Blogs from Taejon, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Taejon February 27th 2012

Ok. So the bus to Youngcheon, where I will be living for the next year or so, is leaving in like 30 minutes! So... I can't write much, but I did want to give everyone a heads up that I don't know when I'll get my Alien Registration Card, which means I don't know when I'll be able to set up phone and internet service at my new place, so you guys may not hear from me for a while. Maybe just a few days, or even as long as a month. Ugghh I hope not that long. Last night we had a closing ceremony where the program directors wished us well, and then a big farewell dinner with everything I love to eat. Even... ribs! It was great. I'll post more as soon as I ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Taejon February 25th 2012

Remember how I said I wanted to thank Mandy by taking her out to dinner? Well today was that day. It started out like any other day here. Though it was a Saturday, I braced myself for another 12 hours of classes with breaks in between only for lunch and dinner. I got to class on time (thank god, because they really keep tabs on us!), and managed to stay awake until lunch time. Lunch time came. There was curry rice, beef, kimchi (as always) and rice noodles... all things I absolutely love. After my roommate and her friend, Ronnie, scarfed down lunch, we decided to explore the area around campus for the first time. Actually, if you read my first blog, you'll know that it was technically my second time (F*#%ing cab driver!!!!). We went ... read more
My Dinner

Asia » South Korea » Taejon February 22nd 2012

I can't sleep! Jet lag is to blame, I think. And the long classes don't help, either. We have class from 9am to 12:20pm, then lunch, then classes again until 5:20pm, then dinner, then class again until 8:20pm. At least on Friday we have a field trip, so I can finally take some pictures. Yay! Also, I'm meeting Mandy on Saturday to take her out to dinner to say THANKS FOR SAVING MY LIFE. lol It'll be nice to get out of the dorm area again, I think. Maybe we will grab some pizza, which they happen to have in abundance here! That's right, I flew around the world to eat something I could have gotten at home. I have to say, though, that kimchi at every meal can be a bit overwhelming. I usually just ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Taejon February 21st 2012

Before I came here, a lot of people told me I was "brave." I shrugged it off, thinking, "What's so brave about staying in another country for a while?" Well, I think I found out today... So the flight from Austin to San Francisco was about 4 hours. I thought... not bad. In the layover time between San Fran and Korea, I got some lunch/breakfast. By the time I found a place, got my food, ate it and paid the bill, it was 15 minutes until my flight! I ran to the gate just as they were announcing that all passengers should be on board for my flight, and they were about to close the gates. I was the last to enter the plane. I was relieved, but also pumped with adrenaline, which did not help ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Taejon June 23rd 2011

my first role on stage was that of a singing angel and my last was a skanky alcoholic. ah, the sweet passing of time. i do enjoy the blinding and suffocating heat of the limelight and as a kid i had one of those damn crack pipe dreams of being an actress. ever since i saw the movie grease, i wanted to be olivia newton john and sing at my hopelessly alone reflection in a kiddie pool. throughout my educated years, i portrayed a lord of the rings fairy, mrs. cratchett, tom sawyer's sister, a soprano santa, an island native, a duck, a wench, and an overly sequined backup singer. perhaps this is what makes me the eclectic, or some may say schizophrenic, person i am today. either way, the theater changes you. once you go ... read more
bitches smiling.
bitches be crazy.
i told you all i was gangster.

Asia » South Korea » Taejon June 12th 2011

Yesterday I bought a blue trucker hat with "California 39" sparkling on the front of it. There were even two little stars. It was in this moment that I realized this was a cry for help. I was homesick and I bet you anything if there had been a bag of feces with the word California on it, I would have bought it. Thankfully, it was just a hat that went out of fashion like 10 years ago and will always be connected to Ashton Kutcher. As if that sounds any better... I'm digging into the recesses of my mind in an attempt to find a summer that I haven't spent in California. There isn't one. There was the summer of '07 when I went backpacking through Italy and Greece, but I still spent the end ... read more
san francisco
getting saucy

Asia » South Korea » Taejon November 12th 2009

I spent quite some time when I was younger visiting my extended family in Daejeon. But, back then, it was all about playing and finding friends more than traveling. As an only child, all I could think of was seeing my favorite cousins. In '93, we went to the opening of the Expo. I remember standing in lines, making faces into the camera, looking forward to rides, and seeing the biggest mosquito of my life. Still, to this day, no mosquito has ever beaten the size of the blood-sucking mutant that my older cousin splattered with his foot. In November, I took up my auntie's offer (ahem, my duty) to visit her while working in Korea. I wasn't exactly excited for the trip because I couldn't remember anything I'd ever loved about Daejeon besides my cousins. ... read more
Interior Decoration in Shaman's Apartment
Shaman's Office

Asia » South Korea » Taejon October 25th 2009

Hot air balloons. Like 'em? Cuz I sure as heck do! It was an incredible weekend of long walks along the Gapcheon River, paragliding, movies & binging, mask making, and best of all: hot air balloons. This weekend was the 6th annual Daejeon International Balloon Fiesta. It was a 3 day event filled with paragliding and hot air balloon competitions, free balloon rides, night shows, and cotton candy. On a warm Saturday afternoon, Chantelle and I walked along the Gapcheon River towards the area of Expo Park, where the event was being held. We knew we were getting closer when we started to see colourful paragliders zooming around the river. We spent a good amount of time watching paragliders attempt to successfully get off the ground, laughing when some failed (yes, we really are jerks) and ... read more
Korean navy
paragliding into the sunset

Asia » South Korea » Taejon October 23rd 2009

As a perfect follow up to my previous post about the autumn season: Today, there was a lovely performance held in the same park! Since I walked through it everyday on my way to work, in the past several days I had noticed the beginnings of people setting up some sort of stage in the middle of the park. To my delight, I realized that starting Wednesday October 21 there would be some kind of a performance for the next few days. As a result Ryan and I met up in my area of the city to partake in the audience viewing. We were not disappointed as one of the very first performances of the afternoon this Friday was a bunch of ahjummas and ahjussis playing all sorts of traditional korean drums. Their beat was so ... read more
it really IS a rich man's world
spot the lone foreigner!
lovely fall

Asia » South Korea » Taejon October 17th 2009

Finally. On a particularly cool autumn Saturday with the occasional spattering of rain, Chantelle and I finally decided to conquer Zooland...our first original exploration destination. We caught the 315 from Timeworld which led us straight to O-land. O-Land is the cumulative name for the combination of Zooland and Flowerland. We started our adventure off with riding Daejeon's infamous african safari by piling into a yellow lion-shaped bus. Seated amongst a bunch of eager children between the ages of 4-6, I was surprised at how enthusiastic I began to feel as we crowded around the windows to spot close-ups of the elephants, lions, ostriches, antelope, indonesian bengal tigers, and other assorted african safari animals. The black bears were quite amusing as they would sit up and wave their paws at the children as we passed them by. ... read more
zooland mascots
i luv giraffes!
giddy up

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