More Touristing in Copenhagen

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August 13th 2023
Published: August 13th 2023
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I was going to bore you with talk about showers, rooms and localities of hotels. Will keep you baited for a little longer for that riveting insight of a 7 - 8 week holiday.

BTW. Apologies for the blank pics yesterday. Having problems loading them ATM.

Today we headed off early’ish to start our day of touristing. On the bus to the canal boats. Got there and the queue to get tickets was huge. Eventually they opened up another window and things moved much better.

Onto the boat. This one had a roof and sliding windows so you could get fresh air and see better. Good trip around the canals of Copenhagen. Saw a lot of the same stuff we had done yesterday from our bus tour, but also quite a lot of new stuff.

Back and tried to get on another bus to a different area. Everyone had the same idea - packed out - so decided to walk to Nyhavn - an old area with different color buildings along the canal. Nearly everyone building was a restaurant of some sort. Lygon St on steroids…..

Walked through but didn’t stop. Way too busy. Got to the end and there was a crowd dressed in sailor outfits or as pirates. A jazz band was playing and lots of grog being drunk. Great music but the crowd was getting rowdy so time to move on.

Walked around the corner and there was a quieter area at a hotel serving drinks and food. Deal done. Hot dog for me and a vegetation roll for Chris. And maybe a coldie and coffee. Very nice.

Back to the bus stop for the next bus to the other area we wanted to visit. Came in and we jumped on. Again it filled up quickly. This area we went to is called Christianshavn. An alternative living area, essentially an old hippie commune where there are no rules.

Back to our original bus stop and into Tivoli. An amusement park and gardens in the Centre of the city. Been going for 180 years. Wandered around. Beautiful gardens and water features. All the old rides and even slug gun shooting galleries and the old horse racing games.

Sat and had a G&T then more walking. Eventually had enough so found a nice area and another drink. Out eventually and back to the hotel to put our feet up.

Found a Vietnamese restaurant for tea tonight. Very busy again but food was great.

We are off on the train to Stockholm tomorrow so a day of travel and no real sightseeing.


13th August 2023

On the way to Sweden
The train trip across is fantastic. Lots of wind turbines. The bridge to Malmo is wonderful. We did a day trip to Malmo from Copenhagen and enjoyed the twisted building in Malmo and other interesting architecture. Hopefully you are having a stop there.

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