Boryeong Mud Festival

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Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong
July 21st 2013
Published: August 22nd 2013
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Boryeong mudfest is an annual summer festival in Korea that traditionally celebrated the cosmetic benefits of the mud in the Boryeong area. Of course now it is a week long drinking festival with various mud related activities to enjoy!

Boryeong is a 6-hour drive from Busan and we left at 6am on the Saturday morning on chartered buses to enjoy the weekend. Our bus turned into a party bus as we turned on the kareoke. We got our rooms sorted out in the town on arrival and hit the beach. We were expecting a mud beach but what the organisers do is truck mud in from nearby mud flats, and there wasn't a lot of it! It was watered down and poured into several 'fountains' for people to help themselves. They had left large paintbrushes for us to paint ourselves, and we used the remaining scraps of mud from the ground to coat ourselves in mud and grit! We bumped into so many friends from Ulsan and Daejeon aswell as Busan crew. Conor, Deborah and I decided to line up for the 'fun zone' - an inflatable area full of slides, fun runs, and a mud prison! We queued forever to get on a bungee run and had one turn at hitting a bell in the centre before the other person. Then we didn't want to queue anymore and went to wash off in the sea. Out to sea some jets flew over in formation.

We found more friends and headed over to the stage area, where a water party was in full flow! The DJ's were pumping out tunes, dancers were shimmying and writhing beside them, hoses of water were being sprayed over us, and a canon shot out a fine mist - it was so much fun! And then it hit 6pm, the music stopped and they closed the beach and wouldn't let us back into the water.

After that we didn't really know what to do with ourselves for awhile, we had a BBQ dinner back at the pension and sat drinking outside. We heard about a fireworks show down by the beach, so headed in that direction. They were put together with a music soundtrack, which varied from dance tracks to romantic ballads a la Mariah Carey. Random but they were spectacular! After that there was a lot of street drinking about town, mostly outside convenience stores! We found some guys playing guitar doing amazing covers - we made our party there for the night.

Going to bed involved lying on a wooden floor with 12 of my friends trying to make the blankets go around - Korean pension style! The tide was too crazy for swimming the next day so we just hung around eating until the buses came back to bring us home. An incredibly fun weekend!

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