What you've all been waiting for :)

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Asia » South Korea » Ulsan
February 20th 2010
Published: February 20th 2010
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 Video Playlist:

1: King of the World 16 secs
2: "We just got engaged" 19 secs
3: Mr. Hoppity Pups 29 secs
4: Enjoy the ocean for a bit 28 secs
Ilsan Beach, January 3, 2010 -

So these are the photos: the ones you've all been waiting for...

"Drum Roll..."


After we returned from our New Years trip to Seoul, we headed out to Ilsan Beach for a day trip...don't get jealous Michiganders...it wasn't warm enough to enjoy the beach. We just wanted to get away for the day. The beach is right next to a beautiful forest that overlooks the ocean. We spent most of the afternoon hiking up through the forest, and you know what happens next 😊 Enjoy the photos! 😊 Love to all.

<3 K & G <3

Additional photos below
Photos: 99, Displayed: 22



I never got over the picking shell thing as a child...

Garret was having fun with the camera...he knew what was coming :) Here's oblivious old me...look at this shell, Garret! :)

This dog was SO tiny that he couldn't walk in the sand...he literally had to hop everywhere! Adorable!

Poor lil' guy didn't make it

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