Blogs from Bahia, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 21st 2023

Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil was our Tuesday, February 21, 2023 port of call. The name is officially Salvador. The “Da Bahia” is merely clarification and differentiation from the other Salvadors in Brazil. As the first capital of Colonial Brazil, the city is one of the oldest in the Americas and one of the first planned cities in the world. The capital of the state of Bahia evolved on a steep bluff with two levels – Upper Town (Cidade Alta) and Lower Town (Cidade Baixa). In 1873, Brazil's first elevator, the powerful hydraulic Elevador Lacerda, was constructed to connect the city's upper and lower towns. Having undergone several upgrades (including the addition of a twin, adjacent sister elevator), elevator service remains in use today. Salvador is recognized throughout the country and internationally for its cuisine, music and ... read more
Misc. Photos In and Around MS Volendam and Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Misc. Photos In and Around MS Volendam and Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Misc. Photos In and Around MS Volendam and Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 29th 2022

This blog and lots more photos are available on my website Salvador has beaches for everybody. There are sandy beaches and pebbly beaches. There are beaches for surfing and beaches with benches of rock just offshore that break the waves and leave the beaches calm. My favorites were the beaches with giant tide pools that people use as heated swimming pools. The black rock absorbs the sun and leaves the pools even warmer than the already warm ocean. Praia Farol da Barra One of the most popular beaches in Salvador, Praia Farol da Barra has soft sand and low waves. The big rollers from the Atlantic are broken by benches of rock that serve as a reef and protect the beach. Praia da Gamboa The heart of Salvador is built right to the water’s edge. ... read more
Praia Farol da Barra
Praia da Gamboa
Praia de Itapuã

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 20th 2022

This blog and more photos are available on my website This coastal city of almost 3 million people is full of beaches, history, music, and delicious food. I loved everything about it: the food, the music, the beaches, and even the museums. Salvador is a giant sprawl of different neighborhoods, each with its own name and feel. Most neighborhoods are either very rich or very poor, with a few falling somewhere in the middle. Still, most of the city is economically and racially divided. I stayed in Barra, within walking distance of the beach. It’s a residential part of town with a few good restaurants. North up the coast from Barra is Rio Vermelho, which has tons of great restaurants, bars, and nightlife. The most touristy part of town is Pelourinho, which you can read ... read more
Balé Folclórico da Bahia
Salvador by Night
Gold Straw: Capim Dourado

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 19th 2022

This blog and more photos are available on my website Pelourinho means “whipping post” in remembrance of the cruelty of slavery, which built the city. It has been a rich city for hundreds of years precisely because of the slaves used to work the sugar cane fields and build the city. It’s a violent and tragic history, but one that city residents don’t want forgotten. Despite the heavy history, the neighborhood today is full of joyful music, fabulous restaurants, and engaging museums. It also boasts the best spots to watch the sunset in Salvador. For cultural events, don’t miss the Balé Folclorico da Bahia. There are regular performances three evenings a week and a few times a year are larger performances. Check their website for scheduled performances. Salvador is ... read more
Igreja e Convento de São Francisco
Lacerda Elevator
Baiana do acarajé

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Lençóis October 9th 2022

This blog and more photos are available on my website. Lençóis is one of the most adorable little towns I’ve ever seen. It’s very much a tourist town, where streets are empty during the day when most visitors are out on tours of the waterfalls and caves. There are dozens of quaint restaurants and even more boutique hotels and quaint bed & breakfasts. It has a half dozen corner shops but no real grocery stores. Souvenir shops tend towards handmade crafts and art. Lençóis is also the best town from which to base your explorations of Chapada Diamantina. There are over a dozen local tour agencies in Lençóis, as well as an association of guides which offers much lower prices than the tour agencies. I did all my tours with ZenTur, a fantastic ... read more
Lençóis Restaurants
Memorial do Garimpeiro
Casas da Izete

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Porto Seguro September 23rd 2019

So I will get to the Brazil vacation a bit after, as I think the first thing we all need to address here is the cat bacchanal that was occurring in my backyard during the month of August…I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before, but there are quite a few feral cats that live in and around our property here in Santiago. Usually, they are nothing more than the occasional nuisance, maybe get into a garbage bag now and then, until August arrived…which is apparently when all the horny kitty’s come out to play! This included possible erotic meowing which kept us up at night, a number of loud cat fights, and oh… a dead cat that we found on our patio one Saturday morning (maybe forgot the safe word?)….poor Zoe was traumatized. After asking ... read more
Good times with Grammy & Grampy
Celebrity Sighting
The Quadrado

