Autumn in my Heart

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October 15th 2009
Published: October 15th 2009
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It's officially fall!!

As I was walking back to school this evening for my second wind of teaching, it dawned on me just what a perfect day of weather we were having today. I'm fortunate to have a section of my walk that is not filled with blaring horns and flashing neon signs. It is probably the most favourite part of my walk to and from school every single day. It is quite evident now that the leaves are changing colour...the weather is a brisk 8 degrees when I walk to school in the morning (~6am) and rises to a mild 18 degrees in the afternoon (~11am). In the evening on my way home from work (~10pm) the weather is still a comfy 15 degrees.

Talking to my family back home, I realize that winter has come with a surprising quick entrance in Edmonton. In a way, I miss it a lot...the snow, the cold, bundling up in many layers of clothing...shovelling the snow....yea....thats right, I said it. However, on the flipside, I am grateful for this mild weather and am interested to see just how 'not cold' it gets over here.....not having a "white Christmas".

Happy Autumn everyone!


2nd November 2009

rainbow in my mind
hi friend. nice path to travel every morning. i do not know how to use this blog thing, but i tried anyway i hope you received it. yesterday october 31,2009 saturday me and my uncle romel went to northgate to have our H1N1 vaccine. so many people are line-up we were there 7:30am and got vaccinated at 2:30pm.after that the vaccination was stop till further notice , some say they run-out of stock. it was nice we already got ours. and today november 1,20009 sunday i went to beaumaris lake , walk around .think and relax for a while there , i been planning to do this a long time after you left but i can't find time ,till today. i'am thinking to go there one more time before snow fall again. it is really a good place to relax , i took a picture of the ducks (it is duck not sure) swimming in there. today is also alvin's birthday. about my wife and kids they are all in good condition eventhough another typhoon hits the philippines again (4 times in a row), thanks to the Lord for making my family safe everytime things like this happen. so how are you doing there MAM? can you teach me some english :-) take care always friend.God Bless(",)

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