Blogs from Bromo Tengger Semeru, Java, Indonesia, Asia - page 6


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru February 17th 2007

We see the day and the night coming and passing by, the change of seasons, flowers blooming and fading, snow falling and melting, the sun, the clouds, the rain, the storm, the thunder... coming and going... and all that reminds us that this blue-green planet we are dwelling on is in a constant change. In some parts of this world, you have the chance to see volcanoes. Volcanoes have something magical and seducing, they are beautiful and scary, they can be peaceful now and a few moments later destructive. They show that this earth of ours is actually alive and kicking, and constantly changing not just on the surface but deep inside as well. Volcanoes do all kinds of interesting things, they sleep, grow, grudge and explode. While you're reading this, somewhere a volcano is pouring ... read more
Mount Bromo
The Eye of the Tiger

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru January 3rd 2007

And just like that she was gone...or so it seemed. After our short-lived reunion ended, I was in the middle of a city I knew nothing about, and had a single page on Indonesia ripped out of a 5 year old Lonely Planet I found on Gili Meno. Somehow, someway I got on a few buses, and ended up in Probolinggo...the base to magnificent Mount Bromo. Bromo was one place I wanted to visit on Indonesia, thanks to Baraka showing me the landscape. Unfortunately I arrived in another foreign bus terminal at 11 o'clock, knowing nothing about the area. A young woman started talking to me asking where I was going and what I was doing. When I told her I was traveling by myself, didn't speak Indonesian, had no travelguide, and no clue where I ... read more
Still beautiful
Bird Market

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru December 3rd 2006

Arrived at my destination in Bromo by mini van 10 hours from Yogyakarta and nearly got my foot run over when I got out because the driver didn't put the handbrake on, but the live band's Bob Marley remix 'I shot the tourist, but I did not shot their travellers cheques' made the night. I was going to walk the 6 hour route that took in all of the volcanoes in the area starting at 3 in the morning. Good job I took a jeep instead cause I was out of breath in the 30 minutes it took up the steps to the first volcano. The views were amazing. The landscape looks like your on the moon, hopefully someday in the not so distant future my travels will take me there. Now I'm in Bali, and ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru November 20th 2006

after some delayed goodbyes at the airport, lottie returned home and i was left to go it alone. the lack of enthusiasm and desire to prolong my stay in bali, due to the abundance of crazy surfer dudes who can only give directions to the beach and local irish bar and hold a limited conversation about a knarly tube or sick pipe, along with the persistent and some what flirty older massage ladies on the beach. the following day and 6 hours of buses and 7 hours of trains later i had left the tourists and imitated western ways behind and reached east java. with the intent of climbing another volcano and relaxed beach-side week i was ready to go. a final 4 hours of travel and 2 hours of riding on the back of some ... read more
semeru trail 2
semeru trail 3
as close as i dared

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru November 2nd 2006

From Yogyakarta we took a 10hr hair raising mini-bus through to East Java...our climb an active volcano called Gunung Bromo... Gunung Bromo is natures Borobudur, compared with Java's other major peaks, Bromo (2392m) is a proper midget mind! But it's: 'the beauty within its setting'...which makes it Java's best destination...apparently? "Shuttup! thats just another mountain volcano fing init?"...well no, Bromo is one of three volcanoes that have risen from the guts of a huge 10km crater, Tengger Caldera (in case you were wondering!) We were woken early (again..grr) at 3.30am by the hired driver...then hastefully shoved into the back of a 4x4. We were also joined by two Dutch dudes, who also looked half asleep. The roads were incredibly fogy and very very steep! It was an eerie drive! After an hour we reached our ... read more
A martian landscape
Inside the Crater!!!
Killer steps

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru September 27th 2006

The next morning a small van - called a travel in this part of Indonesia (the range of names for these little vans is extraordinary - angkot, colt, bemo, pete-pete) - awaits us just outside the homestay for a nine-hour drive eastwards to the very Javanese-sounding (as you should now recognise) town of Probolinggo. Driving parallel to Java's fiery spine, we pass numerous volcanic peaks. Actually, we are heading for one of Java's most famous volcanos: Gunung Bromo. The drive takes us through a mish-mash of rice fields and sprawling industrial towns, all to the tune of Java's ubiquitous honking horns. As ever in this archipelago, the driving is reckless, gung-ho and a smidgen suicidal. I close my eyes at every overtaking - so did the driver, I think. Nevertheless, we arrive safely, albeit rather tired, ... read more
From the bowels of the Earth...
She'll be coming round the crater...
Sea of clouds

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru July 7th 2006

The trip from Denpasar, Bali to Probolinggo, Java, was a real day long adventure. We decided to take the earlier, economic bus despite all the travel agents telling us to take the Eksecutif (which only cost about 1 dollar more). But I insisted that we had the real experience, together with the locals. At first, everyone looked hostil. I did not feel at ease, and fell bad for the decision I made. Smoking, heat, vendors everywhere, constant stops, beggars, amateur musicians. It was a ackward experience for a few hours. All of a sudden this old man sat beside me, with a kid. He kindly offered me a nasty piece of fried fish, bought from the vendor inside the bus. Although worried (Robert had just been really sick the day before), I decided to accept the ... read more
Lost in the mist
Breathtaking sunrise in Mt. Bromo

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru March 29th 2006

Na het hele Gili gebeuren gehad te hebben zijn we vertrokken op weg naar het volgende avontuur. Vanzelf sprekend wederom afgezet met het ticket maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken. Met de boot langs de feestvierende menigte richting Lombok. Met busje naar het vliegveld om vervolgens vertraging te hebben. Lang zitten kaarten dus de tijd vloog om. In Bukit Lawang hebben we een spelletje geleerd met de naam "shit head". Klinkt net zo simpel als het is, dus erg leuk. Geland op Surabaya. Hier fastfood naar binnen gestouwd en snel verder gegaan. Busje hier, busje daar en laat op de avond in een dorpje aan de voet van Bromo. Bromo is een actieve, niet hele hoge, stinkende (!!!!!!!!!!) vulkaan. Om 03.00 opgestaan om de memorabele zonsopgang te zien op Bromo zelf. Echt heeeeeeel vroeg, en ... read more
Mt Bromo2
Mt Bromo3
Mt Bromo4

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru June 3rd 2005

an end-of-the-world place another supernatural moonscape where gunung batok, bromo and kursi just put altogether in a plain lava sand then mahameru is smoking in a distance this year is a complete mission where i also do trekking to gunung penanjakan viewpoint early morning before sunrise then heading to ranu pani by myself! thank God, love you in every single minute for this gift i love this national park adore her more than ever! ... read more
the mist roll-out from mahameru
4 years ago on tengger massif

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