Stan and Sheila woolley

Still Crazy

Stan and Sheila woolley

We both travelled and worked in Spain, which is where we first met, back in 1971. Things back then were quite different, no plastic card banking or internet to smooth the way.
Our travels were put on hold for a few years whilst we brought up our two children. They now spend large chunks of their life exploring the world.
In in our mid to late 50's we decided it was time we took up travelling again and this time write our own travel blog. Hope it can compete with the younger generations.
We chose the nickname 'still crazy' because I guess that's what we are, still crazy. We completed three six week long stints backpacking around S.E. Asia and several 2 week holidays.
In November 2010, however, we took the huge step of packing in our jobs to go and travel for 4 months meaning we would completely miss most of the British winter.
Escaping the British winter was wonderful and we spent the next three years travelling to warmer places during our winter, mostly S.E.Asia but also California as Sharon our daughter has settled there and has two children
At the moment S.E.Asia is still right at the top of our list of favourite places to visit. We do get asked 'why do you keep going back to the same place?' Well the answer to that is that S.E.Asia covers a vast amount of countries and islands many of which we still have to visit. There are so many varied cultures to experience too.
Of course California holds a special place in our hearts too as that is where Sharon and the two grandchildren are.
We plan to do much more exploring around the world as soon as we can and, in fact, our next adventure is scheduled for one weeks time when we visit S.America

South America was great and we plan to explore Brazil in the future.
Since that trip we have returned to S.E. Asia twice and are about to set off again in two days time. Mostly to escape our winter and to join up with family. We've also went back to Santa Barbara in October 2015 for five weeks and caught a heatwave there, thankfully not forest fires or mudslides!

2nd update:
July 2019.

For the last few years while jetting around the four corners of the world we began to think we should be exploring the places on our doorstep. Europe

We've done a few two weeks holidays to Spain, Greece etc but what really holds our hearts are mountains.

Europe has no shortage of these.So, when Stan mentioned that he wanted to go to the 70th Anniversary celebrations of the Laverda motorbike in Northern Italy I suggested we go together in the car.

In just three short weeks we drove through Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and lastly France again clocking up 2,622 miles in all.
Needless to say our journey took us through many mountainous areas.

January 2020
We are back in what seems to be coming our second home. S. E. Asia, escaping the British winter once again. Watch this space for more adventures.
India next!

February 23rd. 2023

Since last writing we had the notorious Covid pandemic. All travel stopped for best part of three years. Finally, although not quite back to normal we are back in S.E. Asia

December 19th 2023.

Once again we've returned to our ' second home' this time we brought our ' escape from the winter' trip forward as Sharon , Scott and the grandchildren were spending Christmas on Ko Lanta so we joined them. After the isolation of covid we had a lot of missed time to catch up on.

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 5th 2024

Everyone has heard about the devastating tsunami of 2004 in S.E.Asia. Koh Phi Phi island was one of the most badly hit places with much loss of life. Due to the geography of the island the wave hit on two sides, many of the small bars and bungalow resorts were destroyed. We visited the island in 2006 and saw how things were gradually returning to normal. Recently we've heard from many tourists how busy Phi Phi island has become now and wanted to see for ourselves. We did return last year for a day trip but due to the ferry breaking down, and us being stuck out at sea for almost two hours, we didn't have a lot of time to explore and one of the things I had really wanted to do was climb back ... read more
Phi Phi - getting closer!
Phi Phi Lay as seen from the ferry
From the view point

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Chang January 26th 2024

And now it's time to settle back into laid back island time. The journey back from Penang had been every bit as difficult as getting there. Taking two full days with a stop over in Hat Yai again. But to be honest if you don't experience a bit of the rough side of life you don't appreciate the good side and begin to take things for granted. We were sure glad to be back to what I now call our " second home"! Once settled back into our room we went straight out to find food and of course we knew the best places to go around here. After the chaos of George Town on Penang, to be back here felt like paradise. Instead of the continual beep beep of traffic and big buses rumbling by ... read more
The fast train from Butterworth to Padang Besar
On the car ferry back to the island of Ko Lanta
From our look out point on the ferry.

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 21st 2024

Georgetown has a colourful vibrant feel about it. Narrow streets lined with restaurants and food sellers. There's a mixed array of traffic meadering along along the roads and streets no matter how narrow. Buses, huge posh cars, old broken down cars, bikes galore and cyclos all share the road and pedestrians chance their luck to cross in-between! In contrast close to the port and several grand looking Colonial buildings, built by the Brits many years before Malaysia got independence in 1957. There are several Indian and Chinese temples scattered amongst the old heritage buildings that house the Nasi Kanda restaurants. If you follow your ears in the evening you come across cute bars with live music and chairs and tables spilling out onto the street. A great place to meet up with fellow travellers. Penang is ... read more
Queen Victoria clock tower
Colonial buildings
Komtar Tower

