Along, up and down. Well that’s different!

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Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Begunje
August 21st 2023
Published: August 21st 2023
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Last nights host was an Olympic Gold Medal skier (and she was lovely).Last nights host was an Olympic Gold Medal skier (and she was lovely).Last nights host was an Olympic Gold Medal skier (and she was lovely).

Oops, the editor insists on accurate reporting. Not something that usually concerns me but she owes me money so… Not gold medalist but first Slovenian medalist (silver).
Second last day and the rhythm of the walk has lulled us into a false sense of ease. Usually the tough section is early with immediate ups then along then downs but today it was a relatively easy morning along the river and dam and through fields and small towns and then a dramatic rise, rise and rise followed by an equally or even more dramatic fall, fall fall! The gradient was over 400 m in 2 km which equates to 20% which at the end of the day is difficult. Having walked for 14 days already we were glad to arrive at our destination. The fact that the temperature topped 30 degrees did not help either!

The accomodation here is very nice. Spacious and comfortable with the promise of very good food. Managed to buy a couple of take-away Radlers from a little kiosk close by (no supermarket) under the proviso we return the empty bottles tomorrow. Not an easy scenario to explain in broken English but as soon as he discovered we were Australian everything fell into place. Got them at a good price even for a kiosk which means a very good price when compared to our hotel! Coupled with some ice from Julie’s foot bag and things are pretty good. Begunje doesn’t sound too special but it is quite charming. The atmosphere here is relaxed and pleasant and as I said the accommodation is really nice. The fact that it’s only 6km from Bled, although we walk 15km or so tomorrow also adds to its charm.

Because Julie has again mastered ‘airdrop’ there are heaps of photos and I’ll put them in. They should show the walk well although it is impossible to the uphill/downhill aspects. Perhaps I should use a few expletives when describing them.

Probably guessed I’m looking forward to meal time. I’ve looked on line and the menu is extensive but it is in Slovenian and German only so instead of guessing and hoping I’m waiting. The place has an opulent looking beer garden, an outdoor dining area, an indoor dining zone and a very fancy looking restaurant. The restaurant has starched linen tablecloths and napkins and elegant glassware but isn’t open tonight. So it will be indoors/outdoors which will still be fine. We met 2 Dutch girls this morning at breakfast who are just commencing part of the walk. We saw them arrive only half an hour or so after us but they were too hot and steamy even for a drink, so it’s likely they have made themselves human and we may see them at dinner.

So all good here.

Caio for now.

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