Blogs from Bromo Tengger Semeru, Java, Indonesia, Asia - page 4


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru January 16th 2011

De Bali, nous avons pris le ferry pour Java puis le bus pour Probolingo. Apres environ 4 heures de bus (pour environ 100km) nous sommes descendus a Probolingo et nous avons organise un minibus pour nous emmener a Cemoro Lawang, village perche dans la montagne d'ou on peut avoir une belle vue du volcan Bromo. Apres 1h30 de lente ascencion dans un van dont les portes ne fermaient pas, nous sommes enfin arrives dans un joli hotel, genre chalet, sous une pluie battante. Ca ne s'annoncait pas tres bien pour voir le volcan, on n'y voyait pas a 2 metres tant la pluie etait forte et les nuages bas! Au chalet, nous avons fais la connaissance de Matt et Sia de Hollande avec qui nous allions voyage pendant quelques semaines. Ils allaient eux aussi voir Bromo ... read more
Bateau de pecheurs

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru July 21st 2010

Despues de haber pasado unas buenas semanas junto a los hermanos de la iglesia, decidimos que era hora de explorar un poco mas la isla asi que tomamos el camino hacia Bromo (un lugar donde esta uno de los volcanes activos de este pais y porque una hermana nos invito a pasar la noche en su casa) Con un viaje de muchas horas en tren talvez 10 horas, muy pero muy cansados llegamos a la casa de Suti (la hermana que nos invito) directo a descansar y al siguiente dia listos otrs vez para visitar el Volcan Bromo, rodeado de una linda naturaleza, subimos hasta unos kilometros en carro y luego caminando y subiendo gradas por una hora, llegamos al crater. bromo e sunvolcan de 2300 metros y es uno de los volcanes activos de la ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru July 19th 2010

See text in English below 26 noviembre 2009 Después de Borobodur y Prambanan, estoy seguro que el lugar más visitado de Java es la impresionante caldera de Tengger y el volcán Bromo. Desde Yogykarta salen furgones llenos de turistas y mochileros que les llevan directamente hasta aquí, y la mayoría de las veces, desde Bromo son transportados directamente a Banyuwangi, el puerto desde donde salen los ferrys con dirección a Bali. Tomé la segunda opción que proponían las agencias, también popular pero no tan concurrida. Es un programa que después de la visita del Bromo, emplea un día más para llegar al ferry porque incluye la visita de la meseta del Ijen y su cráter. Yo no tenía idea de pasar a Bali, aunque sea una isla preciosísima me parece que fuera demasiado turística. En su ... read more
Vendedor de flores --- Flower seller
Amanecer en Tengger --- Sunrise in Tengger
Amanecer en Tengger --- Sunrise in Tengger

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru April 16th 2010

It's really a piece of cake to get to Ranu Pani from Malang, though it does require a little patience and the ability to be squashed into a microlet with 20 other people and their possessions for a hot sweaty ride uphill. Not to mention the poor lady chucking her guts up...There's a bit of a transport mafia at Tumpang, I suspect led by the dwarf (should have asked him if he had any sisters looking for jobs as I know a midget bar in Bangkok looking for dancers!!) who try to convince me to hire an entire microlet for 200,000Rp as the others are full. I tell him I'll simply wait for the next one to be ready and go and have some lunch at a nearby warung. It is afterall the middle of the ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru February 18th 2010

Il y a maintenant 6 jours que nous sommes sur Java, l'ile la plus populeuse d'Indonésie avec ses 120 millions d'habitants (sur les 240 millions d'habitants totaux du pays). Pour être franc, nous modifions notre itinéraire littéralement tous les jours. Le territoire à couvrir et nos ambitions sont si vastes! Un peu de logistique s'impose. Nous détenons que très peu de "feedback" concrets d'amis ayant voyage sur ce territoire et les blogs trouves sur internet nous sont peu utiles. De plus, le transport entre les différentes iles peut parfois être désorientant et ressembler au fameux cube "Rubik" qui nous est, soit dit en passant, jamais été donne de voir dans le bon ordre. Faute de pouvoir planifier, commençons simplement par l'est de Java ou deux sites volcaniques impressionnants nous attendent. Plusieurs heures de routes à l'est ... read more
Gunung Bromo, Java, Indonesie
Gunung Bromo, Java, Indonesie
Gunung Bromo, Java, Indonesie

