Blogs from Boryeong, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, Asia


Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 21st 2013

Boryeong mudfest is an annual summer festival in Korea that traditionally celebrated the cosmetic benefits of the mud in the Boryeong area. Of course now it is a week long drinking festival with various mud related activities to enjoy! Boryeong is a 6-hour drive from Busan and we left at 6am on the Saturday morning on chartered buses to enjoy the weekend. Our bus turned into a party bus as we turned on the kareoke. We got our rooms sorted out in the town on arrival and hit the beach. We were expecting a mud beach but what the organisers do is truck mud in from nearby mud flats, and there wasn't a lot of it! It was watered down and poured into several 'fountains' for people to help themselves. They had left large paintbrushes for ... read more
bungee run
water fun
nore-bus fun

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong November 30th 2011

Hi all, Long time no write. I've got some pictures to post at another time (read: not while I'm at work). Just want to update you that in March, I'll start a new job at a Korean School. But it's not in Korea, it's in China. I'll be moving to Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. I'm very excited, as it's a great move for several reasons. So, that's the news lately. Be well!... read more

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 19th 2011

I tried to write a coherent blog about Mudfest, the two weekend party that celebrates getting blasted in your bathing suit and smearing mud on yourself, but I soon found that the only way to describe my days at Mudfest was to let my inebriated memories take you away... ------------------------------------- I picked my poison. Vodka. Mixed with pomegranate juice in a goblet. Mary and I clinked our glasses and called ourselves squires. "Oh m'lady are you ready for the hunt? Oooh, I just LOVE fox hunts." We are so clever. We drink more...and we become even more clever. Jazz has a gun! She is hidden behind a wooden post. Theresa doesn't see her, but I do. I get caught in the crossfire. A bit annoyed to be wet. Do they think this weekend is fun and ... read more
i'll getcha
all fresh and muddy

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 24th 2010

Well when it's July you know it's time for the annual Mud Festival, and as of years past it rained while we were there. This year they doubled the size of the area and added a big stage. We tried a new place to eat at this time; they served almost the same items, mullusk. They had clams, mussels, scallops, and a few others that I don't know the names, basically you have a grill on your table and you put them on the grill; when they open just pop 'em in your mouth. Pearl and I kick it up a notch, we bring garlic butter and mozzarella cheese, we get a tin plate add the butter and cheese, and put it over the fire, when the shells open we put the juice and the meat ... read more
2010-07-24 50014
2010-07-24 80017
2010-07-24 200029

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 18th 2010

Boryeong is known for it's mud. Mud you ask? Yes, mud! And, they have an annual mudfest known worldwide to celebrate the natural qualities of their famous mud! There are also many skin products sold throughout Korea that are made using Boryeong Mud. Now, a little history on how this Mudfest came about. In order to promote the Daecheon beach area's mud, Boryeong city started a festival where they would bring in mud for people to experience for free. Somewhere along the way, some foreign teachers started to attend the festival. As it turns out, the foreign teachers love the idea of painting themselves with mud, jumping into mud pools, sliding down mud slides, and/or taking their chances with some mud wrestling. Before long, word got around that this is THE festival to attend for anyone ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 29th 2009

Hi everyone! I hope you are all well and trying to enjoy the summer despite the unfortunate bout of Toronto weather I heard about. So about two weeks ago Jonathan and I went to an EPIK reunion. It was held in Seoul at the Olympic Parktel. Olympic hotels are a little creepy minus the Olympics. We went to a performance called Jump. Its was a comedy combined with martial arts. At one point they brought Jonathan on stage and made him do some somersaults and such. I tried to film it but I was asked to stop immediately for some reason. Later that night a bunch of us went to the Zebra bar (Real name -Juju bar) that we had frequented during our orientation. It was a real full circle moment. We had a lot of ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 25th 2009

Summer is in full swing and what better way to enjoy some sun than at the beach. Annually Boryeong, some two and a half hours by train South of Seoul, holds a mud fest. Yes, an excuse for just about every westerner in South Korea to hit the beach and get silly and’s a recipe for fun! 7:40 am, excitement at an all time high and time to taxi to the train station. We got lucky that our seasoned mud festing mates organised us train tickets so that we weren’t subjected to a gruelling 6 hour bus ride! Getting to the station was proving to be a little challenging though cause Megum is a little quiet at that time of the morning, in fact we had to knock on the window of a snoozing ajoshie ... read more
Welcome to boryeaong's Daechan Beach
Hayley and I
andrea and I

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 20th 2009

Well this is the third year that we have gone to the "Boryeong - Mud Festival", last year I did not take any pictures because when we went a Typhoon hit the cost. This year it rained so hard the first weekend, it is monsoon season now, so we went on the last weekend, although it did not rain the entire day, it was very very windy. But it was still very fun seeing everybody covered in mud we also ate lunch at our favorite restaurant, it is a shell fish joint with a hole in the middle of your table were the put charcoal, a screen goes over it so you can cook your shell fish, we got mostly claims about eight scallops, this is an All-you-can-eat, we had four helpings, we brought our own ... read more
2009-07-18 100011
2009-07-18 1070108
2009-07-18 200021

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 14th 2009

Months ago, things started popping up on facebook like, “Korean Mudfestival 1 friend is a fan.” More recently I’ve had conversations like, “Do you know mud festival? Very famous in Korea.” Even more importantly, sandwiched between Turkey’s Camel Wrestling Festival and the UK’s Cheese Rolling Festival, the Boryeong Mud Festival ranks 3rd on a London newspaper’s list of the url= ‘World’s Weirdest Festivals.’ I’m also proud to mention that the Testy Fest in Montana made the same list at number fourteen; I know the ridiculousness of that place too well, so we can only imagine what kind of sillyness Korean has in store for their version of the world’s weirdest! The Boryeong Mud Festival is an annual bash that takes place every summer fo... read more
The center flags
Kiddy slide
Yeah... get in there

Asia » South Korea » Chungcheongnam-do » Boryeong July 19th 2008

A travel book I read on the plane told about a Canadian soldier who had experienced Korea during the Korean War as nothing but lots of mud. What he did not have in mind, of course, is the Boryeong Mud Festival. The Boryeong Mud Festival has become justly famous for its somewhat wilder side, especially with the American GI's there on the last weekend. This year there is also an all night RAVE. There are lots of good pictures on the web of Americans looking silly, but they mostly seem to be having lots of fun haming it up for the Korea photographers. They are great pictures. But I feel that the pictures which are shown on the web are somewhat unrepresentative. For example, there are a lot of Koreans doing the mud thing during the ... read more

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