West Africa- If You're Not On The Edge, You're Taking Up Too Much Space

a trip by Vic Pollen
From: October 31st 2009
Until: November 28th 2009

Why West Africa?? I've been asked that question many times over the past few months, particularly by She Who Must Be Obeyed... and she's coming with me.
I don't really know why- DH has been telling everyone (at least those who will tolerate our travel stories) that I'm chasing a childhood dream of discovery and myth in Timbuktu. But since my childhood is a vague blur at best, that dog don't hunt.
I think that Beijing was the real genesis of our West African adventure. We thoroughly enjoyed our travel through China and Tibet a couple of years ago but, particularly in Beijing, the economic miracle was in full swing, and domestic tourism was booming. DH and I talked a number of times of what it must have been like just a short decade ago when bicycles dominated the roadways and hutongs weren't being bulldozed in the name of progress.
Since then, I had been looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure through a land and culture that hasn't yet completely gone through the inevitable morphing from what-was to what-might-be. West Africa promises both challenge and reward so we're going to dive right in.
She Who Must Be Obeyed is just hoping to survive especially now that Tibra is coming (more on that later).
Trip Length: 4 weeks
Blog Entries: 18
Photos: 299
Words: 17756

Blog Entries

Date Blog Title Location
October 31st 2009 Pre-Launch Countdown North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto
November 1st 2009 ParisÂ… Well The Airport Near Paris Europe » France
November 1st 2009 Bamako And Back-Alley Mohammed Africa » Mali » District of Bamako » Bamako
November 3rd 2009 Djenne -Mud, Mud, and More Mud Africa » Mali
November 4th 2009 Mopti And The Niger River To Timbuktu (Or Not) Africa » Mali » Dogon Country » Mopti
November 5th 2009 Tibra Streaks & Squeaks Her Way Across Dogon Count Africa » Mali
November 9th 2009 Slow Boating All The Way To Timbuktu Africa » Mali
November 11th 2009 Welcome To The Middle Of Nowhere Africa » Mali » North-West » Timbuktu
November 12th 2009 The Ugly Traveller Africa » Mali
November 13th 2009 Loving A Place That Names Itself Ouagadougou Africa » Burkina Faso » Centre » Ouagadougou
November 14th 2009 Home Of The Magic Man Africa » Burkina Faso » Sud-Ouest » Gaoua
November 16th 2009 Elephant Safari Africa » Burkina Faso
November 17th 2009 Exploring Northern Ghana Africa » Ghana » Northern » Tamale
November 19th 2009 Time For A Rest Africa » Ghana
November 21st 2009 The Cruelty Of Man Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast
November 24th 2009 Shopping For Fetishes Africa » Togo » Lome
November 25th 2009 The Royal City Of Abomey Africa » Benin » South » Abomey
November 27th 2009 That's A Wrap Africa » Benin » South » Cotonou
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