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador March 17th 2018

GÜN 44 17 MART CUMARTESİ: Uyku şişmesi sonunda uyandım.. Bu kadar nasıl uyumuşum veya ne kadar ihtiyacım varmış.. Kahvaltı giderek mükemmelleşiyor ..dün bazı yemekleri tattığımdan cesaret alan iki dudu, artık hünerlerini gösteriyorlar ve yağdırıyorlar .. Gerçekten güzel şeyler yapıyorlar ama muz kızartmasına hayır demek durumunda kaldım .. O kadar da değil yani.. Cuba’da bira yanında patates kızartması niyetine vermişlerdi .O gün bugün muz kızartmasına hayır.. İlaçlarımı alıyorum bayağı düzelme var fakat su gibi terliyorum .. Odama çekilip dinlenmeye karar verdim..Salvador’lular kendilerine Bahia diyorlar .. Bahia eyaletin adı ve Salvador bu eyaletin başkenti ama onlar illa ki Bahia lafını daha çok benimsemişler. TV de din satıcıları yaygın.. Şifa veren tespihler !! ,kolyeler... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador March 16th 2018

GÜN 43 16 MART CUMA : Otelim beni şaşırtmaya devam ediyor .. Gece karanlığında hiç değerlendirememişim.. Oda diye bir kat aşağı inince ne oluyoruz ? dedim ama hakkını yemişiz.. Sabah ışıklarında ne olduğunu anladım.. Bir kere dün gece pencere yok diye sızlanmışız ya… pencere bir boşluğa açılıyor diye kızmıştım ya.. Meğersem pencere denize açılan bir balkona açılıyormuş.. Otelin bulunduğu mahalle eski şehir sayılıyor ve limanın tepesine yerleşmiş bir plato.. Aynen Santorini gibi... dik bir yamaca yapılmış ve yemekhanesi giriş katında bulunuyor .. 180 derece deniz manzarasına karşı kahvaltı yapmak ayrı bir keyif.. Otelde iki dudu kadın çalışıyor .. Aman Allahım, kahvaltıyı döktürüyorlar .. 5 yıldız otel donanımı var ..sayamayacağım kadar çok çeşit meyve suyu ve yiyecek... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador March 15th 2018

GÜN 42 15 MART PERŞEMBE: Bugün artık son etaba giriyoruz.. Nezle, grip arası gidip geliyorum. Kendime bakmaya gayret ediyorum.. Erkenden alana geldim.. Otobüs peşinde koşmaya cesaret edemedim. 50 kağıdı verip taxi ile alana geldim.. Vaktim çok orada burada oyalanıyorum.. En azından düşünmeye vakit var ve kendimce değerlendirmelere dalıyorum. Bir kere İspanyolca biliyorum diye kasılırken ”Canım ne olacak burada da idare ederiz” diye bir özgüven patlaması yaşamışız.. Şimdi madara olmuş ve kuyruğu bacakların arasına sıkıştırmış durumdayız.. Kulaklarımız düşmüş…. Derin derin dalıyorum . Portekizce anlamak çok zor ve ne yapsam dediklerini anlamıyorum.. Ebleh bir bakış yüzüme oturuyor “olsa olsa” metodu ile "her halde şunu diyor" diyorum ../b... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia February 2nd 2018

This part of our trip was spent in Salvador, Lencois and Chapada Diamantina and it was so good! Salvador is such a vibrant city and the energy there is amazing. The sound of drums filled the city day and night and the locals would just start moving as soon as any music started playing. We really enjoyed being in the midst of the exciting African demographic and their culture. And the city was definitely not as scary as people made us believe. Although we didn't exactly venture out to anywhere dodgy.. we stuck to the historical centre (Pelourinho) and the beach areas (Barra & Itapua) and in these areas there was a strong police presence - the tourists are a protected species here. We then bussed about 7 hours to a cute town called Lencois to ... read more
Salvador - Pelourinho
Salvador - Pelourinho

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