more
Ranch time!
Art attack time!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Corsham July 14th 2022

How time flies when we spend it with our Norwegian family. As explained in my last blog, life in Bergen with the kids is full of events and sport, with interesting places to be and some lovely family occasions. Great family meals with the kids. Great evening pancake Fridays at Rune and Lillians, and the opportunity to celebrate Sofia's birthday at Thomas and Anne Lena's house. So fortunate to be included in these family get togethers. The day before leaving Bergen we celebrated Lilly's 15 birthday as we would not be there for that occasion, and they would celebrate it in the sunshine in Spain. Our 6 weeks just disapeared but the memories of all that we did will remain with us. So, so nice to catch up with everyone and enjoy being part of the ... read more
A Mountain Stream.
Lilly the Goaly.
Stella the Captain.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Marlborough July 5th 2022

Hello everyone We have been out and about again,making the most of our last days here in Wiltshire. We visited a village called Cirencester not far from where we live,they were having a car fair which we enjoyed. And today we went to village called Marlborough ,which has the widest rd shopping area !!!which was great. And on the way home we passed beautiful fields on the downs This is our last blog for Wiltshire,I’m so pleased we seen another part of UK. On Wednesday we travel to Suffolk about 198 miles. Enjoy the photos... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Calne June 28th 2022

Hello everyone again We have been out & about again,visited Lacock Abbey which is Britains birthplace of photography. In August 1835 William Henry Fox Talbot captured the worlds first photographic negative at his home in Leacock Abbey.this tiny image of a window would go onto change the way we see the world,for the first time an image could be fixed on paper and reproduced several times. Today we went to Bath on the train and hopped on a on and off bus to see the sights,it was cold and windy and not much sun. We visited Bath Abbey,in the 8th century after Christ,Bath Abbey was founded as a Benedictine monastery Today the Abbey is now a parish church. Kevin is getting used to driving the Land Rover each morning,when we both go to take the 4 ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire June 24th 2022

Hi everyone again We said our goodbyes to our hosts Andrew and Sandy,Kevin cooked a farewell dinner and we had a lovely time chatting about there time in Spain. We said goodbye to neighbours and we will certainly miss Cornwall and Devon,we have made new friends and will keep in touch on what’s app. Now we are in Wiltshire CALNE a lovely home with 4 dogs supposed to have been 2,but it’s all good,we have the Land Rover to take them for a walk in the morning.our hosts Darylle and her husband Clive made us very welcome and took us out to dinner 1st night. Today we went to a village called Avebury it’s a world heritage site and it’s part of the Stonehenge. We went into the Manor and gardens,our hosts gave us national trust ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Salisbury May 11th 2022

Upon arising and looking outside it became apparent that today was likely to be somewhat different from a weather standpoint. Our fears were well founded. By the time we got to the parking lot for the visitor center and to catch the shuttle bus to Stonehenge it was spitting rain. The air was noticeably cooler, and with the blowing wind and rain it had become the sort of raw day that you want to avoid as much as possible. Having previously had an extensive visit to Stonehenge, I would have skipped it entirely on a day like this. But Jm had never seen it, and since it is one of the iconic travelers' destinations in the world, we all felt we should go. By the time we stepped off the 5 minute shuttle ride, the wind ... read more
Stonehenge 003 Salisbury UK 051122
Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 09.15.20
Monmouth Beach 001 Lyme Regis UK 051122

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire » Stonehenge December 31st 2021

Today was the solstice celebration, we had the hotel reserve a taxi for us when we’d first arrived so we had a taxi that would arrive at 7am. Since the hotel served breakfast until 10am we asked if we could get breakfast at 10 and they said yes. The tour company, who we’d done the day tour with Nicholas said that after the solstice celebration we could hop on one of their coaches and they’d drop us off across from our hotel as they would stop at the Salisbury Cathedral as part of their tour. We went out slightly before 7 and on the dot, the taxi arrived. There was frost everywhere, it looked like it had snowed. We hoped in the cab and turned up the heat in the back. We were at Stonehenge by ... read more
Winter Solstice sunrise
Some of the people
Burning sage

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