What a Great City

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February 9th 2014
Published: February 9th 2014
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Krista I NEEDED a coat !

Yesterday was cold ... it snowed off and on all day and it accumulated on the ground but most of it has disappeared or been shovelled aside. It did leave icy streets this morning which I had to watch out for when I left the hotel .

As I had said I would I spent most of yesterday indoors . I bought a 2 day Seoul City Tour Bus ticket for $20 . The whole circuit takes 2 hours but it also has a hop- on hop- off feature that allows you to visit any of the 27 places/areas along the way . Way cheaper than a cab and you actually get to see where you are going unlike in the subway.So I was off.

My first stop was the National Folk Museum of Korea .Beautiful building and grounds within the complex , which seems to be the rule not the exception for public building in this city. It attempted to outline the duties and the lives of a Joseon family complete with the roles of family members , the customs they followed and the way they lived . Marriage , birth ,growth and education and "profession" one is able to attain . I am guessing that this was applicable to upper class although if one passed the government exams one could move up in the world of that time . Age is revered and 60 is celebrated as not everyone gets there. I really liked the poem that was written on the wall at this site

Like time our life speeds away

Who said 60 years were much

As clouds drift apart

our concerns scatter

As streams flow away

Friends pass by

Won Hon,Minister of Punishments

Pretty good right ... the author was a very learned and respected man but I am not sure what his Ministry entailed.

After a lunch of gyoza (Gogi Mandu) it was on to the Second stop . The National Museum of Korea . A spectacular complex completed in 2005 . It is said to have 4 km of galleries on its 3 floors that circle an open hall . It was almost overwhelming . I now know a lot about the art and the culture of Korea from 18 BC to the time of Independance .

Next stop was an area known as Itaewon ... the first designated tourist area of Seoul . Not surprising it is next door to the US Army Garrison that has been there since the 50's .As the taped guide on the bus said you are more likely to hear any language BUT Korean here . The food choices and chain stores from all over the world are centered in this area . I was full but was still tempted by the Turkish Restaurants ...I really AM tired of Asian...

The next hour I took it easy and rode the bus listening to the guide . It was good and i did build an appetite and had a Jeon , a seafood pancake ,for supper . Greasy but with napkins and meds it went down well. Can't say I loved the Kimchi though.

Today has been equally busy .Palaces ,Gardens (yes in the snow they are still beautiful ) The Museum of Contemporary Art , and the N Seoul Tower high above the city on a mountain at the Center of the city . Amazing views even though it wasn't sunny . Another good day that ended with supper at the Samarkand having Plov that was really good and a minced beef Kabob.Good food that brought back good memories .

Enough for now . Tomorrow will be my last full day here and I plan a walking tour of 2 different areas...maybe a little shopping who knows . Look forward to hearing from you .


9th February 2014

Nice visit for you in Seoul. I am living my time change, sleepy at 8 hres at night and awake at 5 hres in the morning. It is good to breath fresh air. I have nice flashes of our visit in Myanmar, it makes me happy. I saw in La Presse this morning a picture of young people doing a choreography in Seoul for a celebration of the Olympic of Sotchi, in the Gangnan
9th February 2014

Good to hear you're learning so much! I'm watching Olympics. Lots of figure skating. Saw the Lapointe sisters win gold and silver in moguls yesterday, very cool. Ron photographed the Grey Cup on Friday (and John Chick, Dennis Hull and Bobby Orr). Fun.
9th February 2014

I liked the Poem too.
Time does speed away and your adventure will provide memories for years to come. I am sure your pictures are great and hope to see them when we get together. What's another Coat, we are Ida's daughters! I have a closet full and live in Florida, this winter has been cool, rainy and damp. It has rained way to much but we are lucky in comparison to the northern states & Canada. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
9th February 2014

Your stamina - and Linda
Pam, I'm amazed at how much energy you have for getting out every day to see and experience lots of Korea! You have a strong spirit and I look forward to giving you a hug. I do understand being drawn to the Turkish food; it is so healthy and not oily. Linda's family has been keeping in touch with me, as the "co-ordinator" of information for her friends. I was with her this past Monday and Thursday - and how fortunate I was because Thursday was her last day with fully lucid albeit brief conversations. She is now very heavily sedated, thank God, as I observe her being in a lot of pain. She lifts herself off the bed due to back pain. They give her "breakthroughs" which is normal, to supplement the regular pain medication (methodone). She had visitors on Thursday and again yesterday and now her family has made the decision to limit visitors. They know that you may want to see her when you get home. So, they have asked that, if you do, please let Chelsea know (I have her number) and they will add your name to the list at Palliative Care. I have to say, at this point, I don't have much patience with people who say (as one did) "well, we all knew this was coming". It's true - and not helpful. It would be better to say - "I'm sorry Linda is gradually leaving us. She will be missed." Warmest hugs coming to you from Regina!
10th February 2014

You are not the only one with bad net problems.
We are almost as slow as dial up. Yuk! So have been avoiding using the net for the past wk or so. Too bad. Just too many people on I guess. Are you almost museum-ed out? You have sure seen a lot of them. Snow?! Not what you would have wanted. Oh, well, can't do much about weather. Just had a crepe with nuts, nutella, & kalhua. Mmm! love,

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