A Great Exchange

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Jongno-gu
February 9th 2014
Published: February 10th 2014
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When I got on the bus last night the bus driver recognized me from the day before .With little English he made the point that I had gotten on at Changdeokgung Palace...which was true .He then asked "discount?" Not exactly sure what he meant ,I had to think about that ...and realized that he remembered me from the day before and there is a discount if you buy a 2 day ticket ($5)so I said yes I had gone to the ticket office with his ticket and explained I hadn't known of the 2 day ticket and they did give me a second ticket for a discount.He was pleased that this had happened .

At the next stop he typed something into his Iphone (?) and showed me the translation on the screen "where had I gone yesterday" this was followed by "today"

It was a good experience played out through the drive including stops and starts .It really was bringing my Seoul touring full circle .Before my stop he typed and translated the following..

"Please care for yourself to keep safe and return"

Pretty neat eh ...


10th February 2014

You do manage to meet some interesting people.
Good for you. Interesting place? Lots to see? Lazy day here. Mass. Food. (breakfast, lunch, snacks) That seems to be all we do. Eat. Oh well we are merry too. Oh, yes, there is also drink in there. & we do that as well. So keep safe. Good advice. Anytime. love,
10th February 2014

That was a great story. The world is filled with wonderful people.
10th February 2014

That is Great
Such a good exchange, people are good and willing to help no matter where you are. I agree, keep safe and return home soon.
10th February 2014

I agree
Dear Pam, I agree with the bus driver's sentiments entirely. Safe return home. Love, Mo
10th February 2014

I agree
Thought I had sent a message but did not get the "confirm e mail message" so, it may not have reached you. Great story about the bus driver. Come home safely. Love, Mo

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