Blogs from Anguilla, Central America Caribbean


Friday July 5 - I woke up early today, as I do every day. It would have been nice to sleep in, but alas. I thought about leaving for an early ferry to Anguilla, but it was quite cloudy and windy, and I wasn’t sure if it would be the right choice for the day. It was actually so windy last night it sounded like a hurricane, more than on the nights before. I decided to stay in for the morning, or possibly for the whole day, depending on the weather. All sun would be bad, since it is so hot, but mostly because I am starting to burn, even with sunscreen. But cloudy and windy is not a good beach day either, so what’s a girl to do? I skyped with Jeroen and my mom, ... read more
Rendezvous Beach
Rendezvous Beach
Rendezvous Beach

Central America Caribbean » Anguilla February 1st 2018

Here we are, writing the last blog about our little 9 days cruise on the Club Med 2...and all this writing is done from Kinshasa, kind of ironic! This blog is all about a day in Anguilla, another day in Les Saintes and finally getting back to Pointe-a-Pitre in Guadeloupe. All in one blog as i'm running slightly late about blogging, nothing really new either here. Anguilla is part of the British Crown, so this is not one more country on the list for me, but it is still a first visit. The island has been hit big time too by Hurricane Irma last year. The golf course is open, but the hotel won't open for a while. This is a top Greg Norman golf course design, but i was not in love by all this ... read more
Anguilla....took a solid hit too!
Happy couple...
Club Med 2

Central America Caribbean » Anguilla December 21st 2014

Sunday 21st December, 2014. Anguilla & Saint Martin or Sint Maarten, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies This little island of two nations (Dutch Sint Maarten and French Saint Martin) is situated between the islands of Anguilla and St Barths. It covers and area of about 34 square miles shared between the two countries. The smaller land mass on the southern side has been a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands since the Dutch Antilles dissolved in October 2010. The northern side of the island, which covers a greater area constitutes the French overseas collectivity. Dutch St Maarten is known for its sheltered beaches and modern shopping while the French side is known for its beaches and "haute cuisine". Many centuries ago the Leeward Islands were inhabited by the Siboney and Arawak Indians who ... read more
1. D on the Bus to Marigot
2. The Bus to Marigot
3. Marigot Waterfront

This morning we took the local bus to McDonalds in Simpson Bay to start our trip to Anguilla. Of course, we had a Macdonald’s breakfast too to set as up for the morning. From there, we took a 12 seater fast speed boat across the water to Anguilla that took about 20 Minutes. This was a very exhilarating ride. Thankfully George was not adversely affected by the boat ride as he has been a few times in the past. On arrival in Anguilla, we went through their immigration / customs and got another stamp on our passports. This island is just 16 miles long and 3 miles across at its widest point. It is a very expensive place to live. Like most Caribbean islands, the main industry is tourism and construction. From the dock, we took ... read more
Our tour bus for the day
Lunch and relaxation venue

Anguilla is beachy and Barbuda-esque. It is low and flat. It also has some of the most complex cruising permit rules (as we had been led to expect from Kazaio). Despite this we had a fabulous sail into Road Bay, dropping anchor in yet more clear water and heading ashore the following morning to clear in. The Blues were already in the bay and had done the recce and toured much of the island – having had the good fortune to not have to go anywhere near St Maarten (as they are shipping Open Blue back rather than sail her home). We decided to project ourselves around the island by hire car to experience some of the beaches. Mad Fish and Rafiki were going to do so by boat and kindly agreed to take Cameron with ... read more
Another rubbish sunset - that's it we're leaving!
Flying along under kite!

Hier, je suis allé à la maison de mon ami. À ma grande surprise, j'ai trouvé sa garde-robe plein de belles choses, des sacs, des vêtements, et beaucoup de chaussures sous la garde-robe. Parce que, elle avait l'habitude d'être économe et n'aiment pas à acheter de belles choses. Parce que tu sais, si tout le monde veut être beau, les belles choses sont toujours les plus chères. Donc, je lui demande pourquoi elle a tant d'argent pour acheter ce genre de choses, elle m'a dit que le secret qu'elle a acheté en ligne. J'avais l'habitude de Untrust les choses en ligne. Alors qu'elle achète, et heureusement, c'est bon et pas cher, oui, pourquoi ne pas essayer? Alors que, je peux économiser beaucoup d'argent pour acheter beaucoup d'autres choses. En tant que dit le proverbe, tuer deux ... read more

Since the last update has been a while. As you might know I have been working as the Health Projects Coordinator for the local Charit Fundacion Mariposas Amarillas (yellow Butterflies) for the last 6 weeks here in Santa Marta. The organisation is doing great and there are a lot of positive changes happening here at the moment. SO here is a little bit about what we do in our 2 communities with the adult population. We work in 2 neighbourhoods of Santa Marta, Oasis and Fundadores. In Oasis, we have been established longer, which is why things have been happening there since the beginning of the year. We have done questionnaires and gathered valuable information from the women in Oasis to see what the problems were in the area and how we could help. The women ... read more
classroom teaching
little chico
me in Oasis

April 26, 2011 – Sandy Beach Harbor, Anguilla We arrived in Aguilla the Saturday before Easter Sunday, April 23, 2011. After anchoring in Sandy beach harbor, 4-8 took the rest of the watch again which makes a long day for us. This means our day started at 3:30am with our first watch. Then after 8am we went to all hands to prepare for our arrival. I think we must have been anchored/cleared thru customs by 1 or 2. The rest of the watches jumped for shore while the 4-8 stayed to do topsides (riding in a little skiff around the boat using “ospho”-osphoric acid- to remove rust stains and fresh water rinsing afterward then doing any touch up paint jobs to the sides of the ship and repainting the water line). Luckily they did the big ... read more

Anguilla's history has been quite a story to tell. In 1967, Britain granted Saint Kitts and Nevis full internal autonomy, and Anguilla was also incorporated into this, against the wishes of many Anguillians. This led a rebellion with a boat full of Anguillans heading to St Kitts with an American mercinary. There was guns fired with noone injured and since then Anguillan achieved what they were fighting for and were allowed to secede from St Kitts and Nevis and is now a British Overseas territory. It is said that they took particular umbridge to the Governor of St Kitts publicly stating that the Anguillans will do as they are told and that St Kitts is not a nation to be messed with. It's quite a flat island and is quite pricey with large exclusive resorts. It ... read more
Photo 4
Oldest church on Anguilla
Stained glass window

Central America Caribbean » Anguilla December 28th 2010

The next day and it was time for the last trip to a new island. This one was called Anguilla. It was another short 30 minute boat ride after driving to Marigot in St. Martin. We met some people from England on the boat and shared a taxi to Shoal Bay.....This was an incredibly beautiful beach. Daddy and I had so much fun in the very blue water. We had an awesome rib lunch (yes, I ate ribs so many times on this trip, not what you would think on an island hopping adventure). After a day of fun in the sun, we took a boat back to Marigot, St. Martin and did some shopping, and then drove back to our hotel in Sint Maarten. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________... read more
Great Ribs at Ernies
Enough Pics
Time to go in the water

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