Blogs from Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Daejeon February 2nd 2017

David here... The first bus journey from Gyeongju to Daegu took 50 minutes and was very comfortable. Arrivals was on the 2nd floor. Ticket sales and departures were on the 3rd floor. We made our way up and found the ticket counters. While looking at the boards, which did have English on, we were approached by a gentleman in uniform who asked us if we required any assistance. We asked about onward tickets to Daejeon and he promptly led us over to the ticket counter, ordered the tickets for us, translated the sellers information and then led us to the platform gate we required. We were astounded and very appreciative of the assistance. We would've been able to figure it all out given time I'm sure, but to have some official assistance made it really easy. ... read more
Daejeon - The debris left after our visit to Howling at the Moon
Gongju - Transport bridge
Gongju - Fort Gongsanseong walls

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Gyeryong October 9th 2014

Happy Hangeul Day! We left around midnight and drove for about two and a half hours. We arrived in what felt like the middle of nowhere, after the bus driver had done his obligatory duty if getting us lost a couple of times. We were in the grounds/car park of some building. I think it was a town hall kind of thing. We set the tents up. Well I watched as I am clueless about these tings and we tried to get some sleep. It was freezing, so I just spent most of the time shivering with a couple of cat naps. We woke up around half six, some of the others had got a fire going, it was nice to stand in front of that and warm up a bit. I had a banana and ... read more
Gyeryongsan National Park
Nammaetap Pagoda

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Buyeo July 20th 2014

Off to see the lovely lotus flowers. We took the bus from Suwon to Buyeo, it was less than 15,000 won for the ticket and there is a bus pretty much every hour. The journey took two hours and we were deposited at Buyeo bus station. We bought our tickets for going home for later in the evening and we set off to explore the city. Armed with a free tourist map of the city, we headed off to check out some of the sights. Buyeo is famous because in the past, it was the home of the Baekje Dynasty. Buyeo was the capital of the Baekje Dynasty from 538-660 AD. It was known as Sabi Fortress back then. The Korean peninsula was ruled by three kingdoms in acient times, these were the Baekje Dynasty, Goguryeo ... read more
Buyeo Lotus Festival, Gungnamji Pond
Buyeo Lotus Festival, Gungnamji Pond
Buyeo Lotus Festival, Gungnamji Pond

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Taean May 31st 2014

31st May: First beach weekend of the year! We left Suwon around 10 am on the bus. The traffic was good and we arrived in Taean just before midday. We bought our return bus tickets and chilled in the Dunkin' opposite the station waiting for the others to arrive. I had the most god awful doughnut, it was meant to be a savoury one, or at least that's what the name implied. But no, it was coated in sugar, I really hate Asia's obsession with sugar at times, and they say us Westerners have a sweet tooth. We had a look around the station area for a restaurant to eat at. We couldn't find anything we liked so we headed deeper into downtown Taean. We found a pizza place and got a couple of pizzas to ... read more
Pretty Flowers

I think we left around 7:30 and we drove for a couple of hours. We arrived at Taean and headed to the beach. We went to Sambong Beach. It's a nice beach and I had been here previously, last summer when we came to Taean and Anmyeon-do. We had good weather and we spent about an hour to an hour and a half wandering along the beach. There were a few people on the beach, but it was really quite empty. We walked along the beach, looking at all the little crabs that were scurrying about, I'm sure I accidentally scrunched a few under my boots, sorry little crabbies! There were also some beautiful shells and The walk was going well, until we hit a spot of water that was flowing down the beach to the ... read more
Sambong Beach
Sambong Beach
Sambong Beach

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Daejeon November 3rd 2013

A dream come true! I finally got to visit the Hello Kitty cafe! There are a couple of Hello Kitty cafes knocking about in Korea. I thought that I would have to visit the main one in Hongdae, but on a recent trip to Daejeon, we found one there. What a lovely surprise! I am slightly obsessed with Hello Kitty! I have far too much Hello Kitty merchandise for a grown woman in her thirties, but I think this is one of the reasons I love living in Asia, it is perfectly acceptable to do so. I haven't flown Hello Kitty Air or given birth in the Hello Kitty hospital, but they are definitely on the to-do list! Hell Kitty is actually about forty, she's not looking bad for an old girl. Hello Kitty aka Kitty ... read more
Hello Kitty Cafe
Hello Kitty Cafe
Hello Kitty Cafe

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 21st 2013

Boryeong mudfest is an annual summer festival in Korea that traditionally celebrated the cosmetic benefits of the mud in the Boryeong area. Of course now it is a week long drinking festival with various mud related activities to enjoy! Boryeong is a 6-hour drive from Busan and we left at 6am on the Saturday morning on chartered buses to enjoy the weekend. Our bus turned into a party bus as we turned on the kareoke. We got our rooms sorted out in the town on arrival and hit the beach. We were expecting a mud beach but what the organisers do is truck mud in from nearby mud flats, and there wasn't a lot of it! It was watered down and poured into several 'fountains' for people to help themselves. They had left large paintbrushes for ... read more
bungee run
water fun
nore-bus fun

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Anmyeon-do July 6th 2013

6th Jul: We took the bus from Suwon bus terminal at 8:20. The bus journey was fine, and as we were all tired we tried to sleep away as much of the two hour journey as we could. The buss arrived in Taean, a little early at about 10 am. We had a bit of time to kill before Yeri picked us up, so what did we do? We headed to the massive three storey Diaso! Haha! Yeri called to tell us that she had arrived and so we headed to Dunkin' Donuts to grab a coffee and some breakie, and have a natter. We decided to head to the beach, on Anmyeondo, and spend some time there. It was only about a thirty minute drive from Taean. However we ditched that plan when we saw ... read more
Flower Festival
Flower Festival
Flower Festival

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Namhae September 28th 2012

28th Sept: Made it to Yangjae station in plenty of time. Traffic going to Seoul was fine. Stopped off for a Maccy Ds. On the bus by 11 and ready to go, however some people were stuck in traffic, so we sat on the bus and waited for them for 45 minutes. Personally I would of just left them. Once they arrived we started our journey south. The traffic was horrific, as expected at Chuseok as the whole country travels to their home towns or villages. Leaving Seoul there was a sea of red lights on the motorway as far as the eye could see. 29th Sept: The traffic seemed to ease up once we had left Seoul and then Gyeonggi province, and we started to move at a better pace. The bus was no longer ... read more
Boriam Temple
Boriam Temple
Boriam Temple

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Cheonan September 23rd 2012

Mine was a childhood fill of fun, flight, and dream. So you can imagine my joy last Saturday afternoon when I encountered a family playing with nothing more than a few sticks and having the time of their lives. I stumbled upon the family at TaejosanParkin Cheonan Si. It took me back to my own childhood, and held such a place in my heart I felt compelled to write about it. Cheonan Si is about 80kms out of Seoul. The Park itself is located at Mt Taejosan and is a popular place for families and lovers – young and old - to visit. You can take in the sculptues, sit down and watch the world go by, or stroll to your heart's content. This particular afternoon – after staring at a slightly bizarre, but brilliant set ... read more

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