Blogs from Ulsan, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Ulsan August 9th 2016

Before we start the day's entry, we should give you a mini lesson on Korean toilets - at least the Ladies' Room. #1 - Almost all restrooms have the standard toilet, but some have both standard and squatting versions. Check before you enter stall if no picture is indicated on the stall door. #2 - Some standard toilets come with fancy buttons. Don't press unless you can figure out what they are. One's a bidet, one's to wipe your butt in lieu of toilet paper and one air dries. For the curious or those who don't mind adventure in the nether regions, go ahead and press away! #3 - Some restrooms have a common area for toilet paper. i.e. Stalls don't come equipped with paper. Check before you enter stall. #4 - Almost all restrooms have ... read more
"Regular" toilet.
With fancy buttons!
Eggs and bacon for breakfast

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan October 8th 2011

Ulsan – not to be confused with the very familiar sounding Osan near Seoul - is about five hours from Chuncheon. It neighbours popular metropolitan city Busan to the south and the Sea of Japan to the East. It’s marketed as the ‘industrial city’ of Korea - and when you look at its landscape, you can see why. The industrial district is huge and includes the world’s largest vehicle assembly plant and the world’s largest shipyard – both operated by Hyundai, a brand many westerners I’m sure are familiar with. So why did my good friend Jason and I venture to such a place for the weekend? Well I can assure you it wasn’t for the industrial aspect, ironically the opposite of cold, hard, work - the world famous Ulsan World Music Festival. Purely because it ... read more
Jason and Fran's big adventure commences
The moment it all came together

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan June 11th 2010

This weekend was one for the memory books! But first, Saturday. Saturday we went to Haeundae beach for the Sand Festival where they had all kinds of activities involving sand, the highlight of which was sand sculptures. It's amazing what people can carve in the sand! They had 3 professionals from Korea and USA and they carved a real sand castle, the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer, Statue of Liberty and many other things that were simply amazing! We saw one artist hard at work on his piece when we arrived and when we left later on he was still working and STILL not finished! Now that's dedication, considering we were told that the sculptures get taken down every day and re-done the next day! Let me just tell you about the beach phenomenon in Korea ... read more
Car-bowing people
Dancers at the Giants' game
Driving the Mini Cooper to deliver the relief pitcher

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan February 20th 2010

Ilsan Beach, January 3, 2010 - So these are the photos: the ones you've all been waiting for... "Drum Roll..." So After we returned from our New Years trip to Seoul, we headed out to Ilsan Beach for a day trip...don't get jealous wasn't warm enough to enjoy the beach. We just wanted to get away for the day. The beach is right next to a beautiful forest that overlooks the ocean. We spent most of the afternoon hiking up through the forest, and you know what happens next :) Enjoy the photos! :) Love to all. 3 K & G 3... read more

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan December 26th 2009

Wow! So this is the most pictures I've ever taken for Christmas, but, in my defense, there were a lot of festivities :) Needless to say, the whole apple pie thing didn't quite work out...but Garret made some rockin' egg nog from scratch and along with some delicious chocolate covered strawberries! Very delic! Our Christmas dinner at Dee and Nicci's was great! So much fun...what started out as a sad, un-Christmas-like Christmas turned into a blast with great people and new friends :) What did we eat for dinner in Korea you might ask??? Well, let me just tell you...Dee and Nicci cooked an AMAZING turkey, Andrea and Nicole made mashed potatoes and pumpkin galore...sauteed veggies, homemade stuffing, christmas pudding (which Mitch lit on fire by the way...very was my first experience with Christmas pudding, ... read more
Uranus with Nicci Teacher...that
Little Uranus waiting patiently...aren't they adorable in their antlers!!!!
Little Uranus

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan December 25th 2009

Here is another video from our school's Christmas Concert. This one is my homeroom class, and I may be biased, but they are ADORABLE! Listen to them scream the song...HA! LOVE IT! (P.S. sorry about the mispellings in my first entry...I was too tired to look everything over a second time) MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope this makes your Christmas bright :)... read more

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan December 24th 2009

So, in typical Katie and Garret fashion, we started a blog...but both of us completely forgot the website, the name of our blog and any passwords we used to access the somewhere floating around on the internet is a Katie and Garret blog with 2 entries Garret wrote soon after we arrived. If you come across it, enjoy! But for the rest of us, here is a new blog I've decided to start :) Today is December 24th. However, it is quite surreal to imagine that it is actually Christmas Eve. Today at school, we had a Christmas Concert for all of the Kindergarteners and Elementary students. We assumed it would be a fun day...and it absolutely was!!!!! The kids were SO adorable!!!! But we are exhausted, and have found ourselves just lounging on our ... read more
Little Ariel
HAHA!  Look at Tommy's pose!
Awesome Kate

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan December 15th 2009

I am sitting here during my first night shift...its 5:00am, I feel like shit, I'm hungry but at the same time I am not, im bored...and yet, I step outside and look around me and I am amazed with what I am seeing. I still can't believe that I am working at a Nuclear Reactor in South Korea...if you told me back in August where I am now, I would have said you were crazy! Just the fact that I am in South Korea is enough to lift my spirits. I think about everyone back home living the normal ordinary life, and I am just so glad that I am being a part of something interesting and unique. This experience is life changing, and it's something I will always have under my belt...I worked in South ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan December 14th 2009

This is my first travel blog on this website. The idea to start keeping a travel blog came about when I realized that I was sending update emails to my friends and family that basically all said the same things. It was getting really annoying typing the same things over and over again. By keeping this up to date, hopefully this will make it easier for people to get updates of how I am doing. So I suppose I will just start typing about my current trip and see where this takes goes: Right now I am on a business trip to South Korea. This is my second visit to Korea in the past 3 months. Without going into too much detail about the nature of this business trip, lets just say that I am ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Ulsan July 28th 2009

Once the whirlwind of China was over, we all got on planes and headed to my temporary home. "Home base" was my apartment in Ulsan, but we ended up all over the place. Luckily, and with many thanks to NOV, I have a sufficiently large enough apartment to house those goons. Don't get me wrong, it was great to see them and all, but you could barely walk through the luggage in my place for two weeks! But I still had my own bed, and the couch was big enough for Doug to sprawl on. I must admit, it was nice to have mom and dad around to cook and do laundry. And Doug too, to... do whatever it is that Doug does. While I was working during the weekdays, they all took off on day ... read more

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