tdv95's Guestbook

1st November 2016

I am from london and i stayed in ghana for 6months straight,i never did visit the slave castle and i am glad i didnt..because livin in london from 1980s all what was showin of the black race was awful includin slavery,my spirit didnt want t
o go to castle so i went the other way kumasi and brong ahafo my father town r.i.p paps.
8th October 2016

And the bird looks like an Osprey. Good photo.
6th October 2016

I (Doug) viewed the NB Tidal Bore during my misspent youth, which was some years ago. It's no Pororoca, but it's a rather impressive occurrence nonetheless. There were no surfers (borers?) at the time and given the uncertainty of the timi
ng, speed and height of the Bore, these people must spend a heck of lot of their free time waiting for that perfect wave.
From Blog: Coasting Uphill
3rd October 2016

Is that domestic or imported wine?
26th September 2016

Hey! hey!!!! To many of those will end up having us drag your ass up those ladders.....behave!
From Blog: Coasting Uphill
23rd September 2016

ML & I were in the Maritimes in July. We were at Hopewell the week before you, but it was much more crowded...unless you have "depopulated" your photos. Too bad we didn't know you were there too...we could have met for lunch...or a lobs
ter supper.
From Blog: Coasting Uphill
23rd September 2016

prototype for the modern day cruise ship
From Blog: Coasting Uphill
14th September 2016

Great photos, as usual. Congratulations on your new home purchase.
13th September 2016

Yup, that's exactly what happened.
From Blog: Dead Mans Hand
13th September 2016

I think this system is worldwide.. as I know miners back home have something similar.
13th September 2016

tku for sharing a part of history that I would not known about it if you have not been there and shared. ..
13th September 2016

:) nice you are smiling..
13th September 2016

Wild Bill died of lead poisoning.
From Blog: Dead Mans Hand
13th September 2016

It's incredible how much American history we Canadians have absorbed since our childhood.
From Blog: Dead Mans Hand
13th September 2016

lovely picture Debbie.
13th September 2016

wow this prob. brought you some memories. :)
13th September 2016

such great post and pictures tku for sharing. lots to catch up.. take care .. big hug.
13th September 2016

not bad.. budding artists.
12th September 2016

Take me to your leader..., oh!
12th September 2016

Is that the same bra from the Woody Allen movie from the 70s. Size 4000 with an X cup.
12th September 2016

Don't do it Vic. I'm afraid you'll get your monies worth from that "free" tattoo.
10th September 2016

These pictures are so scenic and beautiful!!
From Blog: Dead Mans Hand
10th September 2016

They look good.....I'm sure they're just as tasty ....
From Blog: Northern Ontario
10th September 2016

I love Inukshuks!
From Blog: Northern Ontario
10th September 2016

There has never been a true Canadian Hero since FOX!!
From Blog: Northern Ontario

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