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru June 14th 2009

Our visit to Mount Bromo was amazing, mind blowing, infuriating, crazy, white knuckled and a whole lot of other emotions thrown in. Our journey began from Malang. We decided to catch a 3hr bus to Problibingo and then another connecting to Mt Bromo. We did our research before we left and felt confident that this journey would be stress free (we even knew which guesthouse to check into). So far in Java trains have been our best friend and we had yet to encounter any crazy Indonesian buses. It all changes now. Believe me we have been on some 'speedy' buses in Vietnam and are accustomed to erratic road ruling drivers but this particular journey was nuts. We didn't book ahead, opting to board a local bus at the station not far from our hotel. We ... read more
Closer shot of Bromo
This smoke smelt like bad eggs
Sunset Bromo 2

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru June 12th 2009

Long hair, long life! This is the greeting I receive a lot from Indonesians. I think it’s a fine slogan and I hope it’s true! Long hair is not uncommon here for men, but limited mostly to artists and musicians. I’m writing this blog from outside our bungalow in Yoshi’s Hotel at Gunung Bromo, a volcano in Java Timur, or western Java. We’ve been here for two days now and it’s a beautiful area. Unfortunately it was very cloudy yesterday so we couldn’t see much of the volcano, but this morning we went up for sunrise (5.15, had to get up at 3.00am!!) and had a beautiful view, but more on that later. Back to where we left you. My last blog was from Denmark, in the far south of Western Australia. As predicted the weather ... read more
Me writing this blog
Busy traffic down one of the many, many market streets. This is in Bogor
Janine in the jungle. Botanic Gardens, Cibodas

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru February 21st 2009

Mt. Bromo was a marathon effort to get to, luckily it was worth it. We boarded a minibus in Yogya at 9am in the morning, picked up all the other passengers, including an Indonesian Catholic nun who was going to her new convent in Probolinggo. Our ride was uneventful, uncomfortable and horribly long. We had a quick stop for lunch and a few toilet breaks, but basically drove for 10.5hrs straight. After 10 and a half hours we changed to another minibus which drove us another hour or so to our hotel Cemoro Lewang...all up we spent 12hrs on the bus (excluding time for lunch) which meant when we eventually arrived it was close to 11.30pm. The following morning when our alarm went off at 3.30am I was tempted to throw the phone across the other ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru October 24th 2008

After driving for 8 hours to arrive in Cemoro Lewang late in the evening, we were not keen to take a brief drive to see the sunrise over Mount Bromo and then get back on the road to hit the next sight, as all the tours recommended. While returning from our sunrise walk we were discussing what to do with the day when we bumped into a German couple who were just returning from a four-day trek to the distant Mount Semeru. While it can be a bit disorienting travelling without a fixed itinerary (we rarely know what day of the week it is), the best thing about it is that there is the freedom to seize a passing opportunity. Upon their enthusiastic recommendation we returned to our room, packed our bags, and headed off to ... read more
Trekking across the Sand Sea
We made it
Up through the jungle

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru October 9th 2008

I took a 3 days trip to Bromo volcano. There are also some other ones, still active. Check the pictures. From there the next day we went to Ijen region, through coffee plantations, we visited a coffee factory. Ijen volcano - in its crater the workers dig sulphur, then they carry it up the crater, and down to the valley. One load is around 75kg !!! They do this twice a day, so around 150 kg. And they get 600 rupiah per 1 kg, which is 0.05 euro ... so per day they earn around 8 euro. This tour ended in the harbour on the west coast of Java, from where we took the boat on our own. I went with 2 Taiwanese girls. Although I have asked them stupid question like: "Is Taiwan part of ... read more
"I was there" picture
Buddhist monastery
Bromo rim

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