Blogs from Bromo Tengger Semeru, Java, Indonesia, Asia - page 3


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru May 17th 2012

2h bus from Surabaya to Probolinggo, then another 1h bus up to Ngadisiri, a few km from Cemoro Lawang, the usual starting point at the lip of Mt Bromo. Beautiful place...... read more
Horses on Mt Bromo
Not Working => Happiness
'Nuff Said

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru April 28th 2012

JAVA: Bromo Jeep Club. Up at time for a shower to wake up...into thermals, wet weather gear, head torches, cameras, video, boots...check... meet Fandi our Guide at ready...time to head off for the photo opportunity we have come so far to see...the Penanjakan Sunrise. The Dutch saw nothing at sunrise yesterday...clouded in then and raining...will we be lucky today? To travel anywhere in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park...the home of five volcanoes and the Tengger can walk...which if you are travelling distance is silly...or promote the local Tengger economy...and travel by jeep...known in these parts as...the Bromo Jeep Club. As we leave Lava View Lodge...along the edge of the Tengger Caldera rim...pitch volcanoes yet visible...immediately join a line of jeeps snaking to higher ground...cover a couple of kms...stop...... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru March 4th 2012

BLUE GRASS IN BROMO: New Year 2012. We are in the restaurant at the Lava View Lodge overlooking the nest of volcanoes in the Tengger caldera below...four nights booked..."noone stays that long" they say..."most come to see the sunrise and then go". "We prefer it to traffic" my simple response. Who wants to sit in heavy traffic in cities...if you can enjoy this view?...which as it's wet constantly changing . But the reality is we love every minute of it...would stay longer if we had the time...hoping four nights is enough to satisfy our souls...and remain etched in our memories. We toured, discovered and got into the many sights Bromo had to offer (see next blog)...fantastic...but probably our best times were partying with the night...with "Blue Grass"...while others probably sleep for want of anything ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru March 1st 2012

FACES OF JAVA: The Tengger. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java...famous for its volcanoes...its volcanoes and its volcanoes...seduced to visit there by extraordinary photos on Travelblog...dreaming of that magic shot of a blast from Mt wheresjason in 2011...with Mt Semeru puffing merrily as backdrop. Well that was the inducement. I had no idea there was another reason to visit that area...overlooked in my research...not reported on actually...something that was there to be be revealed in the doing...that would excite this portrait junkie. Not a something...but a people...the inhabitants of this nest of and farming on precipitous harmony with the volcano gods...the Tengger people. Not to be confused with the people of Nusa Tenggara Timur Provence...the Southeast Islands...includi... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru December 30th 2011

Indonesians, from my perspective seem to be some of the most social people I know.(Although this does not seem to be the opinion of several Indonesian friends I have spoken with......this is especially true of those that live in urban areas) It seems to be a form of disorder, or something(?), for them if one is found alone, and they will gregariously try to pull you into their little posse if you happen to be a bule (A westerner) .....after snapping your picture as many times as possible. It is a wonderfully colorful but also annoying aspect of traveling or living in Indonesia as a foreigner, at times. If I wanted to become a model, of some sort, Indonesia is certainly a good place to develop my acting skills and posing technique. Despite the hundreds of ... read more
Me and Pancul at Bromo 5am
Jabba the Hutt
Rice Terraces

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru September 16th 2011

Le 13 septembre 2011, On part a 5:00 du matin avec notre chauffeur de la veille, un tour prive de 3 jours a notre demande. En effet, en evaluant le ratio qualite-temps-confort-prix, nous en sommes venus a la conclusion que mieux valait payer un peu plus par personne pour beneficier de beaucoup plus de confort, d un temps de transport reduit (seulement 11 heures la premiere journee, 7 heures la 2e et 3 heures la derniere... bonus! lol... paraitrait-il que les temps de transport sont beaucoup plus fantaisistes avec un tour partage... ) Le tour prive nous a egalement permis de profiter de la compagnie de Kero, notre sympathique chauffeur. Notre 11 heures se passe bien, entrecoupe de pauses-dodo et d arrets-pipi tout au long de la route. Lors d un de nos arret, on s ... read more
Le Bromo
Du love au sommet du Bromo
Le rebord du Bromo

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru August 23rd 2011

Hola de nuevo!!Despues de haber tenido un pequenyo problemilla con la anterior entrada (no me he dado cuenta hasta hoy de que no habia sido publicada... sorry por el retraso), continuamos el rumbo desde Yogyakarta hacia el este, para ver un par de volcanes. La noche del dia 20 ya prometia interesante, porque la ibamos a pasar en un tren nocturno de 8 horas hasta Malang para buscar alli un tour ese mismo dia que nos llevase a ver los volcanes Bromo y Kawah Ijen. Lo que no estaba previsto era que el conductor del taxi que nos llevaba a la estacion de tren deYogya era un indonesio empanadissssimo y muy jeta que se dedico a darnos vueltas por toda la ciudad en lugar de llevarnos a la estacion.Total, que 15 min antes de que saliese ... read more
amanecer en Gunung Bromo
Bromo y un frio de tres pares de ....
Bromo en la luz del amanecer

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru June 28th 2011

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru June 21st 2011

En arrivant vers Cemoro Lawang, les paysages verdoyant de Java se transforment peu à peu en étendues poussiéreuses et grisâtres. L'air est frais, la brume aide les cendres à se figer sur le sol et quelques rayons de soleil filtrent de temps à autre le nuage constant de cendre au dessus du village. En montant l'unique rue du village, on se rend soudain compte qu'on se trouve sur le bord d'un cratère. On est face à un spectace surnaturel. En contrebas, dans le gigantesque cratère de 10km de diamètre se dressent les volcans Bromo, Semeru et Tengger, formés lors de précédentes irruptions. Il est difficile de voir l'ensemble en un simple coup d'oeil car le nuage de cendres émis sans cesse par Bromo couvre une partie de la vue avant que le vent ne le balaie ... read more
Cavalier regardant le cratere
Moi pres du cratere
Paysage desolant autour de Cemoro Lawang

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru May 17th 2011

on my other daily blog , I also write about my latest trip to Semeru but I guess I'd like to write here again since this one is more read by any travallers :D So, last weekend me and some of couchsurfing friends planned to reach Semeru volcano, which also known as the highest volcano is Java island. Well, even it's only 3.676m heights compared with other higher summit.. despite this volcano is the highest one on the island where I live, also the trek path which challenged me to try :d I saw random articles and watched some videos about Semeru and all of them said it was kinda dangerous since already many people died from bein gout of track and lost. And some also fell deep down to rocky valley.. Few days before ... read more
villager style toilet :D
ready to go!
how villagers moving

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