Suzanne Semanson


Suzanne Semanson

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging some of my adventures while travelling/volunteering/galavanting about.

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Lunenburg June 18th 2011

Holy cow - it's Saturday morning, June 18th. Before my wake up I had 2 pee but the captain was brushing his teeth so I peeked my head outside to the 4-8ers doing fresh water rinse and there's land. We're surrounded by it! It's very quaintly North American picturesque looking: green and lots of evergreen trees lining the horizon - how strange to no longer see coconut trees! It's cool - chilly, almost like Christmas morning. And there's an excitement and anticipation in the air. We are going through customs, maybe right now. They are nice enough to come out to us to complete it so that we, family and friends are not tortured waiting at the dock for 2 hrs. Today is going to be a long day and I wish I'd slept longer but, ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic June 17th 2011

June 17th, 2011; 40 miles outside of Lunenberg Like any final moments of any experience coming to an end, each one is becoming more precious and special. Yesterday was a windy, dry day on watches except for the sprays that were going over the focsle head and midships. Our watch also did a "white unicorn" which is the similar gift exchange as when our family does the "white elephant". The sun set during my helm hour (#1) and everyone was gathered in silence on the port stern to watch it - gorgeous - with a layer of stratus cloud above it - melting orange sun into the horizon. The watch went by fastest ever and it was the coldest ever requiring multiple layers. The "white unicorn" - during 3 rd hour was hilarious with lots of ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic June 15th 2011

Today is like a full-on fall day - windy, clouds with spots of sunshine. Last night's watch was pretty fun. We had a deck surfing competition, told ghost stories. There were high seas and wind so we pulled lookout back ot the bridge. One swell hit the hull so hard we felt the vibration back on the quarter deck. Cody came running out of the salon for a look. His bunk is right against the part that got it worst. Lots of people got doused yesterday. Man ropes were rigged at midships and the quarter deck and 1 day away from full moon showed brightly. This morning I had first helm and 3rd lookout with a moderate amount of sail handling and no ship's work which meant lots of hanging out on the quarter deck, surfing ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Atlantic June 14th 2011

This morning was the funnest sail handling watch ever. We are riding up on the east side of a low pressure system which is giving us a force 5 fresh breeze and squallies. There were multiple squalls wthat blew through and loads of snappy sail handling and I finally did a royal stow chase and T'Gallant stow chase which redeemed myself form missing the last 2 opportunities - luckily (unfortunate for Nadja) she couldn't go up which I think gave me the chance for royals because my automatic thought is "there's probably already enough people running up/I'm too slow" but, I actually caught up to Pania and we did a rockin' fast stow! That was definitley a boost in confidence and accomplishment because I'm feeling like I'm starting to catch up/keep up with the more seasoned ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 13th 2011

We arrived to Bermuda last Wednesday (June 8th). The island is rather flat, long and skinny. We docked starboard side to which means we could come and go as we please and didn't have to rely on skiff runs. The 1st evening off, every one congregated at the White Horse Tavern with Paulina's family. Walking through St. George was weird - even at five or six pm all the shops were closed as they only keep hours for cruise ships it seems - the shop windows are filled with cruise ship-ish souvenirs, the clothes are conservative, preppy English-styled. Cody, Wendy and I did find an open grocery store and I was pretty overwhelmed by all the choices. It had things I like in it thought. Then we found an unfinished church that looks like Gothic ruines. ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 7th 2011

Today is our 4th day at sea since leaving Jost Van Dyke (we spent our last night at a deserted little island to have one last bon fire – hootenanny with just us ship-folk) and it hasn’t taken long for us to resume our at-sea-ship-rhythm. To be honest, I haven’t felt well until today – perhaps it’s taken those few days to fully recover from Jost. Today is also our 2nd attempt at sailing – the wind has been dead aside from 2 hours of squalls we sailed thru during my 8-12 night watch 2 nights ago (that was pretty fun). But, the theme of little wind continues – I can hear the water lapping up against the ship as I write this – we’re probably going a couple knots. As I mentioned before, we officially ... read more

Last I wrote was a while ago – we were in Bequia – I can’t remember when that was date-wise. I guess I’ve lost that sense of time on the ship now; people speak of time in regards to geographic places, like: “Remember the last time we ran naked with burning palm fronds?” – “When was that?” – “Mangareva.” So where have we been since Bequia . . . hm. Having left the Caribbean a couple days ago and the tropics yesterday (twas a sad day) the islands seem a blurr. After Bequia . . . oh! Dominica! We had a short stop in Dominica which requires MUCH more time to explore beyond the evening and day off I had during our stop there. Dominica is HUGE and LUSH – known for its ecotourism. We luckily ... read more

May 18, 2011 Wednesday Today marks there being a month left before our arrival to Lunenberg, Nova Scotia – craaaazy. We are now in Bequia, one of the Grenadine islands just south of big ole St. Vincent. I am noticing that as we make our way more northward, I am seeing more tourists/yachties and the prices are going up. Grenada, the southern most island we visited, known for its spices – and I definitely stocked up. I also gained a deeper understanding of our cook’s cooking seeing how Donald is from Grenada (bay leaves with almost everything, curri rotis, lots of spices). The market in St. George kinda reminded me of the market in Vietnam in its hodgepodginess of all kinds of random things. But the theme of spices including nutmeg, mace, curries, cinnamon, chocolate balls ... read more

May 4, 2011 en route to Cariacou Now we are at sea again, this time for 3 days, for 300 miles down to Cariacou. We are back at full crew again plus Ollie and Julie, old returning ship mates. The at-sea ship routine has resumed, except this time my afternoon off watch hours are spent watching The Killing – a new show our Ollie is in that is apparently doing well in the states. We are all hooked. We are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I have resumed to leading my night time yoga/abs/stretch/workout sessions which is now being held on the hatch with a view of the darkened square sails set against the starry skies. The sailing started out great, holding 4-6 knots. But we lost our wind this morning slowing us down to 1-2 knots ... read more

May 2, 2011 Gustavia, St. Barth’s The next morning, all hands mustered at 8am for our departure to St. Barth’s. Dan and I managed to squeak out a run before this (it felt so good to run again! Despite how much it kicked my butt not having done it in a while). The sail to St. Barth’s was for another Classic wooden boat regatta and the passage, as I remember seemed to be uneventful. We arrived late on a Thursday afternoon, I think – anchoring in the harbor the first night. That night us folks that were off watch went to land to scope it out. Holy cow, we were first directed to find an art studio where a welcoming party was taking place for the regatta. Upon walking thru the harbor streets to find this ... read more

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