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October 12th 2009
Published: October 12th 2009
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Mt.Gubong is one of the designated "8 Sights to See" in Daejeon. It is pretty much also one of the many many mountains you can hike just outside the city! What makes this mountain so special is that its highly recommended to hike during the autumn season as one can see the leaves change colour.

My mate and I decided to hike this mountain last Saturday since the weather was starting to get colder: signs of autumn, right? We weren't disappointed as we did see evidence of leaves changing colour.

The mountain is a smaller mountain compared to others in surrounding Daejeon. It towers at a height of 264.1m while my previous Bomunsan hike was at an astonishing 457.3m. It was a nice and relaxing hike up the mountain, and I noticed that it was a lot more rockier than Bomunsan.

When we got to the top, I got a kick out of watching an old korean man try to encourage (basically push) his grandson towards Chantelle, telling her that his grandson spoke English. His grandson was clearly unwilling to cooperate and just wanted to be left alone.....*sigh*

The HILARIOUS part of this hike was that once we decided to go back down the mountain on the other side, we discovered: stairs. Perfect dark green-coloured metal stairs that took you directly down the mountain about 3/4 of the way! However, in retrospect, we were pretty glad to have gone up the hard way because going back down the same way would have been hell. I'm pretty sure I probably would've died. I have this problem with not trusting my footing. So pretty much going down by stairs was heaven to me.

Going back down, we were constantly observing this one silly young korean couple who kept fooling around and racing down the hills, laughing as if they hadn't a care in the world...just totally absorbed in their own...don't we all miss times like that?

At the base of the mountain, we ended up walking alongside someone's farm and got to see beautiful hearty persimmon trees as well as rows and rows of green onions, cabbage, and red chili pepper plants! It was quite the colourful sight.

All in all, a lovely hike. 😊

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