Blogs from Central, Ghana, Africa


Africa » Ghana » Central » Ankwanda July 11th 2023

Ankwanda The ordinary seaside town has nothing to offer tourists other than the fabulous Beach House hotel, owned by Ghanaians living abroad. The bus driver missed our stop and dropped us off 12km away at 5pm. We hadn’t gotten any exercise all day, so we walked to Ankwanda. About half was on a dirt road toward the sea and the other half on the beach at sunset. We arrived just after dark. It really was Peggy's idea to walk, though probably only to impress me. Beach House Ankwanda towers over the town and the view from the delicious rooftop restaurant illustrates the contrast between two worlds - the locals and the tourists. But the town does benefit through its staff - local kids who climb the palms to get coconuts for guests (are we complicit in ... read more
View from the castle pulpit.
Condemned Room

Africa » Ghana » Central November 2nd 2016

Jamestown is the oldest part of Accra where the British set up their first encampment. Today it is a poor, chaotic fishing village within a bustling city. Ladies preserve fish by smoking them and then sell the fish in the street. The heat and the smells are challenging. There are beaches in Ghana, long sandy beaches pounded by Atlantic waves. But there are few beach resorts and few tourists. We stay in one resort which is a little rundown but run well by smiling, helpful staff. We sleep to the sound of the surf. There are also slave castles on the coast, established by the British, French and Portuguese. Walking round the places where slaves were interred, processed and shipped out is chilling. Africans capturing their fellow natives for money. Europeans shipping them out for money ... read more
Fishing boats
King of Ashanti
Voting poster

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast July 1st 2016

Ghana. A wonderful Special place that I've been to. You cannot beat the weather, beat the attractions off the beaten path. Very spectacular. And eveyrone should put Africa on their travel list or their bucket list just to see what it's like to live and travel to Africa because it's not the same as traveling and living in the USA. A town of wonderful animals as well as looks like a real safarai that's so different than you normally see on television. This is almost simliar to the Caribbean Islands. Everyone should check out the safaris and the animals in Ghana. Those features are what make Ghana a possibility. That what makes this place very interesting. If you notice, the Africa Continent is almost simliar to the Caribbean Region I've dominated in my travels. The two ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Elmina October 17th 2014

International Airports are so comfortingly alike in their customs and procedures, always, reassuringly, involving a passport, a queue and, invariably, a bit of a panic and, with all these elements in place, I was welcomed into Accra. Readying myself for the ‘wave of heat’ that I had been assured would hit me once I exited the terminal, I was surprised and, admittedly, a little disappointed by the muggy, sticky drizzle that darkened the unfamiliar sky; the pacifying sound of rain jarringly juxtaposed with unknown surroundings and the hum of an unfamiliar tongue. “Madam Olivia!” I heard my name called from deep within the crowd. “Madam Olivia!” I heard again, the voice full of warmth and kindness. After having met just once before in the UK, Seth had become a true friend; a fellow teacher, in the ... read more
photo 2

Africa » Ghana » Central March 19th 2014

It’s taken me to five days to recover, but here it is; my first observations of this wonderful place. I arrived in Accra, Ghana after a 27 hour trip from Australia via Dubai with few hitches beyond the usual travel niggles. United Arab Emirates Airlines were great as usual. Kotoka International Airport could not be more different to any I have experienced before – either in Africa or in Western world. For a start, my fingerprints were taken as part of the customs and immigration clearing process. Joseph was professional and most polite about his job, but I still found it an affront to my personal identity. It was a great way however to start my adventure however. Driving in Johannesburg is scary, but driving in Accra is like progressing from the usual rollercoaster ride to ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast February 16th 2014

In my first blog I forgot to write about the language. English is widely spoken, since Ghana was a British colony. Besides, the country has MANY different languages but the most spoken language is "Akan". I left Accra and went to Cape Coast. Getting there was an ordeal! Benjamin went with me so I could take the tro-tro (local small bus) to the Cape Coast station and from there continue to Cape Coast. First the buses wouldn’t pass, or they were full. And it was warm! Then I finally got into the tro-tro to the station. Here I needed to walk just a little bit to go where the buses depart from. The station is as chaotic as it gets, pffff! Once I found the Cape Coast bus, I bought a ticket, paid extra for my ... read more
Making boats in the beach in Elmina
A local woman in Elmina

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast December 28th 2013

After another great night’s sleep, we woke up a little earlier so we could hit the road. We had big plans for the day. First, breakfast. Rosemary, Frank, Alex, and I walked to a shop down the street for rice. While we were waiting for our food, some other guys walked up and started chatting in a local language. Alex sidled up along me and told me they were talking about me. “If I had her, I’d never work a day in my life. I bet she’s a billionaire!” This is a fairly common perception held about obrunis- everyone from America is loaded. While we were eating, Frank told me what the men were saying as well. He said he could barely hold his tongue, he was so mad while they were talking. All that stuff ... read more
Alex Waiting for Breakfast
Jesse Sees Frank

Africa » Ghana » Central » Cape Coast December 28th 2013

Here are some more photos from our time it Kakum.... read more
It's very green here!
Checking out Frank

Africa » Ghana » Central October 21st 2013

This girl!!! Actually, it's really not that bad all things considered. I spiked a fever on Saturday after writing that last blog entry and basically felt like I had the flu by 9am, so I went to the clinic to get some bloodwork done. I suspected that I had typhoid, but it was a bit of a surprise that I have malaria as well. I actually consider myself fortunate- typhoid is pretty easy to treat and diagnose, but malaria comes on very abruptly and often with little warning. If I hadn't been symptomatic of typhoid then I probably wouldn't have gone to get a blood test and would have diagnosed my malaria much later. I was also lucky in the sense that I got to write my own lab test (and avoid the 3hour long triage ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Central » Winneba October 19th 2013

I can't believe it's already Saturday again!!! The days here are so long but the weeks fly by. Last Sunday, brook, one of the other volunteers here wasn't feeling so hot. We all have gotten on and off sick with GI bugs here and there, but she actually spiked a fever so we decided to go to the clinic. Sundays are days of worship here- mass on Sunday typically goes from 9am to 1 or 2 pm and is basically a giant party- lots of singing and dancing. I wish church was like that at home! Anyways, because it was Sunday there was only one nurse, a friend of ours named Francisca, working the clinic. She didn't have access to the medications and the lab was closed, so we had no way of getting brook a ... read more

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