Blogs from Denmark, Europe


Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Aarhus May 26th 2024

Hello from Aarhus. This is an interesting little town on the east coast of the western leg of Denmark. You almost have to look at the map to understand what the country of Denmark looks like. Denmark does not have much in the way of elevation, with the highest “mountain” (being near here) is a little over 300 meters above sea level. Their total population is about 5 million people. Its two “off shore” possessions are the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Greenland has 500 times as much land as mainland Denmark, but it has only 1 percent of the population (about 50,000). One of Denmark’s main claims to fame is that they invented and sell Legos. There are many more Lego bricks than the total population of the world. And that completes your educational information for ... read more
Aarhus Cathedral
Restaurants along the canal
Aarhus Cultural Center

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 25th 2024

Wonderful, Wonderful, Copenhagen – at least that’s how the song starts. The past 3 ports we have taken the “Easy” tours - Easy Rotterdam, Easy Oslo, Easy Gothenburg. There was even an Easy Copenhagen tour here, but it sounded like the same one we took a few years ago. As we remember that tour, there was still a lot of walking because the bus never could really get close to the place we were supposed to see. Anyway, we decided not to take an excursion because the other offerings were at least moderate difficulty. During the afternoon, David talked to a couple who had been on the 3 hour “easy trip” and they had a good time, but there had been 6 stops where they all had to get on and off the bus – sounds ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 8th 2024

Since today was the last day in Copenhagen, I made sure to see the Little Mermaid statue. I’ve seen most everything I wanted to but hadn’t been down by the water there yet. Hans Christian Andersen was from Denmark and wrote the Little Mermaid. Hence the mermaid statue. It is a famous landmark and tourist attraction. It’s located by Fort Kastellet. I walked along the water and the Fort on my Way back and was pleasantly surprised to see an old windmill, lots of tulips, and lilacs in full bloom! I knew I would likely miss the lilacs blooming this year at home so I was happy to see and smell them. I finally found my danish on my way back to the metro to head back and get ready to head to the airport. Next ... read more
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
View on walk

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 7th 2024

I dag er solskin! ☀️ I wore sunscreen and still a little pink. The sun felt amazing. First we headed down to Nyhavn. It is one of the most famously photographed locations in Copenhagen with the colorful houses. There are a plethora of restaurants along the street in front and the water runs along the other side. I encountered an artist painting in watercolor and left with one. I love chance encounters and art! Across the water is a little park with a little cafe, and the Opera House. We walked over and on the way back stopped at Hart (cafe) and it was SO nice to sit in the sun. It was only mid to high 50s, but it felt so much warmer. Next up was The Church of Our Savior tower. First let me ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 5th 2024

I managed to upload some photos. Having a lot of trouble with the site. Unfortunately some photos will only upload black. I will have to figure this out or change platforms. So enjoy the few I could get up!... read more
I just love the markets in the squares.
The Happiness Museum
Rosenberg Castle

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 5th 2024

It’s really a shame that this blog site is having so many issues. Had to log in with different browser and still uploading many photos black. Going to work on an alternative option because photos are my jam. Today I headed over to the Human Library. The bus I took randomly stopped with no explanation and a bunch of confused humans retreated from the bus bi decided to walk the remainder of the way there so I could see sights and not have to worry about transport. Apparently there was a marathon this morning , which made sense one I learned that. The Human Library is a brilliant concept where you can check out books who are people and ‘reading’ them is a conversation in any direction you take it on a topic of choice presented ... read more
Little bit of solo hygge.
Dæmon. Favorite. .
Dæmon faces. 🤪

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 4th 2024

I arrived to a friendly atmosphere and met up with Caroline and headed to the house. It was great to have a home cooked meal and Danish dessert after arriving. I don’t know what to call it but it was everything I normally don’t eat and it was good! Buttermilk, another milk, vanilla something, cookie bits & ice cream. Was given plenty of wine and licorice liquor. It tastes like cough medicine. I was delighted that there were licorice candies out—I like REAL black licorice. We sat around and talked and relaxed…little bit of hygge there. Today I almost got dragged out of bed because I kept snoozing my alarm and finally compromised at 11am and got up. I figured 5am est was late enough. It was nice to not have to rush anywhere and visit, ... read more

Europe » Denmark October 24th 2023

The Øresund bridge which connects Sweden with Denmark ducks suddenly under the sea. The end of the bridge has become a tunnel. When we emerge from the depth of the Øresund strait we are in a completely different world. Ofcourse we are still on the E20, but the landscape has changed. The Swedish trees in autumn colors and the boulders with lichens make place for a dull, flat landscape. Was the E20 in Sweden a spacious highway, here in Denmark it is a cramped road full of cars. Tailgating seems to be the national sport of the Danish drivers. With a speed of over 100 kilometers an hour they try to make the gap in between their cars as little as possible. As if the cars attract eachother with a magnetic force. Miss Polo, our loyal ... read more
The Viking ship (Museum of Ladbyskibet)
Glavendrup stone (Skamby)
The little stone of Jelling

Europe » Denmark October 14th 2023

Samedi 30 septembre : départ de Bangui vers 10 :30. Arrivée à Paris vers 22 :00. Dans l’avion regarder le film Creed 3, incroyable que la franchise de Rocky perdure encore ! Regarder un film français, Un homme heureux, c’était quand même drôle même si ça reflète malheureusement note époque, une femme qui pense qu’elle est un homme. D’habitude je fais mes réservations d’hôtel avant d’arriver sur place, 75-80 % du temps, c’est cela que je fais, mais aujourd’hui je ne l’ai pas fait, malheur a moi ! Pratiquement tous les hôtels de Paris sont pleins !!! Fashion Week !!! J’ai fait près de 20 hôtels, tous complets. Vers 00 :30 j’ai pu finalement trouver une chambre dans un Marriott. La gentille petite femme a la réception avait tellement pitié de moi qu’elle m’a fait la ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 13th 2023

I was going to bore you with talk about showers, rooms and localities of hotels. Will keep you baited for a little longer for that riveting insight of a 7 - 8 week holiday. BTW. Apologies for the blank pics yesterday. Having problems loading them ATM. Today we headed off early’ish to start our day of touristing. On the bus to the canal boats. Got there and the queue to get tickets was huge. Eventually they opened up another window and things moved much better. Onto the boat. This one had a roof and sliding windows so you could get fresh air and see better. Good trip around the canals of Copenhagen. Saw a lot of the same stuff we had done yesterday from our bus tour, but also quite a lot of new stuff. Back ... read more

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