Blogs from Slovenia, Europe


Europe » Slovenia » Slovenian Littoral » Bovec May 21st 2024

With sunny skies forecast for the coming days, I cast off from Slovenia's 'Lakes District' and headed for the valley of the Sava Dolinka, down whose picturesque banks I had cycled on a day-trip from Bled four days earlier. Dumping my backpack at a hostel in Mojstrana (from which I had cycled downstream on my earlier visit) I then hopped on a bus up-valley to Rateče, just shy of the Italian border, from where I would walk all the way back to Mojstrana alongside my new favourite river. And my first stop would be the Sava Dolinka's birthplace: the gorgeous karst spring of Zelenci. Forming a beautiful pool of crystal clear water that reflects the nearby mountains in its turquoise-hued surface, the waters of Zelenci bubble up from underground through a number of miniature 'mud volcanoes'. ... read more
Conspiratorial Giants
Falling in Steps
Through the Chasm

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled May 8th 2024

If three days spent freezing my arse off in the tourist mecca of Harlow (just north of London, for those who weren't already aware) had proven anything, it was that I had made a terrible mistake in coming to Europe in late-April, instead of my usual early-June arrival time. On a positive note, however, it had also lowered my expectations with regard to the weather so successfully that anything short of an Atlantic hurricane would be seen as an improvement, whilst giving me the chance to physically acclimatise to temperatures that were a full fifteen degrees lower than what I had been used to. The fact that the temperature hadn't risen much above 10° (and this in the middle of spring, no less) had taken me completely by surprise, particularly given that back in Australia where ... read more
Beautiful Waterway
Capital Views
Caught between Green and Grey

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 26th 2023

Almost the last of Ljubljana. Very casual day as tomorrow we need to be up at silly o’clock in order to catch a flight to Belgrade. Not only is the flight at silly o’clock, we are taking the circuitous route! Apparently there are only 2 flights a week directly to Athens, so we fly significantly further but we fly on a date that suits us. Our hotel said the the airport here only has 10 or so flights per day so we are not expecting a JFK or Heathrow. But we will be on our way to Athens. Had a little walk, hard to believe but true. Julie found this app that details all the drinking fountains in Ljubljana (Bluey was right when he said there’s an app for almost everything) and we tracked down one ... read more
The functioning kangaroo drinking fountain in Ljubljana.
The kangaroo drinking fountain in Ljubljana.
Then through the fruit and veg market.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 25th 2023

Of course breakfast. Most comprehensive spread we have come across and it continues to impress. We share breakfast with a cast of maybe a hundred others so it is a little’Coles Cafeteria’ at times but we manage to find a corner and relax. The selection includes more bacon than I’ve ever seen before but that sort of thing is expected. Other more esoteric items include some lovely baked beans cooked with cumin seed in a manner quite like the Egyptians served for breakfast. There’s also an aged cheddar wheel with crumbled cheddar, why someone asked, why not I reply! Rich strawberry and chocolate cake is also there, the same ones that we had late a couple of nights ago for supper. Even I ask why to that offering. Even the coffee is pretty good. I’ve found ... read more
Fruit and seeds.
Yogurts and dairy.
The cheddar wheel and sour milks.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 24th 2023

May have to revise my Slovenian breakfast award. Forgot to take any pictures but this breakfast spread has a lot going for it. I’ll try and capture some of the spectrum of dishes tomorrow. But it’s tourist day. We booked and caught the bus from the train station just before 9 o’clock which is not stupid o’clock but it means we keep moving. From the bus stop it seemed like a short 1.7 km walk to the caves at Postajna. This complex is the largest cave system in Europe and is indeed very impressive. Not colourful but impressive in its scale. There’s more than 20 km of cave tunnels, 39 million people have visited the caves (most of them today I think!) and it takes between 100 and 400 years to produce a cm of growth ... read more
Almost on the cute train.
Postajna Caves.
Postajna Caves and on the cute train.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 23rd 2023

Some good, some not so good. You win some, you lose some. There are up and there are downs. You win on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts. Plenty of good food lately. My breakfast muesli and yogurt was great and the tomato soups we have had here have been consistently very good but … We experienced the opposite end of the spectrum tonight with a burger served with sachets of sauce and mayo and beer in a plastic cup! Why? Left Bled and our first real view of Ljubljana was near the central railway station. Bled is delightful, scenic and attractive not many railway stations are. Bled is upmarket and touristy, the zone around the station is not. Quite a few homeless and the area is quite ‘scungy’. The graffiti here is edgy and ... read more
Tuna entree was good too.
Fruit and pastries still good.
Plastic beer cups and sachets. Why?

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled August 22nd 2023

We are back in Bled, having walked the Juliana Trail. The total ascent is equivalent to more than climbing Mt Everest. And as we are back where we commenced the descent is the same. There’s much debate about which is more difficult but rest assured there are difficult uphill sections and difficult downhill sections on this trail but they are rewarded with spectacular views and with scenic vistas which have been quite breathtaking. The figures and statistics are intriguing. We regularly walk more than 40000 steps which on the flat would translate to about 30 km but on no day did we walk nearly that far. The weather was too hot today as the temperature rose above 30 degrees and the heat radiating from the roads made it uncomfortable. Anyway it’s now ancient history and we ... read more
The final 2 km or so through the streets of Bled.
Burgers and beer. Good as it looks.
You serious! No cereal!

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Begunje August 21st 2023

Second last day and the rhythm of the walk has lulled us into a false sense of ease. Usually the tough section is early with immediate ups then along then downs but today it was a relatively easy morning along the river and dam and through fields and small towns and then a dramatic rise, rise and rise followed by an equally or even more dramatic fall, fall fall! The gradient was over 400 m in 2 km which equates to 20% which at the end of the day is difficult. Having walked for 14 days already we were glad to arrive at our destination. The fact that the temperature topped 30 degrees did not help either! The accomodation here is very nice. Spacious and comfortable with the promise of very good food. Managed to buy ... read more
Along the river.
Beside the dam.
Away from the ‘autobahn’.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola August 20th 2023

Easy like Sunday morning, because it is Sunday morning. Well really it was and we spent it walking. Easy walk and short in order to give Julie’s foot as much rest as possible. She has it iced and up at the moment and it hasn’t been too bad but we do not want it to get any worse because we have a couple of walks to do in Greece pretty soon. Ahh!! The paragraphs have gone crazy again and I don’t know how to change them. Obviously the font went all ‘nice’ too. Breakfast at the ‘Veranda’ was very good. Really good fruit salad, plenty of good coffee and juice and some fresh baked croissants (but not super flakey, half flakey and half sort of puff). The track was easy to walk and often shared ... read more
On the trail to Jesenise.o
Still on the trail.
I’m off and sitting.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Kranjska Gora August 19th 2023

Tricked you! We are not in Kranjska Gora as the placings state but we are pretty close. That’s pretty close in driving, motorcycling, push biking, in-line skating, motorised wheelchair, hand operated wheelchair and cross-country ski training things terms. All these things passed us at some time today! Not so close in walking terms. As usual it was the uphill morning push, tough but spectacular when we levelled out a bit. Quaint villages, a few cows and breathtaking views (or was that the uphill slog!) back, along and forward make the gradient well worthwhile. Much of today was on road and bike path which although hard on the feet makes for quick walking and the km melt away pretty quickly. In addition our accommodation is short of the official end of the trail which we consider a ... read more
Kransky sausage, better than they look!
How good is walking in Slovenia?
Very good.

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