Packing ... again ...

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Jongno-gu
February 10th 2014
Published: February 10th 2014
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Five weeks ago this journey began and tomorrow it will be coming to an end...mind you it is going to be a long day . I will actually arrive in Regina 2 minutes after I leave Korea .That international date line is a curious thing . I will have time to check my messages before I leave here though ...hint hint...

My feet are sore ! I walked most of today and covered a lot of interesting ground . Seoul was designated as an International Design City a few years back . An honour it deserves .Some of the buildings individually and collectively are quite spectacular and when you add in the the traditional Hanoks and their charm it makes a great walk. I spent most of my time in what is called the Bukchon Village and the area known as Insadong...the latter is where we had gone on the tour the first day Suzanne . It is actually only a 15 minute walk from the hotel .

To keep myself fortified I had a late lunch of Samgyetang , a small chicken stuffed with ginsing root ,rice and then cooked in water to make broth/soup . Very tasty actually . It is one of the must try meals that I did enjoy .The last of my Asian meals for a while I am sure .

It has been a good trip and I am ready to go home . Looking forward to seeing you either in person or online...I so look forward to having my hotmail back.

Hope all is well


10th February 2014

You must be travelling through a port whole Pam. Lol. It sounds like you had a wonderful adventure. Yes, I use the word adventure because your trips always seem that way to me. You seem so comfortable no matter where you travel and you have no trouble connecting with people, even if you speak different languages. Have a great trip home. I look forward to seeing you.
10th February 2014

Travel safely.
You will be ready for the cold in SK after the cold & snow you experienced for the last couple of days. It is nasty there still. You will have lots of organizing of your photos & memories for the next wee while. Do you anticipate problems getting over jet lag? Sounds like your days & nights could be mixed up. Happy packing. love,
10th February 2014

Longueuil Home
You met good people again, you know how to look for them. Happy for you. Have a nice journey home, yes it is long but all you need is to be patient! Cheap Air Canada, no food from Vancouver to Montréal! Take care of your ear, I hope you are feeling better. Suzanne.
10th February 2014

God speed
Take care and I pray that your renetry into the cold Regina weather be not too awful for you. Have enjoyed your blogs and look foward to bridge at your house on the 19th. If it is too much too soon, let me know and I can host bridge. Happy tavelling day to you.... Muriel
10th February 2014

So glad you have had so many wonderful adventures. We wish you continued safe travels and we can't wait for you to be home. Love the Regina LaBelles
11th February 2014

Today I woke up rested at last after a normal night sleep. I went skating to get use to this winter weather. I washed clothes and could smell the dust of Burma and it smelled good! This evening I had a steak for dinner...and it was good! Welcome home. Suzanne.

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