Taman Negara National Park. Penang

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January 19th 2024
Published: January 25th 2024
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For a day away from the hustle and bustle of Georgetown, Taman Negara, Penang is a good choice.
Getting there involved a local bus ride that took one and a half hours due to the many stops followed by very twisty uphill roads. Not good in a bus with barely any suspension.

Once off the bus, and having got the feeling back in our numb legs due to the bumpy ride, we set off to the national park entrance.
As we entered the park we were greeted by a family of monkeys, we were a bit wary at first but they stuck to their side of the path as we passed by.

The first path took us to some beautiful white sand beaches, over the sea we could see the towering buildings of Georgetown. We'd heard the water wasn't very clean here and likely to have many jelly fish so, despite the heat, we had no desire to bathe.
Soon the path reached more paths going off in several directions. We chose to go to the canopy walkway.

Sadly, when we eventually reached the walkway, it looked as though it hadn't been used for decades. Oh well, the path itself leading to it had been interesting, we'd clambered over a maze of tree roots and broken down steps and a few dodgy looking bridges to name but a few obstacles.

It wasn't too long before our clothes were becoming drenched with persperation due to humidity. Our drinking water had long run out, so we headed back hoping to find food and more water.
However, as we got near to the bus stop a bus was ambling up the hill ready to turn round and head back to Georgetown. We had no idea how long we'd have to wait for the next one so jumped on it, foregoing food and water. A packet of Halls throat sweets in my bag did the trick instead!

Thankfully the journey back to Georgetown was much faster due to light traffic and less stops.
One downside, however, was that our clothes were still very damp and the Aircon on the bus was freezing.
We were so happy to be stepping off into 33 degrees C when we arrived back.

Time to get changed and go in search of food.

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