Asia » Malaysia » Penang January 19th 2024

For a day away from the hustle and bustle of Georgetown, Taman Negara, Penang is a good choice. Getting there involved a local bus ride that took one and a half hours due to the many stops followed by very twisty uphill roads. Not good in a bus with barely any suspension. Once off the bus, and having got the feeling back in our numb legs due to the bumpy ride, we set off to the national park entrance. As we entered the park we were greeted by a family of monkeys, we were a bit wary at first but they stuck to their side of the path as we passed by. The first path took us to some beautiful white sand beaches, over the sea we could see the towering buildings of Georgetown. We'd heard ... read more
One of the many beaches in the park
Monkeys greet you on first entering the park

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 19th 2024

The Komtar tower in Georgetown is famous for it's glass walkway 68 stories up. There's also a very narrow walkway that you can walk on around the outside of the building on, 65 stories up. A harness in needed for this for obvious reasons. Our first task here in Penang was to get to know our way around the narrow busy streets and the public bus routes. Within half a day we'd mastered this- well almost ! The tourist map we'd been given by our hotel was a great help. There's a free bus that runs around the city where you can hop off and hop on again. It loops around in all directions so a bit difficult to know where you're actually going to end up but we got there in the end. Having mastered ... read more
Glass floor in the observatory, 65 floors up in the Komptor Tower, Penang
Getting braver now
Cruise liner docked.

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta January 17th 2024

When you land in Thailand you're automatically issued with a 30 day visa. Our time was running out so we needed to do a visa run to Malaysia. We left the comfort of Besthouse at 7.30am. we had booked a seat on the big bus to Trang but only a mini bus turned up. Apparently there was not enough people to warrant the big bus today. At Trang we would need to change busses but we only had one ticket. I asked the agent and she said we would be given a ticket for the second bus at Saladan, a small transport hub on Lanta. When we arrived there an agent took our ticket, I asked about the next one and was told it was ok, not needed but we could take a photo of the ... read more
View from our hotel window over the city
Spacious train to Penang Besar
Can't fall off the back! Or maybe we could!!

Asia » Thailand December 31st 2023

That time of year has come around again when we feel the need to escape the British winter weather. This time we were lucky enough to be able to catch up with Sharon , Scott, Kyla and Jake. They were on a two week vacation for the Christmas period. It was a bit of a late decision to come away so we were delighted that our favourite guesthouse on Ko Lanta had a vacant room for us. Even better it was our favourite room overlooking the tropical garden. Sharon and Scott were staying a couple of minutes walk away. Both places just a few steps away from the beach. After a long 30 hour journey we arrived on the island and we're met with a warm welcome. The owners know roughly what time we should arrive ... read more
Beautiful Thailand
Thaicat getting ready for Christmas Eve
Balloons kept escaping in the breeze unfortunately

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi March 30th 2023

All good things come to an end. It was time for us to set off on our way back home. Not before saying our last goodbyes to many of the people we'd become friends with over the last few weeks. First stop was Krabi town on the mainland reached by mini van. Travel is so easy here, a minivan picks you up at your hotel/ resort and gets you over to the mainland on a small car ferry and then drops you off at your chosen hotel/ guesthouse in Krabi. Door to door service, can't complain! They carry 12 people so the journey can be a bit long winded as they go round picking people up then dropping them off at various locations. It took us about two hours in all. We planned a night here ... read more
Last fire show on the beach
Last night at Aleena Mini Mart with a bunch of new friends
A last goodbye to the staff at " Somewhere Else"

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 23rd 2023

Ko Phi Phi is a neighbouring island to Ko Lanta where we have based ourselves. Back in 2006 and again in 2008 we visited Ko Phi Phi and loved it. Since then we've heard many stories about how much it's been over developed and so, until now, avoided returning. Being so close here, curiosity got the better of us and we decided to take a day trip and see for ourselves. Our 'taxi' arrived almost on time and got us to the pier at Saladan at 7.55am with five minutes to spare before the ferry was due to sail. The ferry was also only five minutes late setting off so quite a record in these parts! The journey was supposed to take an hour, however, as we sailed merrily along at break neck speed there was ... read more
Sailing past Ko Jum
Phi Phi Ley coming into view
Phi Phi Ley

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 16th 2023

" What's the best bar in the whole world?" Kevin asked. " Aleena" we all shouted back. " And it's not even a bar! It's a mini mart! Kevin exclaimed. I'm sure I've mentioned Aleena before in my blogs. It's just one of those places you can't help meeting lots of interesting people. Tuesday night was Kevin's birthday so- any excuse for a party! A whole new set of card drinking games came out that we'd never played before. The whole pack was spread out on the table face down and each played took turns to pick one. Depending on the number you picked an action was required. Two was to put your head under the table. Not an easy task when you're all sat squashed together on a long sest. The one who picked the ... read more
Kevin claims to Love me! 🤣
Beer ping pong game
The teams who played Beer pong in the ' Final'

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